Whoah?! Way to go overboard.
The following I pulled just from a Google search so it's not perfect but it should help prove the point.
This illustration isn't perfect but it kinda shows you the difference between accuracy and consistency (precision). Towles hits the bullseye part of the time, he barely misses the perfect pass part of the time, and occasionally he has one that it well off the mark. That's high accuracy but low precision/consistency.
And it is reasonable to expect improvement from a QB who's started 15 games, however how much were you expecting? If you were expecting it to rain Manning style all-over the field then of course you're upset. If you take into account that there are tons of sophs running poor routes and dropping balls.......when you take into account a new (but similar) OC.....when you take into account the o-line is still a work in progress.....when you take into account inconsistent RB pass protection......and a QB who is inconsistent.....then you lower your expectations.
It's going to be a roller-coaster year. There are going to be times when we really look good on offense and at times when it's just gonna be ugly. Playing experience, practice, and time are the keys to resolving inconsistency. Think of when we had Hartline as QB all those yrs. As a freshman.....bad. Sophomore......bad. Junior.....so-so. Senior.....whoah, didn't expect decent play.
History tells us that Towles will improve over the next yr or two. Just as guys like Baker won't drop surefire passes (which are deflected for INT's or in the endzone) like he did against Florida. The o-line will better at opening holes for the running game or in pass protection.
It's just really hard to improve rapidly when everyone else around you is trying to do the same thing.