Here is what I know about Nov 1 2024 and Nov 1 2020.
Nov 1 2020, I was closed down at the mall (due to covid in May 2020) and they did not reopen the food court. Still paying bills from expenses then. I do not blame Trump for that. I blame the social experiment that locked down this country, that started the whole censorship of disagreeing with those that wanted people to sit at home. All of that came from the democrat/socialist thinktank. It was done to see what we as a people would allow to have happen to us. Heck they found out that most of the cattle (people) lined up in the shoot and was waiting for the bullet.
I have worked for a company in Cincinnati for 21 years, also in 2019 opened my company which was intended for my retirement (I do not believe in quit working). It was so I would not have to drive from Winchester ky to Cincinnati every day. I was only a couple months away from quitting my day job. We were really starting to make a name for our company and starting to make some money. Now 4 years later, I am still paying those bills, paying bills at my house, have large credit card debt, have to help with my mother in law as much as I can for he to make it and am just about ready for the poor house. I am seriously thinking about selling one house and moving all of us in the same house. The past 4 years is not acceptable. I do not feel safe any longer. I actually got my protective devices (see how I did that), out of storage (where they have been for 15 years), cleaned them, got them ready in case someone was to try to do bodily hard to my family or our way of life. The boarder crap that the left has caused is not right. Now we have states that do not require a form of ID to vote. Total crap. Same states you have to provide ID to get a drivers license or fishing license, hunting license, Drink, go into bars, buy cigs and so forth.
Economy is so poor that customers are not buying anything right now. They are all waiting to see what happens in this election, has not happened since Obama first run.
If all of this makes you vote democrat again then you must like the way things are going. That is your right.
Me I am for no censorship, no woke culture, if I say marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman and you do not believe me that if fine but do not try to make my religion try to include you so you feel good about yourself. If I say Biden is no longer fit to be president do not try to cancel me. He is not fit. If I say covid was nothing more than a new strand of a bad flu and you do not agree that is fine, but again do not censor me. My beliefs are mine (you are not allowed in my mind and soul to imprint your views on me), so allow me to state what I believe. That is not misinformation Too much crap going on in this country. We are not France, we are no Germany, Norway and so forth. We have the right to speak. I do not try to stop the left hate speech of republicans. I just say my views and move on.
It is OK to disagree. It is not OK to demonize another for their views.
This small rant is over. Sorry.