Riley Gaines / Joe Rogan

LOL. You don't care about men in womens restrooms... Wow. We definitely aren't the same. I think we should protect women and children... I guess that is just far right extremism now.
Oh good god. Kind of like the Riley chick, if you stuck to fair sportsmanship on this issue you’d have more credibility. Instead you all fall back to the sexual predator take….lowest common denominator kind of stuff
Oh good god. Kind of like the Riley chick, if you stuck to fair sportsmanship on this issue you’d have more credibility. Instead you all fall back to the sexual predator take….lowest common denominator kind of stuff

Common denominator. Jesus Christ, who the Hell are you people?

That you dgaf about women being extremely distressed when forced to share a locker room with a man walking around with a hardon (fact) does not mean it is no longer an issue. Neither is the reeducation training forced upon them.

It shows your shameless degeneration into depravity and proves you don't care about women. That's where we are.

Riley Gaines was on Joe Rogan yesterday and did a phenominal job. Very articulate and very smart. Say what you will about Mitch Barnhart but she makes it very clear how supportive and helpful he was during her time at UK. However, she doesn't speak too highly of the academic side of UK (shocker). Great listen.

If you're a fan of University of Kentucky Athletics, you're a fan of Riley Gains. Wish we still had sports journalists covering the Cats that had the balls to give her air time. Don't know how, but China has snipped Every last one.
Just curious. Is anyone in here friends with a trans person?
Not friends but work aquaintenance. She, and yea I still consider her a girl, with a beard no less, is a chick where I work that has taken hormone treatments to look masculine. Changed her name. Nice person. New her a little there before she went full facial hair. Never gave any thought.

I mean she doesn't look like to the rest of the ppl working there what she thinks she does. No one considers her a dude. Just a chick whose became hairier and wear's wraps obviously to squeeze her ta ta's in. It's, just different, to everyone else. But literally no one is mean to her. Most ppl, like meself, just talks to her like anyone else just ignoring the other.

For the record....she still walks in the girls bathroom
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Of course you’re going to type that though. You’re her target demographic.

People get all mad about this topic. I can’t judge them. To me, even talking about pronouns, arguing about them, or giving this issue more importance than it deserves is the problem. GOPers have used sexuality to dupe voters for decades. I dont see how this is any different.

The problem is democrats using sexuality to dupe children. Voters are at least adults. It’s a gating issue to be a democrat in Washington these days. A Supreme Court Justice refused to even define a woman for fear of losing democrat support.

Most people aren’t “mad” about “this topic”. They’re concerned with mental illness sweeping our country, and mad at people who celebrate mental illness as courage, rather than treating it like the disease it is.

I’ve said it before, but if we can’t agree with rare, rare exception there are men, women and mentally ill people, we aren’t going to agree on anything.

Your refusal to accept reality or define a woman leaves me with no other conclusion than any of your thoughts on GDP, economy, etc. would be grounded in nonsense with no basis in reality.
Ah, you are more interested in telling the world what you think. Cool. I thought you were going to type something different.

My point is, which is 100% accurate, is that if this broad wants credibility beyond the MAGAers and everyday pundit Republicans, conflating every other issue with this issue just makes her lose credibility / notoriety on the issue she is pushing. You can disagree with that, but that's how public perception works. Opportunity missed.

Also, this chick is 100% trying to parlay this into a political run. It's blatantly obvious. And she might even be the 2912nd Republican to be elected on sexuality culture wars. Just like Gov. Ron.

I bet it works this time. Let's see how it plays out.

This an avoidance take. It’s actually YOU who is conflating her other opinions to avoid admitting she is right on the one main issue. Not her. Her point is not any less credible because YOU disagree with her on other issues. You want to avoid the legitimacy of her take, which in other contexts some would say you don’t get a voice, because you are male, by attacking her on issues you admit are not relevant.
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Of course you’re going to type that though. You’re her target demographic.

People get all mad about this topic. I can’t judge them. To me, even talking about pronouns, arguing about them, or giving this issue more importance than it deserves is the problem. GOPers have used sexuality to dupe voters for decades. I dont see how this is any different.

Follow Nightwish the Hall Monitor’s opinion, just don’t think about. Go back to HOB and avoid the issue, because it only harms a few people not named you.

There. Problems solved.
I want to say yes just to trigger you and to live up to the liberal boogie man you’ve created.

I am for preventing inflation, GDP growth, avoiding a global war, and for the state of Kentucky fostering a pro growth environment. I don’t care about this issue. Priority #9382 in my list of cares. Sorry to disappoint you

“I don’t care about this issue. But, oddly, I care a great deal about other people caring about this issue.”

- Hall Monitor in training.
If you're a fan of University of Kentucky Athletics, you're a fan of Riley Gains. Wish we still had sports journalists covering the Cats that had the balls to give her air time. Don't know how, but China has snipped Every last one.

Fear of the Woke Patriarchy.
Most people aren’t “mad” about “this topic”. They’re concerned with mental illness sweeping our country, and mad at people who celebrate mental illness as courage, rather than treating it like the disease it is.
Said it once and I'll say it again - you once said you wished the guy who broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and hit her husband in the head with a hammer had "finished the job." Please don't talk of mental illness and pretend you're a moral compass here when you're so eaten up by politics that you wish a politician's husband had been murdered.
Why does it matter if people who have a strong opinion on a certain type of person have ever met and spent time talking to those people? That's your question?

I know you think you answered the question, but you did not. I know two friends, both in their 20s, one male and one female, who decided they wanted to live lives as the opposite sex. Neither compete in sports and, if they did, what would it matter? Their opinions as trans people don’t impact the realities of this issue one bit. So, again, why does it matter?
Why does it matter if people who have a strong opinion on a certain type of person have ever met and spent time talking to those people? That's your question?

I don’t have strong opinions on transvestites, but do have very strong opinions on anyone who wants to ruin sports for girls, stock children’s libraries with adult content, force women to share locker rooms with grown men, etc. Have certainly met some of them.
Just curious. Is anyone in here friends with a trans person?
I actually am and know parents struggling with their kids and trans issues. It's why Im extremely hesitant to get on a pedestal about it. Not going to type anything I wouldn't say to their faces.

I think sports is a dicier subject. Again, it’s not one I’m passionate about either way.

More broadly, live and let live though.
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@Bill Cosby a trans person is not the same thing as a transvestite. This is why learning about this stuff and talking to people with these lived experiences matters. It might not change your opinion, but it might help you nuance what's true and what's false.

I hate when people generalize about people from Kentucky when they don't really know us, and I would bet most people in this thread agree on that on either side of this topic. There's always something to learn from being exposed to one another's lives.
@Bill Cosby a trans person is not the same thing as a transvestite. This is why learning about this stuff and talking to people with these lived experiences matters. It might not change your opinion, but it might help you nuance what's true and what's false.

I hate when people generalize about people from Kentucky when they don't really know us, and I would bet most people in this thread agree on that on either side of this topic. There's always something to learn from being exposed to one another's lives.
Man you sure spend a ton of time on a thread you wanted removed.
@Bill Cosby a trans person is not the same thing as a transvestite. This is why learning about this stuff and talking to people with these lived experiences matters. It might not change your opinion, but it might help you nuance what's true and what's false.

I hate when people generalize about people from Kentucky when they don't really know us, and I would bet most people in this thread agree on that on either side of this topic. There's always something to learn from being exposed to one another's lives.

Oh, ok. My mistake.

I really don’t care, but am semi curious as to when these new terms for varying degrees of sexual fetishes and mental illnesses started making their way into frequent use.
Oh, ok. My mistake.

I really don’t care, but am semi curious as to when these new terms for varying degrees of sexual fetishes and mental illnesses started making their way into frequent use.
Curiosity is a great place to start and to approach things we don't understand. Accounts of trans and non-binary people go back as far as ancient history. The modern terms for the different delineations of gender go back to the 1950s. A lot of modern social science and psychology began to evolve in the 20th Century for whatever reason.
I actually am and know parents struggling with their kids and trans issues. It's why Im extremely hesitant to get on a pedestal about it. Not going to type anything I wouldn't say to their faces.

I think sports is a dicier subject. Again, it’s not one I’m passionate about either way.

More broadly, live and let live though.

But that's NOT your approach. You want to turn the world upside down and negatively affect the lives of all women and children to force your twisted idea on society.

Men in women's sports, Jesus Christ, you're all nuts.

Swinging dicks in women's locker rooms, meh, who cares. You'd like to make it a religious issue, but it doesn't take a Bible thumper to say you're sick AF.

Puberty blockers and sex changes for kids, and in the name of "science". Bullshit. Even woke Great Britain recently banned prescribing puberty blockers after acknowledging the extreme damage it's causing to children. Duh. And the life-long devastation caused by those lucrative mutilation surgeries are finally being challenged in court!

Look, Gender Dysphoria is a rare condition and it is real, but now that it's been politicized and glamorized, every kid who can't fit in socially wants to be a magical unicorn with glitter shooting out their ass. But you don't care about that. Think. Reason. Question before emotionally jumping off the leftist cliff. There is a cost to society that you won't acknowledge and you own it.

You don't want to help trans people. Maybe you think you do, but what you're doing is victimizing them and building outrage to solidify the democrat base of social justice warriors, which is the only kind of policies your twisted, destructive party has.
Then take an actual stab at answering my question. How is knowing a trans person relevant to whether a biological man should compete in women’s sports?
I already answered it. Having strong feelings about a trans person's existence, identity, place in sports, or anything else would definitely benefit from having a personal experience with someone who's actually living through that. That should be pretty obvious. I've pointed out a basic factual misconception someone in here had because they didn't have the knowledge.

I have a good friend who's trans and I have learned a ton from them about what life can be like, what their personal growth has been like, what transitioning was like and how they felt along the way. I can't believe I'd have to actually explain to someone why knowing someone was important towards having an opinion on them.
But that's NOT your approach. You want to turn the world upside down and negatively affect the lives of all women and children to force your twisted idea on society.

Men in women's sports, Jesus Christ, you're all nuts.

Swinging dicks in women's locker rooms, meh, who cares. You'd like to make it a religious issue, but it doesn't take a Bible thumper to say you're sick AF.

Puberty blockers and sex changes for kids, and in the name of "science". Bullshit. Even woke Great Britain recently banned prescribing puberty blockers after acknowledging the extreme damage it's causing to children. Duh. And the life-long devastation caused by those lucrative mutilation surgeries are finally being challenged in court!

Look, Gender Dysphoria is a rare condition and it is real, but now that it's been politicized and glamorized, every kid who can't fit in socially wants to be a magical unicorn with glitter shooting out their ass. But you don't care about that. Think. Reason. Question before emotionally jumping off the leftist cliff. There is a cost to society that you won't acknowledge and you own it.

You don't want to help trans people. Maybe you think you do, but what you're doing is victimizing them and building outrage to solidify the democrat base of social justice warriors, which is the only kind of policies your twisted, destructive party has.
I don’t really care what you think tbh.
I already answered it. Having strong feelings about a trans person's existence, identity, place in sports, or anything else would definitely benefit from having a personal experience with someone who's actually living through that. That should be pretty obvious. I've pointed out a basic factual misconception someone in here had because they didn't have the knowledge.

I have a good friend who's trans and I have learned a ton from them about what life can be like, what their personal growth has been like, what transitioning was like and how they felt along the way. I can't believe I'd have to actually explain to someone why knowing someone was important towards having an opinion on them.

Knowing trans people does not change the facts.

Classic liberalism used to want freedom for people so long as their freedoms do not infringe upon the freedoms of others. While I hate to see how dysmorphia can ruin relationships, I want people to live the lives they want to live. But, when Lia Thomas’s freedom negatively impacts women swimmers’ rights and freedoms, it does not matter if Thomas is otherwise a likable person.

Getting to know Thomas won’t change the facts. He has an unfair advantage when competing against women. I know a lot of biological women and understand how this impacts them. His personal desires don’t outweigh the desires of biological women who work hard to compete in a sport.

Your question has no relevance to the issue Riley raised.
Also, I am not sure I want to know the man who dresses as a woman, but wants to expose his penis in the women’s locker room.
Knowing trans people does not change the facts.

Classic liberalism used to want freedom for people so long as their freedoms do not infringe upon the freedoms of others. While I hate to see how dysmorphia can ruin relationships, I want people to live the lives they want to live. But, when Lia Thomas’s freedom negatively impacts women swimmers’ rights and freedoms, it does not matter if Thomas is otherwise a likable person.

Getting to know Thomas won’t change the facts. He has an unfair advantage when competing against women. I know a lot of biological women and understand how this impacts them. His personal desires don’t outweigh the desires of biological women who work hard to compete in a sport.

Your question has no relevance to the issue Riley raised.
But everything you're saying is coming from an ADMITTED position of ignorance.