How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I also put tools in my hand and did things with them - and i am horribly not-handy

I Should clarify that initially - I somehow "locked myself in my parents old bedroom & couldn't get out for a solid 45 minutes....

So - the tools we're used to remove the inner doorknob

((After I had to tear open the window screen to escape said bedroom))

Also called 2 ppl for advice during that trying period AND had my niece working on the outside of the door while i held off mounting shame and a slight sprinkle of panic

BUT - i fixed that shit with TOOLS when all was said & done

Hey - first world problems amirite?


Damn son - and those blingy gold colors they added - wtf?
Ok I’m calling shenanigans here. Your parents bedroom locked from outside the room?
Nobody is star
The vast majority are here legally under current ASYLUM law. How many times do you need to be told this before it registering?? All those Haitians in Ohio are here legally.
Don't like the laws. Tell your dumbass Congressman to change it.
Dems tried and Trump shot it down.
Ah, Trump. Modern-day Boogie man.

Meanwhile, back in the real world....

Violent murders are committed every day in this country by Christians. And they're prosecuted with the force of law because they've impinged upon someone else's constitutional rights. Just like Muslims are when they commit crimes. We are all equal under the law in our secular society. Like I said, no Bibles or Qurans in government and no chopping the heads off infidels. No matter whether it's Muslim or Christian zealots doing the chopping.
Surely you understand the distinction between violence by people who happen to be Christain, and violence carried out under the banner of Christianity. And of course, you do but you are inherently dishonest in your bid to compare apples to oranges. But let's pretend that 911 or the Oct 7th was carried out by a sect of Amish or (gasp) Pentecostals. Of course, Christians have done some bad things, like Jim Jones etc. But Christians clearly reject such evil, much less celebrate their martyrdom. The Koran calls for infidels to be slaughtered. They are badly in need of a reformation and clearly intolerant of other religions. But see you want to PRETEND that all religions are the same in order to make your dishonest argument. I have a huge Buddhist temple in my neighborhood. This Agnostic feels pretty safe in the assumption that they aren't going to try to behead me anytime soon.
Beyond that you are deflecting from your original statement where I believe you were inferring that somehow Islam is no problem because a set of manmade charter of laws written on paper will stop them. Clearly the sept 11th hijackers weren't too worried about the Constitution, now were they? Only ONE religion wants theocracy and are brazenly open about it, but in your anti-religious zeal you PRETEND otherwise in order to castigate all religions, Charlie. But hey keep importing enough backwards Islamicists and maybe you will get that religious war you are craving in order to abolish all religion. Btw, and of course you know this, but that U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence was written by mostly Christians with a few Deists thrown in for good measure. And makes it rather clear that those rights derive not from men, but divine providence. Also, if you ever feel so inclined look carefully at the declaration of Independence signatures. Almost all seem to purposefully integrate the ichthus into their signatures at various points.
Several things here:

It isn't in the United States' interest to have radical religious zealots willing to suicide bomb us. We've seen that many times/places, but hello, 9/11 anyone? It isn't our fight and shouldn't be. There is no reason to support a colonial apartheid state and piss off an entire region doing so.

What about all the people living under Israeli military occupation? No rights, no legal status.

Bombing your way to stability isn't possible. Or it would've worked one of these dozens of times Israel's done it.
You honestly think that would change if we didn't support Israel?
Wow, I sure don't.
Violent murders are committed every day in this country by Christians. And they're prosecuted with the force of law because they've impinged upon someone else's constitutional rights. Just like Muslims are when they commit crimes. We are all equal under the law in our secular society. Like I said, no Bibles or Qurans in government and no chopping the heads off infidels. No matter whether it's Muslim or Christian zealots doing the chopping.

Name three.... Say anything with no conscience...
Can a man have a baby? Your side that controls 2/3 of the Govt says that he can. Who wears the tin foil hat?
Nobody is making laws and forcing you to have a baby against your will.
There are people that believe in Bigfoot, aliens, the Devil, winged Angels and talking snakes too.
Why make such an issue out of something that has zero impact on your life??
Nobody is making laws and forcing you to have a baby against your will.
There are people that believe in Bigfoot, aliens, the Devil, winged Angels and talking snakes too.
Why make such an issue out of something that has zero impact on your life??
Sam, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you identify as a Christian? Or am I mistaken on that? It's a serious question.
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The Phillies just jumped out in front of the Mets in the 8th inning of game number 2.

Now, I don't like either team but I despise the Mets more than I do the Phillies. So go Phillies.
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Sam, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you identify as a Christian? Or am I mistaken on that? It's a serious question.
I follow the teachings of Christ but don't necessarily believe everything in the Bible word for word. I think a lot of it is figurative and not literal.
If you try to live your life according to WWJD.... You typically can't go wrong.
That is why I have such a hard time with many on here who claim to be Christian but completely ignore what Jesus said about the poor, the sick, the hungry, immigrants etc.
They're in church every Sunday then ignore everything Jesus had to say about how to treat your neighbors.
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I follow the teachings of Christ but don't necessarily believe everything in the Bible word for word. I think a lot of it is figurative and not literal.
If you try to live your life according to WWJD.... You typically can't go wrong.
That is why I have such a hard time with many on here who claim to be Christian but completely ignore what Jesus said about the poor, the sick, the hungry, immigrants etc.
They're in church every Sunday then ignore everything Jesus had to say about how to treat your neighbors.
OK, thanks for answering. I'm not going to get into a religious debate with anyone on one will win. I was just curious about your thoughts on Christianity because you have responded to discussions about it on here IIRC.
I follow the teachings of Christ but don't necessarily believe everything in the Bible word for word. I think a lot of it is figurative and not literal.
If you try to live your life according to WWJD.... You typically can't go wrong.
That is why I have such a hard time with many on here who claim to be Christian but completely ignore what Jesus said about the poor, the sick, the hungry, immigrants etc.
They're in church every Sunday then ignore everything Jesus had to say about how to treat your neighbors.
If you don't believe that Jesus was God incarnate on Earth, and came to absolve people of their sins, was crucified, died, and arose from the dead in order to do this, then you would be an idiot to follow the teachings of Jesus. Because he would be a mental patient.

It's a binary choice. Anthing else makes ZERO logical sense.
There are around 20k murders in the US every year. Well over 60% of the population is Christian. That's a lot more than three.

Oh, the "population" is Christian. Not Christians themselves... Oh.. You got serious issues Celine... Now you use """""percentages""""" You are in a serious place and do not even realize it...
Oh, the "population" is Christian. Not Christians themselves... Oh.. You got serious issues Celine... Now you use """""percentages""""" You are in a serious place and do not even realize it...
? Being extremely generous and just saying half of them are committed by Christians, that's ten thousand a year. You're trying to claim none of those 20k are Christians? No Christians murder anyone?
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If you don't believe that Jesus was God incarnate on Earth, and came to absolve people of their sins, was crucified, died, and arose from the dead in order to do this, then you would be an idiot to follow the teachings of Jesus. Because he would be a mental patient.

It's a binary choice. Anthing else makes ZERO logical sense.
? Why can't one think he was just a sociologist with interesting ideas? You're saying the teachings of Jesus are something "a mental patient" with "ZERO logical sense" came up with? Why follow them then?
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