Why should it be ended? According to whom? You?I’d be okay if we could just stop the very top from taking loans on unrealized gains. They can live exuberantly, and purchase many different modes of income, all the while paying very little in taxes because of the loans that are available to them alone.
If I want to borrow (risk) against my property, who are you to say I am not allowed to?
And it's not a "loophole," the Elizabeth Warren, "Warren Buffett pays less tax than his secratary!" is nonsense too: a red herring, a bold faced lie.
When they were poorer.I am sure that they are, but can they not use stock as collateral for super friendly business loans? Which get even better the bigger the loan?
We do plenty to appeal to business owners, like tax breaks and tax incentives. This loophole of buy borrow die needs to be ended.
The good Lord has blessed me with more than I ever deserved. Taking out huge loans to build 500 million dollar yachts should not be caveat free. I’m not trying to steal anything. I just like to envision a world and financial structure closer suburban America 1980’s than the current model.