I would tell you this as a believer...if you read the entire Bible (which is incredibly long), 99.9% of it is filled with stories about God's grace, mercy, forgiveness, goodness, and love for humanity.
I look at the totality of God's Word, not just individual stories here and there, to form my overall opinion on the kind of God that he is.
For instance, I don't like the idea of hell at all. It is tough to know a place exists like that that non believers will have to be in for eternity. I also know that God hates sin, and in His infinite wisdom, that's how He chooses to hold those accountable who won't take His free gift of grace (in the form of Jesus on the cross) which makes up for that sin. And to be honest, lots of "Christians" can be the worst with not realizing how much God hates sin. They just use God as a fire insurance policy, but in reality don't want a true relationship with Him, and they will be held fully accountable for that.
With all that being said, I choose to rest in God's goodness, which is evident ad nauseum all over His Word. Just my thoughts.