How will they rule ??!

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I don't think someone who's extreme enough to shoot a former president in a suicide run much cares about the incrementalist difference between Trump and Biden in the 2024 election, do you?
Way to build that wall, dump.
Plenty got built despite the lefts continued efforts to block it completely. Hard to imagine how well off this country would be had the left just worked with Trump pre-Covid for the betterment of our country instead of trying to take him down every single second of the day. It’s obvious the left doesn’t want the best for this country so will lump you into that as well. Feel sorry for your family as you take care of everyone else first before your family sees anything from you. If you say that’s not true and you take care of your family first then that is exactly the way it should be here for our country.
Plenty got built despite the lefts continued efforts to block it completely. Hard to imagine how well off this country would be had the left just worked with Trump pre-Covid for the betterment of our country instead of trying to take him down every single second of the day. It’s obvious the left doesn’t want the best for this country so will lump you into that as well. Feel sorry for your family as you take care of everyone else first before your family sees anything from you. If you say that’s not true and you take care of your family first then that is exactly the way it should be here for our country.
Dump had control of the house and senate. He promised to build the wall and didn’t ****ing do it. End of story.
Not really. His examples of how to treat your fellow man are wonderful.
He doesn't advocate violence.
He does advocate for loving your neighbor, feeding the poor, treating immigrants with respect, taking care of sick, and sharing your wealth with those in need.
He would be considered a left wing Democrat today. That's why I follow his teachings and so should you.

It is awesome when political parties and their zealots attempt to enlist Jesus to their politics. 🤦‍♂️

If you don’t think Jesus is our sovereign God and King, regardless of the outcome of any election, you probably are something other than a Bible believer and follower of Christ.
So our national debt is up to $35 trillion. There are just over $250 million US adults (so taxpayers). This means on average, EVERY adult US citizen owes $140K.
I don't owe shit. Our so called government ran by intellectual midgets does. Unfortunately when we default or turn into the Weimar Republic we are all going to suffer. Meanwhile hundreds of billions keep going to Ukraine and everywhere else every month. Americans are being robbed blind.
Republicans are passing highly restrictive abortion laws with science as a basis...

There. FIFY.

If you would like to read scripture together in another thread, I will be happy to join you. That offer stands, but until you read and attempt to study, it is probably best that you not speak for God or present as some kind of expert. It does not serve you or anyone else.
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It's right there in the verse saying we can fly in airplanes and drive electric cars. Clown.

Fact: Tampon Tim signed 40 week abortion law which is many weeks beyond Roe. Leftists are radical and out of step with America and Europe.

While my pro-life views were decided based upon science when I was an agnostic/atheist,
John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when he heard Mary’s voice because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. In Minnesota, Elizabeth could have aborted John right then and there.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!


"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations"
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A Pennsylvania paramedic who cared for former President Donald Trump after his assassination attempt says she witnessed his “deeply rooted bond with his family” after he narrowly survived.

Butler Memorial Hospital paramedic Sally Sheri said she saw a different side to Trump on July 13 after the former president was shot at during a campaign rally at the Butler Farm Show grounds.

“That evening I witnessed a man with a deeply rooted bond with his family. I heard him speak with his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. He let them know that he was safe and that he was being taken care of,” Sheri said Saturday on the same stage where Trump was shot 12 weeks earlier.

“I heard his daughter say ‘Only by the grace of God you’re here,'” Sheri said as the audience applauded.

“What I saw was a man, that in the aftermath of one of the most terrifying experiences of his life, showed resiliency. He showed strength and courage. He showed that his family was at the forefront,” she said.

Sheri continued, “He was compassionate and grateful. He was kind and humble. Several times I stood and stared at him with tears rolling down my cheeks.”

Sheri said the former president then assured her he was doing everything he could for the country.
In all fairness, Biden did everything he could for his country as well.

His country just happens to be China.
Incredible what you’re ok with trump doing. Where’s the limit? I know there isn’t one, I’m just asking for fun.

So if Kamala had her own version of the Bible that would be cool too right? Just glad to see the Bible in schools again.

I can think of no legitimate reason why the Bible would not be in schools. If Kamala has a well translated Bible she wants to put into the classroom, I think that would be far better than the wackos successfully keeping the Bible out of schools.
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So our national debt is up to $35 trillion. There are just over $250 million US adults (so taxpayers). This means on average, EVERY adult US citizen owes $140K.
Another perspective:

An adults greatest debt is no longer their mortgage: its to China et al.
That Colts team Earl won with was after Shula, Marchibroda and Chuck Noll departed - and Ed McCafferty gor the SB win?

Over Dallas?
The "Blunder Bowl". Couple of pieces of trivia from that game is a defensive player won Super Bowl MVP (a rarity) but the winner was Chuck Howley, the only time the Super Bowl MVP was a player of the losing team.