Atheists discussing the existence of God love to move the subject away from abiogenesis, the improbability of life, the mysteries of the Big Bang, and the evidence of design, because it demonstrates where their beliefs demand faith from others. So you don’t believe in the Christian God and think Jesus literally changed the world without being God or without knowing the one true God. Okay, but the idea of God’s existence is not limited to that faithful belief.
Why should anyone choose the atheist faith? It has no moral certainties, so morality moves as people deem. The good news … and the bad … is that your morality is as correct as anyone else’s morality (thankfully for you, it is founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, so you do live in a pretty safe place). So, the atheist has a girlfriend, but he also actively and unabashedly objectifies an d pursues other women. Atheists love that! No problem. Use her or him and then move along, your satisfaction is paramount.
It has no hope, so if your life is sucking … well, find yourself a community of atheists and be uplifted by the belief that this is all there is and when you die you, it’s over!! Slavery? There is no atheist foundation for the abolition of slavery, that is why communism is based upon getting rid of God and why Christians led the abolition of slavery in the West.
Be an atheist. But, do not act as if your faith is more righteous than others’ faith. And, don’t pretend you are the moral ones. But, then, honesty is not an atheist virtue. How could it be?