Other 'gods' require you to do something for them, like Islam is essentially about submitting yourself completely to allah, being his slave, then he may or may not reward you. Hinduism is essentially about working your way to rejoining some god, where you achieve a state of moksha, enlightenment where you returh to that god and dissolve into it. Buddhism is about understanding and following Buddha's philosophy to achieve peace in this life etc.
That's nothing like accepting Jesus, whom the Believer has a personal relationship with by grace, who is the only way, the truth and the life.
I wasn't raised in a Christian family, but I was raised in the west. If I had my druthers, and God was just some al la carte religion I picked, it wouldn't have been Christianity. I disagreed with it on fundamental levels, thought many of the same ideas expressed here and by other atheists. I was however never antagonistic or hostile toward the "idea."
I simply thought it was something people chose to believe in out of convenience, to help them live their lives through its struggles and the social aspect, and I never really saw any difference growing up between a professed believer and not. I recognized though later that it brought people some demonstrable value to their lives, but I never thoguht it, or any other religion for that matter, was for me.
IN other words, I was never a seeker, bu itt was something akin to looking for your car keys for 30 minutes only to realize they were in your pocket the whole time. There was never really an "option," just wasted time. The keys were always they were.