How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I'm telling you, it has to be written by a gay guy who is convinced this is what straight guys are like outside of California. I'm surprised he didn't make the black guy wear a durag.

"Hello straight American men, I like to drink a Miller Lite while sittin on my pickup truck after a long day of anal sex, I mean men work and that's why I'm voting for a woman!"

The 4 reasons Harris is losing.​

The first is Harris herself. She is simply not a very good candidate. She lacks confidence and is seemingly terrified to take any unrehearsed or unvetted policy questions. This liability is not a surprise to those who follow politics closely, but is a new concern for a number of voters....

The second reason Harris is slipping is the Biden-Harris administration’s record. It is weighing her down, dragging her down.....

Third, we come to the same issue that ultimately ended the presidential campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: It’s virtually impossible to run against a “cult of personality,” which is what Trump has going for him.....

Finally, we have the issue that the Democratic operatives I spoke with believe is the most devastating for Harris: the old “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” question. The problem for Harris is that potentially millions of Americans within the Democrats’ core constituencies not only believe they were better off four years ago, but think that they and their families are being crushed now by the Biden-Harris policies and failures....

The 4 reasons Harris is losing.​

The first is Harris herself. She is simply not a very good candidate. She lacks confidence and is seemingly terrified to take any unrehearsed or unvetted policy questions. This liability is not a surprise to those who follow politics closely, but is a new concern for a number of voters....

The second reason Harris is slipping is the Biden-Harris administration’s record. It is weighing her down, dragging her down.....

Third, we come to the same issue that ultimately ended the presidential campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: It’s virtually impossible to run against a “cult of personality,” which is what Trump has going for him.....

Finally, we have the issue that the Democratic operatives I spoke with believe is the most devastating for Harris: the old “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” question. The problem for Harris is that potentially millions of Americans within the Democrats’ core constituencies not only believe they were better off four years ago, but think that they and their families are being crushed now by the Biden-Harris policies and failures....

I have spoken with three Democratic operatives behind the scenes who all believe the race is slipping away from Vice President Kamala Harris. They offer four major reasons why this is happening.

No, she was never in the lead, and never had a chance: the vote will be too big to rig.

America is a fundamentally center-right country; these pundits idiots just don't get that. It's the whole point behind her endless flipflopping and "Touchdown" Tim regular Joe pick, to trojan horse a radical leftist agenda under our noses, an unAMerican agenda Americans would not vote for if it was honestly and forthrightly presented to them.
Noticed on the Texas/Oklahoma game today ads against Cruz's opponent (don't remember the name) in Texas.
Guaranteed large number of eyes watching it in the Lone Star State.
Colin Alred. He is claiming he is for tightening border security, he is for family, he is for the American people, etc... however, his voting record is straight down Liberal Lane.
Lake is kind of an enigma. Good looking...polished....ex-TV anchor so she can deliver the lines....etc. You would think that she would be ahead, especially when you look at her opponent.
It's either what Baris was saying....or a number of people just don't think she's 'likeable'.

She probably actually won the governor’s race in 2022 and I think the way she came across during her legal challenges rubbed people the wrong way.

The fact that she’s apparently doing worse with Trump on the ballot speaks volumes.
I've been thinking about this. It would take a huge donor or donors (Elon and friends?) to create and fund a viable 3rd party. Preferably, one that is in the middle - not always right or left on every issue, which I believe is where a large number of people reside. However, I also believe there are plenty of voters in both parties who feel their party no longer reflects a majority of their views. If a third part would gain enough ground to compel both of the other parties to compromise we might actually see legislation come from Washington that is good for the country and not just for a political party. We may also see the slow dismantling of the Deep State as both parties would have to woo the middle party (let's go with The Federalist Party for grins) in order to get anything passed.

I won't vote for a Democrat for a national seat but the Republican party doesn't always speak for me, either. I'm not far right (or left) on every single issue. Elon Musk and RFK, Jr don't seem to be, either. A third party would ultimately strengthen this country, imo.
Our system isn't built for 3rd/4th/etc parties as proportional representation systems are. Each election is winner take all. Have a House of 1/3 Dims/Pubs/3rd, how you going to run anything?
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Don't forget that Democrats changed the law and the VP legally has to certify now. One way you know that What Trump was asking Pence to do was legal is because dems literally changed the law on that the first day Biden was in office.
In this case, Dims just clarified what Pence already knew to be true. Good.
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Trump had the best wage growth among low and middle class workers in decades. You guys would kill a baby for an economy as good as what Trump had going before Covid.
Another stupid comment by the left. If the stock market goes up AND inflation stays flat, then we will use that ALL FING DAY. The only reason the Biden market is up is BECAUSE of inflation. Lord these lefties on here are literally stupid people.
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He's a populist. We keep telling you that. That is why he's getting record support from blacks, hispanics and union workers. You keep doing what worked in 2000 and let us know how that works out for you.
I'm glad you admit he's not a conservative but a wildly spending populist. So that gets him more votes because people want more government goodies. Doesn't mean anyone should be a populist. I'll stick with conservative & pick the better or poor option between big spender & bigger spender. If this position puts me out on an island, so be it. I am curious why me saying Trump isn't conservative offends so many of his ardent supporters.
I'm glad you admit he's not a conservative but a wildly spending populist. So that gets him more votes because people want more government goodies. Doesn't mean anyone should be a populist. I'll stick with conservative & pick the better or poor option between big spender & bigger spender. If this position puts me out on an island, so be it. I am curious why me saying Trump isn't conservative offends so many of his ardent supporters.

Please educate me on what government goodies you’re referring to? If it’s less tax, that’s not a “goodie”.
Trump got more votes than any Pub in history.... Why do you hate facts so much?
So you acknowledge that Trump didn't get the most votes in history. How am I denying/hating how many he got? Splain, please.

That he got so many votes acknowledges that a lot people love more & more government spending. I don't. I think it will ultimately create hug problems for us. Trump clearly & his ardent supporters clearly DGAS.

Of course you ignore what I posted on spending to change the subject to something else. So typical of you.
Our system isn't built for 3rd/4th/etc parties as proportional representation systems are. Each election is winner take all. Have a House of 1/3 Dims/Pubs/3rd, how you going to run anything?
Compromise. That's the way things run most smoothly, imo. Now, neither side wants to compromise at all. And here we are.
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Compromise. That's the way things run most smoothly, imo. Now, neither side wants to compromise at all. And here we are.
We've hit points on most issues where there is no more compromise that can be had. For example, look at the border, look at trans for 2 issues. The Dims want an open border. (I know their rhetoric doesn't match that 100%, but their ACTIONS do!) Transing the kids ... sorry no room for compromise. The left has gone SO FAR left, that sane people do not recognize them anymore.
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R’s re-taking Senate should be a given.

The focus needs to be on taking AZ, OH, and PA, to supplement the likely flips in MT and WV.
I think MI & WI are better chances than AZ & OH. Trump screwed the pooch anointing Moreno even though he's the better option there.
Please educate me on what government goodies you’re referring to? If it’s less tax, that’s not a “goodie”.
If they're not accompanied by equal spending cuts, they just put the country more in debt.
- He wants to restore state & local taxes deductions, rewarding big spending states. That's F-ed Up.
- He wants to help the wealthy pay for their cars with loan interest deduction. Great. A) Why not give to the poor vs. the wealthy? B) Back to itemizing again. So lovely.
- Says he want to eliminate double taxation on those living out of the country. Guess what? Couples overseas pay no income tax on first $253K. So it amounts to a gift to the wealthy.
- Happy to keep SS & Medicare running a deficit.
- I'm sure waiters in high end restaurants are happy to learn they have no income tax on their $100K tips.
Compromise. That's the way things run most smoothly, imo. Now, neither side wants to compromise at all. And here we are.
We have that now. Dims want $100B to spend on whatever & Pubs want zero. So they compromise at $50B - what Dims really wanted to begin with. Americans screwed again. Same would happen with three parties.
Have seen/heard some polls where Moreno is ahead. I wonder if the internals may be even more because a new commercial (or two) have dropped by Brown this weekend. Moreno is running a combo of 'positive pro-Moreno' commercials and 'anti-Brown' ones. The anti are hitting hard on how Brown has backed/voted for this trans crap, illegals, etc. They must be having an effect because this weekend I'm seeing Brown commercials about how Moreno is 'lying' about him when it comes to the transgender, bio men in women's sports, etc.
If Moreno's commercials were not having an effect...Brown would just ignore them. Just by responding (which is a no-no in some political circles) speaks volumes.

Moreno is a successful businessman from the Cleveland area which has always been the state's Dem/lib stronghold. Moreno should be able to eat away some of that support which is a plus.
He's getting killed on abortion and his mis-classification of OT pay that resulted in him losing lawsuits & having to pay employees over $400K in back pay.
Baris is saying that Senate and House are running behind Trump nationally. He thinks 53 in Senate is likely but he said they should get 55 if they weren't VH type of pubs.
You do enjoy throwing sh!t out, don't you?

What does "if they weren't VH type of pubs." even mean besides your typical HS? I mean conservatives are costing Pubs Senate seats???? Crazy.
It’s amazing how you can get these people to come out of the woodwork to vote for Trump, but can’t get enough votes for the Senate and House candidates.

However, a lot of this will be due to “Independents” who will split ticket.
Trump has lost the popular vote both previous times & will have a hard time winning it now. That means Dims are likely to get more House votes across the country when people vote the party line. So why wouldn't Dims win the House in that case? A better Pub Prez candidate would drag more Pubs into the House. MAGA doesn't get that Trump is a drag.
Baris was talking about this. Lake in Arizona is running behind Trump because she isn't hitting a few issues like Trump. He's reached out to her campaign and told them to hit a few issues hard and they told him to piss off. Same in PA... Baris told the pubs what undecided voters were looking for and they ignore him. If you wonder how thats possible... we have VH in this thread telling us how he'd run a campaign and lose by 5 points.
What do I have to do with running anyone's campaign?

BTW, who's running the KY Amendment 2 YES campaign? See little support for it except Rand Paul. Trump won KY at 62% in '16 & '20 & likely to do better this year, yet I see nothing that YES wins. Must be Trump fans voting NO since I'm voting YES. Why are y'all voting NO?
What do they all have in common?


Mayoral party affiliation 1980-2024

Yeah, what do they all have in common? You just happened to pick some of the Blackest cities in the country? There are literally hundreds with Democratic leadership, but your meme-lords single out those three…