How will they rule ??!

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So why did Miley call up the guard within an hour for Mike Pence??? PENCE is the only White House official on record to call for assistance from the National Guard that day.
If Trump wanted the guard there on Jan 6th why is there ABSOLUTELY NO RECORD of even ONE PHONE CALL from Trump on Jan 6th asking for help to stop the riot???


That committee and Miley have been exposed as lying or at least withholding details of the exchanges regarding the deployment of National Guard troops. Among other things. Did you not read the memo detailing the email exchanges between Miley and Trump staff in the days prior to Jan 6th? Do you understand what a coup is?
That committee and Miley have been exposed as lying or at least withholding details of the exchanges regarding the deployment of National Guard troops. Among other things. Did you not read the memo detailing the email exchanges between Miley and Trump staff in the days prior to Jan 6th? Do you understand what a coup is?
Joe Biden knows what a coup is.
Yeah....The call log into and out of the White House on Jan 6th says it all.
You do know there is a record right???
You also do know that Trump was Commander in Chief right?
You do know the that the Commander in Chief is in charge of the military and can call up troops with a phone call right??
Are you saying the US military has so little respect for Trump they intentionally DISOBEYED and IGNORED his request????
And you want a President back into office our military says he'll no to and ignores??????
Nah dude....This scenerio makes much more sense.

" No call from Trump"
Milley made and received dozens of phone calls on Jan. 6, including with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, but never got one from his boss. He stopped short of saying he was frustrated with the president’s silence, he said “I noted it.”

Let me ask you a question, Village Idiot.

If Trump did pick up the phone and 'call the military', how long do you think it might have taken them to be deployed and get there?

JFC, you're a mentally ill repetitious font of stupidity and irrational takes.

It's almost impossible for a human this stupid to type on a computer.

Just stop posting, for the love of God.
That committee and Miley have been exposed as lying or at least withholding details of the exchanges regarding the deployment of National Guard troops. Among other things. Did you not read the memo detailing the email exchanges between Miley and Trump staff in the days prior to Jan 6th? Do you understand what a coup is?
So let me get this straight.
The person the military wanted to win the election won the election.....
But even though they won, the military staged a coup to stop the Congressional vote that would have certified the winner they were backing??
So they were staging a reverse trick coup (kinda like a Jedi mind trick coup) to stop the Congressional certification in order to get the person they really didn't want to win elected?
Makes perfect sense .... If you are in a cult.
You guys are super smart to figure that out.

Do you have any idea how F'ing stupid you sound and how little sense any of that IQ 2 theory makes????
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Hillary, Stacy Abrams, and al gore already did that

Can you please link Trump's concession speech??? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
Here's Gore's, Clinton's and Abram's concession speeches.
I'd love to see Trump's. Musta missed it.

So let me get this straight.
The person the military wanted to win the election won the election.....
But even though they won, the military staged a coup to stop the Congressional vote that would have certified the winner they were backing??
Do they were staging a reverse trick coup (kinda like a Jedi mind trick coup) to stop the Congressional certification in order to get the person they really didn't want to win elected?
Makes perfect sense .... If you are in a cult.
You guys are super smart to figure that out.

Do you have any idea how F'ing stupid you sound and how little sense any of that IQ 2 theory makes????
The emails between Trump and Miley are now open record. Why would he feign surprise at not hearing from Trump that day when he had already had these email exchanges? Who said military leadership wanted Trump to win? The coup planners wanted chaos on Jan 6th. They didn’t want challenges heard. They got what they wanted.
Eat it California.

"The judge ruled that the law, AB 2839, likely violates the First Amendment

.The court found the law was overly broad, sweeping in even parody or satire videos that could be considered to "undermine confidence" in an election. The judge argued this amounted to unconstitutional suppression of political speech.

While the state argued the law targeted legally cognizable harms, the court said it went beyond existing exceptions like defamation. The judge stated that "even deliberate lies" about the government are protected under the First Amendment.

Ultimately, the court concluded the law failed strict scrutiny, as less restrictive measures like labeling requirements could address the state's concerns. "
Remember back in 2016 when some libs claimed Trump was going to put all gay people in concentration camps?


They lied for 2 years before the 2016 election about what Trump was going to do.
They lied and said he couldn't do the good things that he then did for the economy.
Then they lied for 4 years about what he was doing while president.
They lied again for 2 years before the next election about what he was going to do if re-elected.
They stole the election in 2020.
Then they lied about what he did for the past 30 years and tried to dig up things like what they were, are, and had been doing during that same time, so he couldn't even run for president.

If there's any certainty in life it is that they will lie. They will cheat. They will steal. If it means the gravy train will keep coming, they will do anything. And it is also a certainty that plenty of degenerates that don't want to have to look at the suffering caused all around them by Democrats will keep voting for them and burying their heads in the sand when faced with the lies, suffering, and corruption.

They don't want to have to give the poor $5 per week. They want the govt to use someone else's money to do that. They've always been that way.

Meathead Reiner isn't going to mortgage his million dollar property to give the money to the poor. He isn't going to go deliver food to disaster survivors on his own dime. What he will do is scream at the guy that makes him look bad because that guy WILL care and WILL act to help people. He won't just make a commercial about it, or send out a massive and meaningless virtue-signal.

That's why TDS is so rampant and rage filled.
Jack smith probably gonna cut a J6 trump ad. Trump really needs to hit that the big scandal the big usurping of American democracy was lying about the condition of the president while people were choosing their nominee. Why this massive cover up hasn’t been pounded why Vance didn’t retort with this on that last statement is mind boggling. Biden has been incompetent for who knows how long. He didn’t campaign. The entire time Kamala helped cover it up. Wtf?????