POLL: Is there a God ??

Is there a God ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 214 76.7%
  • No

    Votes: 65 23.3%

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There may be holy books that are not included in the Bible, but how does Rogue pick and choose what is fact and what he can ignore in scripture?

And, what did Jesus mean when he said, " I am the way, the truth, and the light, nobody can come to my Father except through me?” Is that quote you believe or reject?

We have very old manuscripts and many of them to demonstrate the accuracy of scripture as it existed. So, we don’t have to act as if it has been bastardized. The word is available.
The same as the way the also mere men picked them back whenever they touch they felt like picking them pal. You’re just going by what other men decided to pick, how’s mine any different?

There are plenty of very old manuscripts that also say that people like Mary’s book should have been in but she wasn’t basically because men didn’t want to give that power to a women. It’s obvious Jesus liked her as much if not more than the disciples whose books are all in it for the most part.

There are more books as well I’m happy to talk to you about.

I just don’t think the King James Version or New Testament or Old Testament or Quran or Torah or any of the ones “picked” to be gospel weren’t heavily influenced by using the ones that benefited them the most.

I mean, John writes in his own book repeatedly that Jesus loved him the most. We just going to take John’s word that Jesus loved him the most?
The same as the way the also mere men picked them back whenever they touch they felt like picking them pal. You’re just going by what other men decided to pick, how’s mine any different?

There are plenty of very old manuscripts that also say that people like Mary’s book should have been in but she wasn’t basically because men didn’t want to give that power to a women. It’s obvious Jesus liked her as much if not more than the disciples whose books are all in it for the most part.

There are more books as well I’m happy to talk to you about.

I just don’t think the King James Version or New Testament or Old Testament or Quran or Torah or any of the ones “picked” to be gospel weren’t heavily influenced by using the ones that benefited them the most.

I mean, John writes in his own book repeatedly that Jesus loved him the most. We just going to take John’s word that Jesus loved him the most?

I think you misunderstood, while I don't think that most credible theologians put much stock in the book of Mary, I am willing to admit there may be more inspired writings than just those of the Bible. If you don’t trust the creation of the Bible, then you have a unique religion that you call Christianity, but is unique to you has you pick and choose what you think is inspired and what you think is not. This shows from your declarations about God.

Do you do the same thing with the Gospels? That is why I asked what did Jesus mean when he said, " I am the way, the truth, and the light, nobody can come to my Father except through me?” Is that quote you believe or reject?

And, what do you think Jesus was saying, if anything; about hell when he told this parable?

““There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house— for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭16‬:‭19‬-‭31‬ ‭ESV
I think you misunderstood, while I don't think that most credible theologians put much stock in the book of Mary, I am willing to admit there may be more inspired writings than just those of the Bible. If you don’t trust the creation of the Bible, then you have a unique religion that you call Christianity, but is unique to you has you pick and choose what you think is inspired and what you think is not. This shows from your declarations about God.

Do you do the same thing with the Gospels? That is why I asked what did Jesus mean when he said, " I am the way, the truth, and the light, nobody can come to my Father except through me?” Is that quote you believe or reject?

And, what do you think Jesus was saying, if anything; about hell when he told this parable?

““There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’ And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house— for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭16‬:‭19‬-‭31‬ ‭ESV
I think the Bible was put together by men that had hidden or unhidden agendas. Now God may have wanted it to be put together that way, fair enough, but I also thinks he gives free will, therefore that would mean men could assemble the Bible in however they chose that benefit them while in power more.

My interpretation of God and the Bible are they were given to us as best as he could by God and the Bible or any holy book is a guide, not a set in stone one way only type deal.

I honestly don’t think people are immediately doomed to hell for not believing if they’re good people. Some very smart and good people never find that light in the Bible, that wouldn’t doom them to hell, maybe a second shot (reincarnation), I’m sure there are other contingencies when we die that we’ll never know until after.

I am very very open to Muhammad and others being prophets sent to earth to guide different people at different times to the same place.

It shows, to me, that is very probable with most religions all having the same basic crux of morality and rules.

And I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, that’s just my faith and I love it and practice daily.

At the same time there’s no need to convince me of anything, as others’ personal journeys are not mine and we can never understand other people’s thoughts and brains completely as we haven’t lived their life.
I think the Bible was put together by men that had hidden or unhidden agendas. Now God may have wanted it to be put together that way, fair enough, but I also thinks he gives free will, therefore that would mean men could assemble the Bible in however they chose that benefit them while in power more.

My interpretation of God and the Bible are they were given to us as best as he could by God and the Bible or any holy book is a guide, not a set in stone one way only type deal.

I honestly don’t think people are immediately doomed to hell for not believing if they’re good people. Some very smart and good people never find that light in the Bible, that wouldn’t doom them to hell, maybe a second shot (reincarnation), I’m sure there are other contingencies when we die that we’ll never know until after.

I am very very open to Muhammad and others being prophets sent to earth to guide different people at different times to the same place.

It shows, to me, that is very probable with most religions all having the same basic crux of morality and rules.

And I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, that’s just my faith and I love it and practice daily.

At the same time there’s no need to convince me of anything, as others’ personal journeys are not mine and we can never understand other people’s thoughts and brains completely as we haven’t lived their life.

Your faith is your faith, it just seems like you pick and choose what you like and reject what you don’t. Some might say when we do that, we are being God, kind of like the story of Adam and Eve.
Your faith is your faith, it just seems like you pick and choose what you like and reject what you don’t. Some might say when we do that, we are being God, kind of like the story of Adam and Eve.
You’ve allowed other men to pick and choose for you already, in my opinion. And I don’t believe all their reasons for choosing what they did were true and honest to the intent of the formation of the Bible.

When someone says “x is the true and only way to God” I feel like they’re not trying to help save souls but gain followers, money, power, etc.

I think that you can find salvation in many of the different religions.

Do you think Jesus, the man that turns the other cheek, would also think, “if you pick anyway but this specific way, even though they have the same tenants and values and worship a God as all powerful and creator of the earth, the same basic back stories of how they received the message and worship a God as all powerful and creator of the earth, but you missed a couple little things so touch you for eternity in damnation”?

I don’t.

I also think if you honestly believe that everyone but your way is damned you’re likely a very, very, egotistical and self-aggrandizing person.

If your small little, know nothing, worthless self (all of us) thinks you’re so great and important to mankind that you found the one and only true way to God and everyone else is going to hell well, you must feel pretty important, huh.
You’ve allowed other men to pick and choose for you already, in my opinion. And I don’t believe all their reasons for choosing what they did were true and honest to the intent of the formation of the Bible.

When someone says “x is the true and only way to God” I feel like they’re not trying to help save souls but gain followers, money, power, etc.

I think that you can find salvation in many of the different religions.

Do you think Jesus, the man that turns the other cheek, would also think, “if you pick anyway but this specific way, even though they have the same tenants and values and worship a God as all powerful and creator of the earth, the same basic back stories of how they received the message and worship a God as all powerful and creator of the earth, but you missed a couple little things so touch you for eternity in damnation”?

I don’t.

I also think if you honestly believe that everyone but your way is damned you’re likely a very, very, egotistical and self-aggrandizing person.

If your small little, know nothing, worthless self (all of us) thinks you’re so great and important to mankind that you found the one and only true way to God and everyone else is going to hell well, you must feel pretty important, huh.

You don’t like judgment. Yet, you judge others for their beliefs.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. You like that word, but you evidently don’t like the fact that He is the way, the truth, the conduit to God. By the way, study his “turn the other cheek” comment. It basically is telling us don’t give in to returning the same kind of ugliness, but it is not passive. It invites the slapper to be shamed. Same as carrying the pack a second mile.

You conclude that there is not a God who has given us an insight into himself, but rather that there is a God who has concluded that all ways are ways to Him. He judges. Not me. If you are right, who will contest. If you are wrong, however, you are the one who leads people away from the truth by suggesting all ways are true.

You have applied Rogue’s conclusions about what is good and what is bad determine who God is. Again, return to Adam and Eve. That is the biblical original sin.
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No doubt. I would 100% agree with that.

Specifically relating to Christianity, I could most definitely be wrong. But as I have stated numerous times in this thread, there is just way too much evidence for me to not have faith in Christ's work on the cross, and what that means eternally for me.

If compared to other religions, Christianity has exponentially more evidence to support what Christians believe. For me, it is easy to dismiss the beliefs/core messaging of other world religions, as none of them have close to the amount of historical evidence to support the claims for their deity, when compared to Christianity.

Second, taking the "religious" aspect out of the equation, there is no way all of this came from nothing. To me it is a logical impossibility. Something cannot come from nothing. I look around everyday, and there is not one thing that I see where I think, wow, that definitely came from nothing.

Anyways, appreciate your post.
Second, taking the "religious" aspect out of the equation, there is no way all of this came from nothing. To me it is a logical impossibility. Something cannot come from nothing. I look around everyday, and there is not one thing that I see where I think, wow, that definitely came from nothing.

It certainly is very difficult to wrap one’s head around the notion of something coming from nothing.

Tell us again where the invisible man in the sky came from? And then, how that invisible man created 200 billion galaxies?

It certainly is very difficult to wrap one’s head around the notion of something coming from nothing.

Tell us again where the invisible man in the sky came from? And then, how that invisible man created 200 billion galaxies?


Snark aside, because all Ohio offers is snark with very little substance, this is a funny post. Funny, because Ohio cannot explain how matter, space, and time sprung into existence from nothing, but still desires to take a substance-void poke at believers. This from atheists who collectively used to believe the universe was eternal and infinite until science proved them wrong. 😆
It certainly is very difficult to wrap one’s head around the notion of something coming from nothing.

Tell us again where the invisible man in the sky came from? And then, how that invisible man created 200 billion galaxies?

Well I think we both know that exercise has been done ad nauseum in this thread. There is nothing else I am going to say that you haven't heard in this thread alone.

I will say, in order to be God, He has to be eternal. He must be outside of time, matter, and space, in order to create said time, matter, and space. If He wasn't, I sure as heck wouldn't waste my time worshipping Him.

Lastly, I look at Jesus' life on Earth, and the historical evidence for his life, crucifixion, and resurrection (something that has been covered a million times in this thread). Again, if I thought the historical evidence and eyewitness testimony of Jesus' death and resurrection was weak and lacked the necessary historical evidence to support the claims reasonably, I wouldn't put my faith in His death for my sins, or His subsequent resurrection conquering death.
Well I think we both know that exercise has been done ad nauseum in this thread. There is nothing else I am going to say that you haven't heard in this thread alone.

I will say, in order to be God, He has to be eternal. He must be outside of time, matter, and space, in order to create said time, matter, and space. If He wasn't, I sure as heck wouldn't waste my time worshipping Him.

Lastly, I look at Jesus' life on Earth, and the historical evidence for his life, crucifixion, and resurrection (something that has been covered a million times in this thread). Again, if I thought the historical evidence and eyewitness testimony of Jesus' death and resurrection was weak and lacked the necessary historical evidence to support the claims reasonably, I wouldn't put my faith in His death for my sins, or His subsequent resurrection conquering death.

So, the invisible man created time, space and matter from nothing? Which proves your previous statement that something can’t come from nothing to be false.
So, the invisible man created time, space and matter from nothing? Which proves your previous statement that something can’t come from nothing to be false.
God is eternal. He is not nothing.

Anyways, Christianity depends solely upon Jesus' death and resurrection. Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either."

Paul gets it.
God is eternal. He is not nothing.

Anyways, Christianity depends solely upon Jesus' death and resurrection. Paul says it best in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15: "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either."

Paul gets it.

You described your invisible friend as existing outside time, space and matter. That describes something that does not exist.

Again, I asked how your invisible friend created time, space and matter? Did he wave his magic wand, and POOF? If that happened then your assertion that something cannot come from nothing is incorrect.
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You described your invisible friend as existing outside time, space and matter. That describes something that does not exist.

Again, I asked how your invisible friend created time, space and matter? Did he wave his magic wand, and POOF? If that happened then your assertion that something cannot come from nothing is incorrect.
God is spiritual in nature. He is not a material being.

Existing outside of time, matter, and space does not mean God=nothing.
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God is spiritual in nature. He is not a material being.

Existing outside of time, matter, and space does not mean God=nothing.

A third time! You have asserted that the invisible man created time, space and matter. You previously asserted that time, space and matter cannot come from nothing. One of your two assertions must be false. Which one?
A third time! You have asserted that the invisible man created time, space and matter. You previously asserted that time, space and matter cannot come from nothing. One of your two assertions must be false. Which one?
You are the one asserting that a spiritual God equals nothing.

Anyways, you can keep focusing on God the Father (which is fine), but if I were you, I would focus your time on Jesus, who is actually God in the flesh. The available evidence, as I have already stated, is reasonable enough for me to have faith in Christ.

You seem to be looking for an argument, which I am not going to entertain. I merely responded to your post saying that I agreed with and appreciated the fact that all evidence must be considered when making a determination.
You are the one asserting that a spiritual God equals nothing.

Anyways, you can keep focusing on God the Father (which is fine), but if I were you, I would focus your time on Jesus, who is actually God in the flesh. The available evidence, as I have already stated, is reasonable enough for me to have faith in Christ.

You seem to be looking for an argument, which I am not going to entertain. I merely responded to your post saying that I agreed with and appreciated the fact that all evidence must be considered when making a determination.

Not looking for an argument. Looking for an answer to my question.

You said that something cannot come from nothing. Then you said that your favorite god created time, space and matter. How did he do that, given your position that something cannot come from nothing?
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Not looking for an argument. Looking for an answer to my question.

You said that something cannot come from nothing. Then you said that your favorite god created time, space and matter. How did he do that, given your position that something cannot come from nothing?
This will be my last response. An eternal God that has always existed created time, matter, and space. They did not exist until God created them. God is the something that created them. If no God exists, they came from nothing. They just popped into existence perfectly with no intelligent design.

Genesis Ch 1 gives a very clear picture of the creation story. I would read that if you are confused with Christianity's position. Have a good one!
This will be my last response. An eternal God that has always existed created time, matter, and space. They did not exist until God created them. God is the something that created them. If no God exists, they came from nothing. They just popped into existence perfectly with no intelligent design.

Genesis Ch 1 gives a very clear picture of the creation story. I would read that if you are confused with Christianity's position. Have a good one!

Thank you for the answer to a question I didn’t ask.

I’ll assume by your many ducks and dodges then that you admit that something CAN come from nothing, contrary to your previous assertion. And you believe that an invisible man created 200 billion galaxies from nothing. “Let there be galaxies”, and the galaxies appeared.
Not looking for an argument. Looking for an answer to my question.

You said that something cannot come from nothing. Then you said that your favorite god created time, space and matter. How did he do that, given your position that something cannot come from nothing?

Thank you for the answer to a question I didn’t ask.

I’ll assume by your many ducks and dodges then that you admit that something CAN come from nothing, contrary to your previous assertion. And you believe that an invisible man created 200 billion galaxies from nothing. “Let there be galaxies”, and the galaxies appeared.

I think you are finally starting to see what I explained to you atheists earlier in the thread: namely, believing in a Universe not caused by God is decidedly less rational than believing in God.

God does not require a cause, for if He did, then he would not be God. If the Universe had a beginning, and it did have beginning to a very high degree of mathematical and scientific certainty, then that mandates a cause. That cause then in turn demands an explanation for its own cause IF AND ONLY IF that cause was NOT God, an omnipotent prime mover outside of spacetime.
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This will be my last response. An eternal God that has always existed created time, matter, and space. They did not exist until God created them. God is the something that created them. If no God exists, they came from nothing. They just popped into existence perfectly with no intelligent design.

Genesis Ch 1 gives a very clear picture of the creation story. I would read that if you are confused with Christianity's position. Have a good one!

I think you are finally starting to see what I explained to you atheists earlier in the thread: namely, believing in a Universe not caused by God is decidedly less rational than believing in God.

God does not require a cause, for if He did, then he would not be God. If the Universe had a beginning, and it did have beginning to a very high degree of mathematical and scientific certainty, then that mandates a cause. That cause then in turn demands an explanation for its own cause IF AND ONLY IF that cause was NOT God, an omnipotent prime mover outside of spacetime.

Good responses. It is Ohio who has worked his way into an unexplainable position. Physics explains something for which he can only have faith. The universe, all space, time, and matter, exploded into existence without a cause that exists outside of time, space, and matter according to his comments and questions. It takes a lot of faith in “nothing” and the unknown to accept science’s explanation without accepting the possibility of a Creator not bound by time, space, or matter.

Ohio has no explanation. No atheist does. It just is. Everything from nothing.
For me it's not so much something came from nothing, it just doesn't seem conceivable that the complexity and creativeness of everything could come from nothing.
The multiverse is an unscientific theory created in the name of science that attempts to explain the truly incredible “coincidences” science has revealed that emphasize the unlikelihood of life.
It seems odd to me that people would somehow think that the creator of time, space, and matter would be beholden to time, space, and matter. Science suggests that there was a “moment” (hard to avoid our temporal constrictions) when time, space, and matter did not exist.

Scripture clearly states that God is spirit. Jesus goes further to suggest that our spirit must be connected to God’s spirit for us to experience His kingdom, that existence that exceeds time, space, and matter. I have never taken a poll, but the idea that we are more than matter, but that there is a spirit aspect to our existence is something I feel many people feel is true. If we are spirit + matter, how is it hard to think that the creator of matter, not beholden to his creation, would be spirit, as scripture states?
Interesting thought here … are politics replacing religion for many ??

Probably true for a lot of ppl.

I let my faith inform my political leaning, not the other way around.

And to be honest, Biden and Trump, or the vast majority of politicians, only care about your vote to stay in position/power. They don't care about you, personally. The amount of time people are willing to argue about candidates that don't care about you has always been mind boggling to me.
Probably true for a lot of ppl.

I let my faith inform my political leaning, not the other way around.

And to be honest, Biden and Trump, or the vast majority of politicians, only care about your vote to stay in position/power. They don't care about you, personally. The amount of time people are willing to argue about candidates that don't care about you has always been mind boggling to me.

Even more boggling to me is how people lock in on who they want as POTUS, and at the same time have no idea who their local politicians are. The local mayors, commissioners, school board members, sheriffs have a bigger impact on daily lives than whichever old geezer sits in the Oval Office.

Anyways…there are still no gods.
Even more boggling to me is how people lock in on who they want as POTUS, and at the same time have no idea who their local politicians are. The local mayors, commissioners, school board members, sheriffs have a bigger impact on daily lives than whichever old geezer sits in the Oval Office.

It once was fashionable to pretend local government played the bigger role. State government had a return to its power with the SCt’s overturning of Roe, but federal government in this era negatively impacts people as much or more than any local government. On the local level, you can have more impact with your voice as a voter. The federal government effs with you and unless you represent a big swampy interest, you have very little say.
Interesting thought here … are politics replacing religion for many ??

Yes. I personally know a few in both cults that can’t have a conversation for more than 15 seconds without interjecting politics, just like some religious nuts can’t go 15 seconds without threatening a non-nut with hell.
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Yes. I personally know a few in both cults that can’t have a conversation for more than 15 seconds without interjecting politics, just like some religious nuts can’t go 15 seconds without threatening a non-nut with hell.

You certainly hang with some extreme people. 😮
Interesting thought here … are politics replacing religion for many ??

I do not know if the fact that you found an interesting thought in that link is flattering to your thought process, but I do know that the link and the paradoxical take therein has very little, if anything, to do with this thread. Probably best you take that to the politics thread where political partisanship is the actual topic. Here, it just reeks of bait. Again.
You certainly hang with some extreme people. 😮

You know the type. Most of the people I know who do this are former colleagues of both persuasions who I wouldn’t exactly choose to hang out with if we weren’t paid to be at the same place at the same time, if that makes sense.

Me: Hello, ____, how are you doing? Haven’t seen you in a while. Hope the family is doing well!

Them: I’m OK. Would be a lot better if it weren’t for Biden/Trump (insert random thing that has nothing to do with politics here).

Me: OK, then. Have a good one!.
I do not know if the fact that you found an interesting thought in that link is flattering to your thought process, but I do know that the link and the paradoxical take therein has very little, if anything, to do with this thread. Probably best you take that to the politics thread where political partisanship is the actual topic. Here, it just reeks of bait. Again.
You are correct, good point. It is probably better-suited for the Political Thread. I will post it over there.
As I've stated here before, I do not bait, only share. After all, I thought that was the purpose of this board. I try to post in what I perceive as the spirit of the board ... simply to share and discuss.
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You are correct, good point. It is probably better-suited for the Political Thread. I will post it over there.
As I've stated here before, I do not bait, only share. After all, I thought that was the purpose of this board. I try to post in what I perceive as the spirit of the board ... simply to share and discuss.

I can only deduct the purpose of this board. That purpose does not deny that some use the board to bait. The post was a political one and is best served, IMO, in the political thread.
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Snark aside, because all Ohio offers is snark with very little substance, this is a funny post. Funny, because Ohio cannot explain how matter, space, and time sprung into existence from nothing, but still desires to take a substance-void poke at believers. This from atheists who collectively used to believe the universe was eternal and infinite until science proved them wrong. 😆
It doesn't have to be from nothing. Every bit of matter that exists always has. That's way more believable than a deity always existing and making everything.