How will they rule ??!

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It's essentially a chicken/egg scenario. If the Republicans had been doing what they were supposed to do, then it never would have opened the door for a split.

Both parties NEED a split. The only way this country stops the slide is for the middle 60 to walk away from those two cancerous entitiies.
I've been thinking about this. It would take a huge donor or donors (Elon and friends?) to create and fund a viable 3rd party. Preferably, one that is in the middle - not always right or left on every issue, which I believe is where a large number of people reside. However, I also believe there are plenty of voters in both parties who feel their party no longer reflects a majority of their views. If a third part would gain enough ground to compel both of the other parties to compromise we might actually see legislation come from Washington that is good for the country and not just for a political party. We may also see the slow dismantling of the Deep State as both parties would have to woo the middle party (let's go with The Federalist Party for grins) in order to get anything passed.

I won't vote for a Democrat for a national seat but the Republican party doesn't always speak for me, either. I'm not far right (or left) on every single issue. Elon Musk and RFK, Jr don't seem to be, either. A third party would ultimately strengthen this country, imo.
That's what drop-ins think when they see this place. Replace Antifa with KKK obviously.
Oh, boy, never gets old.

As long as you guys don’t try to prop up Trumps next term as a strong economy by pointing out the stock market again then that’s fine. His last term, I said exactly what you said about the stock market after trump people on here kept spouting off how strong the market was.
Trump had the best wage growth among low and middle class workers in decades. You guys would kill a baby for an economy as good as what Trump had going before Covid.

Bless your heart.

Can anyone help me explain this to him? That the government cannot overspend indefinitely without default?
And you didn't say it was good that the stock market collapse. I love how democrats read extra words into everything a Pub says.

87 countries lining up to join BRICS. Government job growth is outpacing the private sector job growth. It can't go on like this for long. It's like running an engine without changing the oil. Eventually it will fail and nobody in government wants to be the one to do the dirty job.
Sad that Trump even has to do this

Cartels helped smuggle shoulder fired rocket launchers into our country. People don't realize how bad real terrorism is going to be while our fbi is busy chasing down Christian nationalist..... Those moms at school meetings are still getting more fed eyes than the real criminals.
Slightly non-political...

There's a "Rick Steves" travel group page on FB that I joined.

A new thread popped up in the group about Covid. Seems that a bunch of people travelling got vaxxed and came down with Covid anyway, even in spite of masking (and they call the non maskers "entitled" lol).

What's interesting is that they seem SHOCKED that, despite the vaxxes and masking, they still caught Covid.

Point is: there's still plenty of stupid people out there... so don't get too confident yet lol.
3 counties in California are locking down again. Mask mandates and restrictions on gatherings. I can't believe how ridiculous some people are.
He didn't beat Trump because MAGA rejected him for Trump. Not hard. And he doesn't want to be tied to Trump's chaos. He's too effective for that.
I feel like you didn't watch his campaign. Ron cost Ron the primary. His advisors need to be fired from ever helping him again if he wants to run for president. Ron didn't act anything like how he acted before or after his bid. It almost looked like they were sabotaging him it was so cringey at times.
Right, so he wasn't going to beat Trump. Just admit it.
He should have waited 4 years, but he obviously had someone stroking his ego in his ear and telling him that he could outTrump Trump.
He's a great Governor and leader, but he is not a good politician. He comes across as kind of awkward in public. Hell, if he would have simply waited, he might have been offered the VP slot which would made it much easier for him in 2028. Now I think he has screwed the pooch. He should have put his ego aside and bided his time.
VH has TDS as bad as any democrat. He thinks it's Trump fault when it rains.
Hopefully you guys have armies of attorneys and poll watchers ready to protest the bullshit pipe breaks and 3am ballot drops.
Scott Pressler said they were trying to train 100k poll watchers for this election and they actually got over 200k. Even private groups like Louder with Crowder are organizing poll watchers for certain counties and states.

When I was watching that, what popped into my mind, were those post-humously released Judy Garland self-recordings/mindless and sad rants. Those 3 hour long ramblings that she would make, while getting bombed, by herself, in her apartment. Just wandering around her home, prattling on about how the business "screwed" her, and whining about her former gay husband that stole her money. Just milling around an empty home, with frequent stops to refill her martini, and pop another Seconal. 😆 😆 😆
Great post. Thank you. DeSantis is too good for MAGA & most of this country. Trump and his followers are anything but conservative.
He's a populist. We keep telling you that. That is why he's getting record support from blacks, hispanics and union workers. You keep doing what worked in 2000 and let us know how that works out for you.
My buddy who lives in Louisville, had affordable housing put in his subdivision a few years ago. Crime has become worse.

He just sent me a video of a future doctor/scholar with a shirt covering his mouth as he casually was in my buddy’s driveway scoping the house next door even with the motion light lighting up the whole area.

No peace can be had. GD, Democrat Party is a cancer to this country, intentionally ruins cities, neighborhoods, allows crime to be rampant and criminals to be emboldened.

I did assure my friend to not worry though and that diversity is our strength.
When I lived in Atlanta I had a friend who lived in a very nice, all white, small subdivision north of town. One day a black family moved into the neighborhood. He thought it was strange in that there was never a 'for sale' sign in the yard....and this was years before the internet. All the people in the neighborhood ignored them. Waved and said 'hi' but that was about it. After about two months they moved out literally in the middle of the night. One of the guys in the neighborhood who was an attorney thought it was weird and looked into the property. Seemed that the NAACP bought the house....moved in a black family (obviously looking to stir up trouble). When no trouble came about they moved them out and sold the house.
Cartels helped smuggle shoulder fired rocket launchers into our country. People don't realize how bad real terrorism is going to be while our fbi is busy chasing down Christian nationalist..... Those moms at school meetings are still getting more fed eyes than the real criminals.

Most people just havent the ability to comprehend that our govt is knowingly letting the cartels smuggle fentanyl, gang members, cartel players, and shoulder fired rockets into our country. You don't tear down border fences otherwise. You don't abandon US citizens in need or prevent them from being assisted, when you are a functional govt. You don't put up signs in Mexico telling illegal immigrants how to get monetary assistance entering the country, if citizens are your concern.
I feel like you didn't watch his campaign. Ron cost Ron the primary. His advisors need to be fired from ever helping him again if he wants to run for president. Ron didn't act anything like how he acted before or after his bid. It almost looked like they were sabotaging him it was so cringey at times.

Same people that helped Romney blow an election in 2012.
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Go look at Fed spending pre-Obama & Trump. None of it is close to theirs even inflation adjusted. As I pointed outed responding to a later post, it's MAGA that's dividing Pubs as you do here. And you make clear you don't care about winning as much you do MAGA purity.
Trump got more votes than any Pub in history.... Why do you hate facts so much?
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I've been thinking about this. It would take a huge donor or donors (Elon and friends?) to create and fund a viable 3rd party. Preferably, one that is in the middle - not always right or left on every issue, which I believe is where a large number of people reside. However, I also believe there are plenty of voters in both parties who feel their party no longer reflects a majority of their views. If a third part would gain enough ground to compel both of the other parties to compromise we might actually see legislation come from Washington that is good for the country and not just for a political party. We may also see the slow dismantling of the Deep State as both parties would have to woo the middle party (let's go with The Federalist Party for grins) in order to get anything passed.

I won't vote for a Democrat for a national seat but the Republican party doesn't always speak for me, either. I'm not far right (or left) on every single issue. Elon Musk and RFK, Jr don't seem to be, either. A third party would ultimately strengthen this country, imo.

Trump should've started another party while he was in office and didn't. Talked about it. But didn't
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. On election night for Attorney General in 2010, , Kamala was behind Steve Cooley but in the following weeks (yes weeks), she’d win by like a few thousand votes.

What a joke.

“By morning, he awoke to find Harris ahead.

The campaigns spent an agonizing few weeks awaiting a final result as armies of county election workers pored over ballots that remained uncounted. Those included mostly mail-in ballots”

I'm telling you that's why she cackles. It's why she, Hils, and Obama were so confident in their campaigns over the past 12+ years. They knew they had it in the bag until they didn't in 2016
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Indeed. 70% chance GOP retakes Senate.

Couple border Democrat-held HR seats now considered up for grabs.

R’s re-taking Senate should be a given.

The focus needs to be on taking AZ, OH, and PA, to supplement the likely flips in MT and WV.

The ‘26 map is a defensive map for both parties, with limited opportunities for flips (GA and ME being the most likely for both parties).

If the Rs can get this to 53-54, then Trump definitely has the Senate for 4 years, and having a possibility to retain control longer term with a strong Presidential candidate at the top of the ticket in ‘28.

With how red Ohio has become, that Brown-held seat presents the opportunity for a generational seat flip.

Not only can they get Brown out, but Moreno likely keeps that seat for 18-24 years.

Failure to flip that seat with Trump at the top of the ticket is a huge wasted opportunity.
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