Rhianna Half Time Show

People like PQ always crack me up. Never met a different race until college, but is an expert. Reminds me of a coworker dude from Delaware that tried to drop race literature during the Breonna Taylor riots on our front desk….lmao

Quit overcompensating- people are people. They can dislike Rihanna’s performance for reasons other than being old and white.😂
People like PQ always crack me up. Never met a different race until college, but is an expert. Reminds me of a coworker dude from Delaware that tried to drop race literature during the Breonna Taylor riots on our front desk….lmao

Quit overcompensating- people are people. They can dislike Rihanna’s performance for reasons other than being old and white.😂

I’m 41 years old. I got some lived experience that goes beyond my raising. Sorry you don’t.

But anyway…yeah old white man by far are the ones who bitch, whine and moan about shit like this.

Like I said if the music isn’t your thing that’s fine. But calling out someone who by any metric is talented and successful seems weird as **** to me and it seems to always comes from the usual suspects.
There you go again…😂. Sounds very inexperienced. Sorry you have that guilt in your heart of living in a backwards town…catspause posts won’t make up for it.

Your assumption that my experience growing up was unique is your problem.
Your assumption that my experience growing up was unique is your problem.
No - the problem is you assume everyone grew up that way and that you are somehow a rarely enlightened one. You interjected a racial element to a halftime performance critique thread 😂

I assure you, Rihanna does not need your protection or defense.

I didn’t see a minority in person until I was 18…I must make up for that and be their knight in shining armor in all threads KY RIVALS!
On the few times I could actually see Rhianna she definitely still had baby fat on that belly. Still hot AF but I almost went blind trying to watch with that neon background matching the neon bee keeping outfits.
Super Bowl performances with collabs usually get bonus points. Rihanna not having TI, Jay Z, Eminem, Drake or even the more popish Maroon 5/Calvin Harris on the show to add a different element hurt. Also likely hurt that Kanye went batshit crazy and removed another potential collaborator.

She’s got some good stuff. This wasn’t good.
Stay mad buddy. Don’t really give a ****.

This bored is full of old, angry white men like yourself.

Your assumption that my experience growing up was unique is your problem.
Why are you here, then?

I grew up in the largest, most diverse city in this state, and went to a large and very diverse high school. You're a racist idiot.
1. Loved it. Great overall performance. Some of her hits are fire.

2. She's very underrated. Makes catchy hits, isn't running her mouth, stays out of the headlines. Stays to herself. I think first big performance in like 6 years or something.

3. She ain't got a forehead, she's got a fivehead!

4. I'd still smash. She's a classic example of a mediocre looking girl who is now "hot" because she's famous. Go watch that "Work" music video though..

5. I loved the choreography. The dancers were great and had their work cut out for them.

6. I liked that she did this pregnant. I hated all the woke pro-woman BS.. but at the same time I liked that a female artist didn't have to overly sexualize the performance. RiRi went up there with a baby bump, said "**** how I look", and I think that's a great example for young girls.
Stay mad buddy. Don’t really give a ****.

This bored is full of old, angry white men like yourself.
Speaking of angry...people give their opion of a NO TALENT and you start throwing the R word around. She may be successful but rap still sucks and isn't music. Don't give a damn who's doing it! Listen to some Motown and Righteous Brothers...the best that ever did it!
None of them suck. All talented.

But they don’t get the outrage by old white men that black performers do doing the Halftime Show.
Lol so ridiculous and such a white savior BS statement. Newsflash, pop receives hate. It’s that simple. That’s the way it is.

Last year’s show? Awesome. This year? Meh. Alright.
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1. Loved it. Great overall performance. Some of her hits are fire.

2. She's very underrated. Makes catchy hits, isn't running her mouth, stays out of the headlines. Stays to herself. I think first big performance in like 6 years or something.

3. She ain't got a forehead, she's got a fivehead!

4. I'd still smash. She's a classic example of a mediocre looking girl who is now "hot" because she's famous. Go watch that "Work" music video though..

5. I loved the choreography. The dancers were great and had their work cut out for them.

6. I liked that she did this pregnant. I hated all the woke pro-woman BS.. but at the same time I liked that a female artist didn't have to overly sexualize the performance. RiRi went up there with a baby bump, said "**** how I look", and I think that's a great example for young girls.
She’s very outspoken politically. Said some nasty stuff about Trump as well. But she is talented, and this PQ is just a racist virtue signaling waste of space.
1. Loved it. Great overall performance. Some of her hits are fire.

2. She's very underrated. Makes catchy hits, isn't running her mouth, stays out of the headlines. Stays to herself. I think first big performance in like 6 years or something.

3. She ain't got a forehead, she's got a fivehead!

4. I'd still smash. She's a classic example of a mediocre looking girl who is now "hot" because she's famous. Go watch that "Work" music video though..

5. I loved the choreography. The dancers were great and had their work cut out for them.

6. I liked that she did this pregnant. I hated all the woke pro-woman BS.. but at the same time I liked that a female artist didn't have to overly sexualize the performance. RiRi went up there with a baby bump, said "**** how I look", and I think that's a great example for young girls.
I liked her in the movie Battleship. Thought she was smokin hot. Did not care for the halftime show but...
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