POLL: Is there a God ??

Is there a God ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 202 76.5%
  • No

    Votes: 62 23.5%

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My God is the God of all the Abrahamic religions and my religious views align more with Thomas Jefferson’s.

Thats all I care to say on that subject.
My point is that each and every faith, including the "Abrahamic" religions, inherently contradict each other. Each and every one. Only one can be right.

So when you originally said that you don't proclaim your God is the truth or only one, that implies, to me at least, that you think there can be multiple ways or "truths," which inherently is impossible. I could just be misreading though...
Atheists sure spend a lot of time and effort worrying about, scorning, ridiculing others, over something that they don't believe in.

All the while, engaging in their OWN faith based religion. One that is every bit as dogmatic and intolerant as the ones they criticize. IOW, they're people. They're not inherently smarter or more sophisticated. They just THINK they are (talk about faith-based LOL)
You project paranoia.
Reprinted without permission:

Maybe you've heard of Erwin McManus. He's a best selling Christian author. He's also the lead pastor of Mosaic Church in Southern California. Years ago when he and his wife Kim moved to Southern California, she kept telling him how she just really wanted to be on the game show The Price is Right. And he's like, "Okay." But then she got actually secured an invitation to go on the show. And so now he wants to support her, so he goes along with her.
Now, maybe you know this, that on that game show, you sit in the audience. It doesn't mean you're a contestant just because you got an invitation. You sit in the audience, and then if your name gets drawn and called, now you get to run down like a crazy person like they do. And guess what? Kim's name got called. So she runs down to the front and leaves Erwin sitting there with a blank seat next to him. But then on the other side of that seat, a young woman. Now, all of this happened about 10 to 15 years ago. And I say that because I'm going to tell you that this person, this woman, was from Russia. And I don't want that to be distraction for you. But she was from Russia, had a really strong accent as Erwin began to develop this conversation with her.
And she asked, or he asks her all of those questions that you ask when you meet someone. Where are you from? And she tells him that she was born and raised in Russia. And then just a handful of years ago, she had ended up moving to New York City. She had the opportunity to do so, and so she did. And then, more circumstances ensued, and she ended up being on the opposite coast. She ended up moving to Southern California, and here she is. And then she begins to turn it around and ask Erwin the same questions. Where are you from, and so on. And Erwin tells her, "I'm from El Salvador, Central America. And at some point my family and I, when I was a kid, we ended up on a boat to Florida. We lived there for a while. I ended up going to college as a young man, and through a campus life program, I got to find out about this person, Jesus, and everything changed for me."
And he begins to light up as he tells her about this Jesus who loves him, and how so many things happened in his college career that were unexplainable, except that God was in them, and in pursuit of him, that not only did he become a follower of Jesus, he became a pastor. And she kind of got this look on her face, and kind of turned a little bit in her seat and said, "Yeah, you know, I don't know if I buy all this truth about Jesus stuff. And anyway, if this God is who you're describing him to be, and if you're saying he loves me, then I would think he would be in pursuit of me. I'd think he'd be going out of his way to make sure that I could hear the truth about who he is."
And Erwin responds like this. "Let's think about this for just a minute. You were born and raised in Russia, and ended up, through various circumstances, moving to New York City, and then more circumstances brought you to Southern California. I was born in El Salvador, ended up on a boat with my family to Florida, ended up in college, meeting Jesus, and he transformed my life. I became a pastor. And now we're sitting next to each other on a game show with some time to kill, and you don't think that Jesus is in pursuit of you. I think he is unavoidably showing his great love for you right now."
Reprinted without permission:

Maybe you've heard of Erwin McManus. He's a best selling Christian author. He's also the lead pastor of Mosaic Church in Southern California. Years ago when he and his wife Kim moved to Southern California, she kept telling him how she just really wanted to be on the game show The Price is Right. And he's like, "Okay." But then she got actually secured an invitation to go on the show. And so now he wants to support her, so he goes along with her.
Now, maybe you know this, that on that game show, you sit in the audience. It doesn't mean you're a contestant just because you got an invitation. You sit in the audience, and then if your name gets drawn and called, now you get to run down like a crazy person like they do. And guess what? Kim's name got called. So she runs down to the front and leaves Erwin sitting there with a blank seat next to him. But then on the other side of that seat, a young woman. Now, all of this happened about 10 to 15 years ago. And I say that because I'm going to tell you that this person, this woman, was from Russia. And I don't want that to be distraction for you. But she was from Russia, had a really strong accent as Erwin began to develop this conversation with her.
And she asked, or he asks her all of those questions that you ask when you meet someone. Where are you from? And she tells him that she was born and raised in Russia. And then just a handful of years ago, she had ended up moving to New York City. She had the opportunity to do so, and so she did. And then, more circumstances ensued, and she ended up being on the opposite coast. She ended up moving to Southern California, and here she is. And then she begins to turn it around and ask Erwin the same questions. Where are you from, and so on. And Erwin tells her, "I'm from El Salvador, Central America. And at some point my family and I, when I was a kid, we ended up on a boat to Florida. We lived there for a while. I ended up going to college as a young man, and through a campus life program, I got to find out about this person, Jesus, and everything changed for me."
And he begins to light up as he tells her about this Jesus who loves him, and how so many things happened in his college career that were unexplainable, except that God was in them, and in pursuit of him, that not only did he become a follower of Jesus, he became a pastor. And she kind of got this look on her face, and kind of turned a little bit in her seat and said, "Yeah, you know, I don't know if I buy all this truth about Jesus stuff. And anyway, if this God is who you're describing him to be, and if you're saying he loves me, then I would think he would be in pursuit of me. I'd think he'd be going out of his way to make sure that I could hear the truth about who he is."
And Erwin responds like this. "Let's think about this for just a minute. You were born and raised in Russia, and ended up, through various circumstances, moving to New York City, and then more circumstances brought you to Southern California. I was born in El Salvador, ended up on a boat with my family to Florida, ended up in college, meeting Jesus, and he transformed my life. I became a pastor. And now we're sitting next to each other on a game show with some time to kill, and you don't think that Jesus is in pursuit of you. I think he is unavoidably showing his great love for you right now."
Great story...I love hearing the stories about how people came to a believing faith in Jesus' work on the cross.

They are all so unique, and each one is different in its own right. From childhood to teenage years, or from college to early adult life, or from mid-life to retirement years, or right at the end of their life. So many different ways people have accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Awesome hearing how God is working in people's lives all across the globe.
My point is that each and every faith, including the "Abrahamic" religions, inherently contradict each other. Each and every one. Only one can be right.

So when you originally said that you don't proclaim your God is the truth or only one, that implies, to me at least, that you think there can be multiple ways or "truths," which inherently is impossible. I could just be misreading though...
My point is that each and every faith, including the "Abrahamic" religions, inherently contradict each other. Each and every one. Only one can be right.

Or none can be right.
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“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.” Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭18‬-‭25‬ ‭ESV