Question for Towles supporters. Not sarcastic at all.

I turn 30 in November. Stop sounding like my father.

Brian buddy you're just a good ole pumper. Nothing really wrong with that, but you argue too much to be one. Just pump baby.

In this sport, I'd run circles around you, and I'm sure already have. You don't have like it.

But gotta run I'll respond to your propaganda later. Btw, tell us again what paper your wrote for? Was it a magazine? Isn't that your "sporting accomplishment". You're a desk jock dude. Quit calling people out for things you do routinely. Stop being your hypocritical self. We both know you've never played college ball, and we both know you've never coached. Yea, I can point that out while you come with tons and tons of "desk jock" opinions. 8th grade football was a loot time ago. Back to the typewriter for you.
How about responding to mine. What kind of moron would transfer, then sit out a year to possibly be the starting QB when, in the same time period, he will be the starting QB at his home state school, and in the SEC. Your arguments are absurd and you tend to cover them with abject arrogance. So, please answer my question, what actual benefit would Barker ( a QB you've never seen play at this level) receive by transferring. My answer is it wouldn't benefit him at all. Since you are 30 and understand all things football, please enlighten the ignorant masses.

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