How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I don't know what polls say but i know what votes say. Votes say that sole issue really hurt what should've been a midterm wave. Even in ky voters didn't vote as anticipated.

The left brainwashed two generations of women into thinking murdering babies is somehow intertwined with being female even though the exact opposite is true. It will take a generation to undo that. We never get the opportunity if we dont politically compromise.
You and I agree. All I'm suggesting is that the definition of a 'viable' fetus for murder cases should be the same as for an abortion. (Could Congress pass a law that compels states to match murder/abortion viability definitions in lieu of a Federal abortion law? If so, would any state then redefine, for murder cases, viability as only after birth - I wouldn't think so) Which, from the few states I've actually looked up online, would put it around 20-24 weeks. The Far Left 'kill 'em all whenever you like' won't change their vote. The Far Right 'life begins at inception and all abortions should be illegal' won't change their vote. But, I believe enough people in the middle who may vote D this time because of R's stance on abortion would be reassured that all abortions wouldn't be illegal with a 20-24 week limit (as horrifying as it is for a lot of people to say that) and would then vote on other issues that the R's are stronger on. That would put the US slightly to the left (less restrictive) than all the European utopias so many on the Left idolize.

The inconsistency on abortion/murder viability definition befuddles me. Along the same lines, I don't understand individuals who are pro abortion and anti-capital punishment (or vice versa). It's a contradiction - you're either for killing that is approved by the state or you're not. People are contradictory but I have a hard time seeing anyone's reasoning for holding those contrasting positions simultaneously. As a result, I find it hard to comprehend how any politician could support a double murder charge when an unborn fetus is involved if the mother is allowed to abort that same fetus much later in pregnancy (health, etc., exceptions not involved) with no legal repercussions.
No other president in the entire history of our country made up fake electors for his VP to unilaterally recognize in an attempt to seize power after losing an election. You keep ignoring that fact. Trump is a unique evil.
But BLM.....
It's insanity. If Obama or Biden did the same thing they would take to the streets to hang him.
But Dear Leader gets a pass on everything including using the Constitution for TP.
Hussein is Obama's real middle name. So why was it something that sent you to your feinting couch when said? Fraud? Hypocrite?
When Obama ran for Prez in 2008, I'd never so many posters on this board lose their GD minds when someone on the right referred to Obama by his middle name.

I started using strike-through. Example: Barack Hussain Obama. Back then, I used HTML code. Pissed a few more off.

Nowadays, IDGAF. What? No like? Big Hairy Ass deal.
IF the rumors are true that the judge raped his daughter, I don't blame him at all. I'd be going to prison as well if I were in his position.
I know a girl that knows a girl. The rape allegations are false. The sheriff suffered from mental illness and had a manic episode or at least that's what I heard from a source fairly close to the situation.
I know a girl that knows a girl. The rape allegations are false. The sheriff suffered from mental illness and had a manic episode or at least that's what I heard from a source fairly close to the situation.
Yeah it could be, I honestly have no idea. I'm just saying I wouldn't blame anyone for shooting a dude if you knew he raped your daughter. Guess we will have to wait for all of the details.
I don’t see how you can say I’m just a parrot. Many of my takes are completely unconventional. Nobody else has my sports take we just talked about for example. I honestly didn’t talk much politics with most of my professors in school. I’ll take being called a fool as that’s subjective, but calling me an unoriginal follower’s just inaccurate.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you. It's sickening that we have to allow abortion to be used the way it is. But it's a losing battle to stop it completely. It's just a fact of life that the majority of this country wants to be able to kill babies without any hinderances. Push too much on this issue and we get socialists/communists elected who will make life a living hell for the babies that are born. Best we can do in my opinion is keep that decision with the states and support those states who choose not to allow abortion to be used as a form of birth control.
When it's all said and done, Abortion is a 100% election loser for Republicans.
Pushing it back to the states is the absolute best result for the GOP.
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When it's all said and done, Abortion is a 100% election loser for Republicans.
Pushing it back to the states is the absolute best result for the GOP.
I believe that in time...time the GOP may not have....that the vast majority of the states will allow their citizen referendum like Ohio to happen. Ohio voted 21-weeks. The people spoke. If this quickly happens in the the majority of the red states, (the blues will already kill babies to 40weeks....) then the reds will go 15+ for the most part, and the abortion issue will die as a national issue and to the GOP favor. Will the left go insane over Mississippi having 6weeks? Certainly, but that will not make it a national issue. They will just selectively boycott Mississippi until they bend their knee to California.
That Trump's so phony even his name's not real. The one thing he brands on everything, from Trump Tower to Trump Steaks. It's all a grift. Seriously, how is this not obvious? Like I said, completely lost in the sauce. You don't know anything about anyone outside your bubble. Come to think of it, do you even have foreign policy takes outside of blanket isolationism? You really don't know anything about anyone that isn't you, do you? Is the empathetic part of your brain broken?
This is the desperation you're at. American immigrants forever have changed their name for assimilation, especially jews, which we know your thoughts there. But now you think you've got some sort of gotcha.

This is like you're alls racist tirade bc of Nikki Haleys name.

Just wait until you guys find out about endless products you use everyday, like say Toyota.

Then your random rambling into isolationism..
Aren't you a bernie supporter? Lolololol. Do you just wait until you see what you're supposed to dislike is then adjust your belief on it?
Except coordinating on releasing the hacked DNC material, coordinating on micro-targeting including giving the Russian government their own internal campaign voter data, the Trump Tower meeting, and Paul Manafort's lobbying on behalf of the campaign, right? Except that stuff?
Seriously? The Trump Tower meeting for example has been totally debunked and was totally legit anyway. There is a video of Pencilneck taking a call offering dirt on Trump from Russians....a radio show prankster but still trying to take dirt from Russia. You are not so naïve as to believe that every single campaign down to dog catcher doesn't seek dirt on their opponent. The leftist however make them up when they cannot find it. TANG memo. Fake PeePee dossier. Be an adult for once if that is possible. Russia Russia was a total fraud and you know it.
That Trump's so phony even his name's not real. The one thing he brands on everything, from Trump Tower to Trump Steaks. It's all a grift. Seriously, how is this not obvious? Like I said, completely lost in the sauce. You don't know anything about anyone outside your bubble. Come to think of it, do you even have foreign policy takes outside of blanket isolationism? You really don't know anything about anyone that isn't you, do you? Is the empathetic part of your brain broken?
Coming from a Bernie Gutman supporter your post is rich.
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Along the same lines, I don't understand individuals who are pro abortion and anti-capital punishment (or vice versa). It's a contradiction - you're either for killing that is approved by the state or you're not. People are contradictory but I have a hard time seeing anyone's reasoning for holding those contrasting positions simultaneously.
Even if one thinks abortions are "killing", that "killing" is being done by an individual, the mother, not the state. As contrasted with capital punishment.
That Trump's so phony even his name's not real. The one thing he brands on everything, from Trump Tower to Trump Steaks. It's all a grift. Seriously, how is this not obvious? Like I said, completely lost in the sauce. You don't know anything about anyone outside your bubble. Come to think of it, do you even have foreign policy takes outside of blanket isolationism? You really don't know anything about anyone that isn't you, do you? Is the empathetic part of your brain broken?

Did he legally change his name from Drumpf to Trump at some point? Or is his name still Drumpf and he just uses Trump?
This is the desperation you're at. American immigrants forever have changed their name for assimilation, especially jews, which we know your thoughts there. But now you think you've got some sort of gotcha.

This is like you're alls racist tirade bc of Nikki Haleys name.

Just wait until you guys find out about endless products you use everyday, like say Toyota.

Then your random rambling into isolationism..
Aren't you a bernie supporter? Lolololol. Do you just wait until you see what you're supposed to dislike is then adjust your belief on it?
Is Trump Jewish?
Seriously? The Trump Tower meeting for example has been totally debunked and was totally legit anyway. There is a video of Pencilneck taking a call offering dirt on Trump from Russians....a radio show prankster but still trying to take dirt from Russia. You are not so naïve as to believe that every single campaign down to dog catcher doesn't seek dirt on their opponent. The leftist however make them up when they cannot find it. TANG memo. Fake PeePee dossier. Be an adult for once if that is possible. Russia Russia was a total fraud and you know it.
You picked the only one where data wasn't exchanged to single out. What about the others?
That Trump's so phony even his name's not real. The one thing he brands on everything, from Trump Tower to Trump Steaks. It's all a grift. Seriously, how is this not obvious? Like I said, completely lost in the sauce. You don't know anything about anyone outside your bubble. Come to think of it, do you even have foreign policy takes outside of blanket isolationism? You really don't know anything about anyone that isn't you, do you? Is the empathetic part of your brain broken?
So Trump’s name isn’t real because German descendants from 1600’s changed it? You understand by that logic that MOST family names aren’t “real” then? Most family names are derivatives of something else that was changed or evolved over time.
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The best part of her completely awful attempts at answering anything is when you see her grin with that glimmer in her eye. That look tells you in that moment she thinks shes killing that answer.

Lol she's so stupid its incredible.