I've been chewing on this post for a while, so here goes.
I have considered myself a Christian since the time I understood what that was. Was baptized in my early teens, did the whole youth group thing, young adults, choir, etc. Still attend church in fact, although not as regularly as I have in the past.
Would not go so far as to say 'there is NO God' yet. The explanation of Deist is pretty close. There's something there. But who know what this thing we call God is? I believe the teachings that are attributed to Jesus are fundamentally what the world needs; i.e. love your neighbor as yourself, take care of each other, help the sick and the poor, etc.
Overall I have no problems with Christians, Muslims, Jewish folks, etc, but individually I can find flaws and hypocrisy within certain people that can sour things for the people they're supposed to lead.
The supernatural part of it all is what I'm finding issue with as I grow older and learn more about the world around me. The likelihood of a heaven, and especially a hell, just doesn't seem to jive with me any longer. The great reward of eternity seems like a nice idea but it's so foreign a concept to me now, I can't go for it. It's a nice thought and if my friends and family still believe it, then that's cool with me.
The Bible and the history of it being written, added to, and subtracted from, is in my opinion, flawed. We'll probably never know what was actually said and done in antiquity by the heroes and villains of the Bible, because it has been touched by regular ol' men. The same side-eye most of us would give the Book of Mormon can be applied to most any part of the Bible. A story about people that was passed down for generations, perhaps for good, maybe for bad. It could be the inspired Word of God, but it just as likely could be a way of molding the people and civilizations around the authors.
I don't believe religion is one big conspiracy. I know some friends who wholeheartedly believe the literal translation of the Bible and would go to their death defending it. I believe my pastor truly believes it all and is not out for a money grab.
I'm just not that person anymore. Do I wish I were? Maybe.
So why, Mr. MGGA, do you even go to church? I love the fellowship. I love corporate singing. I love the feeling I get when someone who truly believes gives their testimony or gets baptized. I love how the act of being a Christ follower has changed people's life completely for the better.
Anonymously posting this on a sports message board under a made up name is not brave of me. I'm a coward and a hypocrite and I own it. So I'll go along to get along. For the most part (read that again) Christ's teachings are solid and can make the world a better place. That's where I am.
I don't know what's going to happen when I die. I'm just pretty sure it suddenly won't be my problem anymore.
It's also pretty damn cool that I can write these things without fear of being truly persecuted either for believing or not. Thanks, the USA, and Go Cats.