Putting my dog to sleep

been through this a few times over the years and it is not easy to carry out but it is your duty to your beloved pet.

like many have said above, go into the room and snuggle and love them as they get the shots. your pets are only a part of your life, but to your pets you are 100% their life.

after the process is over, grieve but only briefly for a life well lived and then get another one. do not fall prey to the position of "i can't get another one because they will die someday too". give of yourself to another dog and make their life a part of yours.

good luck
One of my bigger regrets was following dad's lead with our childhood dog and pussing out from going back in the room with her. She didn't deserve that, no matter how badly we felt for ourselves. Never again, especially when you know they give you everything they have everyday.

When we put my wife's dog down, I was going to go along with what she decided after. I thought it would be years before she would want another one.

A couple weeks later and we were back out looking for another. Found him and he's the best pup ever. I'm tearing up at the thought of having to part with him one day.

Earlier this year, we got another one so he could have a playmate. She's a GD terrorist and going through a recovery of blowing her knee out. But, for all the challenges she provides, her moments of sweetness melt your heart.

If you can remember that it will never be harder than those last moments with them then I think it's easier to see why you should find another one to fall in love with. These pups need us and judging by the comments ITT, we need them, too. You're potentially getting an absolute best of a best friend for a decade or longer and no matter how awful it is to let them go, you both improved each other's lives. IMO, worth it.
I've done it twice. They definitely know when they are dying and they don't want to be here anymore. That's when you have to step it, and its the right thing. Doesn't make it any less brutal. My Irish Setter needed it done on the day of my dad's funeral and my wife talked me out of it. We did it the next day.
My GF and I are having to put our 14 year old Cocker Spaniel to sleep tomorrow. She is having a very hard time with it. It was her dog long before she and I started our relationship. I’ve never been through this and I don’t know how to cope myself let alone help her. People who have been through this, what helped you with the grief and constant doubt that you are doing the right thing?

I’m sorry you had to go through this. I had to put down my Moms (and mine) cocker last June. And coming up on the one year mark hurts like hell. I miss her. They’re are family. And it hurts like hell when they have to go. They take such big pieces of our hearts with them.

It does get “easier”. But I went through about 6 months of crippling depression. I would look around the empty house and go “Well. Now what?” But some days are still tough. Especially coming up on the one year mark. Wounds are reopened.

I’m sorry for you and your GFs loss. It’s ok to hurt. As I loved my dog more than a lot of people. She set by my side during the entirely of my Moms visitation. She spent so many hours keeping my Mom company while I was at work didn’t feel right to not have her there. But when she had to go, it was just me who acknowledged her passing. I was going to bury her, but the thought of her not being inside where she loved to sit wi5 me made me change y mind and had her cremated. She can now go with me if I move and is by the TV where we would sit and watch Cats games.

It gets easier man. But sucks is the only word for it. And don’t let ANYONE trivialize your loss. And it’s ok to not be ok for awhile.

Hugs to you.
I appreciate all the kind words and advice. Rocky crossed the rainbow bridge around 1 pm. He enjoyed snuggles, pets, and chicken nuggets all morning and til the very end. I sure am going to miss the little guy. He was my buddy and wanted to be with me wherever I was. It’s going to suck to not have him following me. Thanks again everyone.
Ah man. I still look for mine every now and then to round the corner of the house. Opening the back door is still something that bothers me. Because that would always bring her running.
A lot of the grieving gets supplanted by anger when you receive the vets bill.

prayers dude. Dogs are family. They give their all to love the pack.

Distinctly remember this as we had to put our English Bulldog down (still to this day one of the toughest decisions to make). They come in and give him the shot and he peacefully goes to sleep...after we grieve over him for 20-30 minutes they take him away and not more than 5 minutes they walk in with a credit card machine to take payment...I'm literally wiping tears away punching in my PIN #.
I mean, I know they gotta get paid, but jeez how about a little respect...
definitely be there with your dog. I was so young when we got our first dog I don't even remember getting him. I just have a picture of my brother and I playing with him the night we got him, I was probably 2. He died when I was in 8th grade. We left him in the laundry room while we went out for the day. We came home and he was lying dead in his bed. I still remember my mom crying and saying over and over "he died all alone".