How will they rule ??!

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? Ok ? Not sure why I'm addressed here. Lol

If it's your experience, how is it misogynistic? Does that make my friend racist because he'd rather wait on people that aren't pigmented like him? I don't think it works that way. He said they're horrible tippers, so he avoids serving them.

I'm sure not all church folks tip poorly. My experience was that they didn't tip well on Sundays more often than others, so I chose different shifts.

I go out with the plan to tip a minimum of 20% and usually am between 25-30%. If the server is really bad of their own doing, they may get less than 20%, but that's rare for the reasons you state. Most of my family held jobs where they counted on tip income at some point in their lives, so it was offensive to me if someone was a shtty tipper and not on a fixed income. I didn't expect much from older folks on SS and was glad to see them and serve them. I knew they struggled just to afford the meal, when they had earned and paid in a lot more than they got back.

One of my step relatives was a horrible tipper, so I started paying my own way as soon as I was old enough to get a job if we went out for a meal.
As far as I know, you're the only girl ON here. Nothing more to it than that. LOL
  • Haha
Reactions: Girthang
Since some of you chuckleheads draw some sort of moral equivalence between assassination attempts and bomb threats..... There is a difference between HOAXES and reality. Further, many of these hoaxes are from calls originating overseas. Go figure. The rest I bet will end up being from leftists in a false flag operation. Just like almost EVERY SINGLE hate crime. Fake. You leftists are sickos.

As far as I know, you're the only girl ON here. Nothing more to it than that. LOL

Lol. Wow. OK. You're barking up the wrong genitals little dog. Hope that's not a regular thing, but whatever floats your boat either way. I don't care if you fancy men as long as it's someone else, and you're voting to save the republic.
Since some of you chuckleheads draw some sort of moral equivalence between assassination attempts and bomb threats..... There is a difference between HOAXES and reality. Further, many of these hoaxes are from calls originating overseas. Go figure. The rest I bet will end up being from leftists in a false flag operation. Just like almost EVERY SINGLE hate crime. Fake. You leftists are sickos.

Overseas? Soros and WEF initiated....
Girthang, short for Girl thang ( I presumed) , and the avatar used to be a girl. That was my only evidence. I don't have a database of girthang's posts and an algorithm that predicts gender. LOL
Not sure how anyone ever drew that conclusion in the first place. LOL
Yair Sorto-Herrera is one of Kamala's "Little Border Acheivers"

"Little Border Acheivers are illegals with great promise but w/o the necessary means, the necessary means to obtain citizenship. Excuse me, don't touch that."
Fun factoid, that repetition is one of the only adlibs in the whole movie. The Coens are notorious for scripting every little word and stammer, but Philip Seymour Hoffman just accidentally did that in that take and they loved it.
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Meanwhile Trump calls Kamala Comrade.... Says she's a Marxist....Says she's destroying America.... Says the Dems stole the election from them ....and She's bringing in rapists and criminals across the border to take their jobs and eat their pets.
But that would never cause violence now would it?
Jan 6th, Charlottesville and bomb threats in Springfield say hi. 🤡

God what a dumbass.

Is he bomb threats were obviously bullshit from the start to anyone with a brain.
Uh...immigrants...migrants pretty clear the actual though and word he was switching from.
Listen to it several times. It's very clearly an N, not an M. And the stammering is after the whole word, once he realizes what he's done. Not the first syllable-into-stutter it would be if what you're saying were true.
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Reactions: sambowieshin
Girthang, short for Girl thang ( I presumed) , and the avatar used to be a girl. That was my only evidence. I don't have a database of girthang's posts and an algorithm that predicts gender. LOL
They must've forgotten you're an engineer, you can't tell. What's obvious to most is beyond your capabilities.
Okay, so girthang isn't a girl. let the girl bashing commence. LOL
Hahaha. I saw you say that a cpl weeks ago, too, & it blew my mind. @Girthang is very knowledgeable about football & I was super impressed that a female would know the intricacies of outside zone blocking & cover 2 defense, among many other schemes & formations. I even thought you were just giving him shit, at the time. But, he never corrected you. So, I totally bought it, lol. But, now we know. And…

Knowing Gi Joe GIF by MOODMAN
Meanwhile Trump calls Kamala Comrade.... Says she's a Marxist....Says she's destroying America.... Says the Dems stole the election from them ....and She's bringing in rapists and criminals across the border to take their jobs and eat their pets.
But that would never cause violence now would it?
Jan 6th, Charlottesville and bomb threats in Springfield say hi. 🤡

I thought socialism wasn't evil according to you people? So why is Marxist and Comrade an objectionable slur then?

But where's the lie? There is none. She is a Marxist and she is letting in unfettered and unvetted illegal immigration; she must be, and is, bringing in criminals and rapists.

And where's the violence? It's all coming from the left and other never-Trumpers, induced and inspired by leftist media lunacy.
She also just flat out lied about Trump showing all the documents in his possession to visitors of Mar Largo. Making ish up as she goes. These people are evil and pure scum. Plus, the fact that the FBI put Secret cover sheets over docs that were declassified, and everyone knows this just adds to the corruption the left media is known for.

Btw, what codes does Trump (who was not in office anymore when they raided his home) have?

Please one of you liberals tell me, but be specific. I want to see if you know what you are talking about.