Believing in Christ, or any other God requires faith. Faith in something you cannot see, hear, feel, touch, or even fully understand. Likewise, believing there is no God, requires just as much if not more faith; faith in more than 1 in a centillion odds of enough random events happening for life and civilization to exist. People say that science disproves the existence of God. Many of us think science actually proves the existence of God, that God and science are not an either-or preposition, but rather that God (the creator) created and uses science to create. People cite scientific theories as proof there is not God. But a theory does not prove or disprove anything, a theory provides a rational possible explanation of how something could have or may have happened. This is why/how there are lots of scientists in every dicsipline who believe in a God. Can they all be right in which set of theological beliefs are correct? No, not when many have at least some contradictions, even though they may agree much more than disagree. That doesn't mean one/some of them aren't correct. People say there is no God because of the bad (even horrible) actions that some (too many) who claim to be of certain religions. That same kind of logic is where Kentuckians got the stigma of being dumb, uneducated, cousin-marrying, ect... hillbillies. Or pick any other stereotype. There are bad people who deceive to get themselves into positions of power (whether political power, financial power, or religious power), but that does not mean all are like that or even support those deceivers. And there are good people who make mistakes/bad-choices. But most religions also promote forgiveness, because no one is perfect.