How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I feel the exact opposite. If there’s one thing democrats and republicans agree on, it’s do whatever benefits the political class at the expense of the people. When was the last time “bipartisanship” in Washington worked for America?

Trump is setting up a truly bipartisan ticket, and they tried to kill hill because it’s not what they mean when they say “bipartisan”.

So many of each party bought and paid for by china, ill have to see whats actually in there. At least the gop have some non chinese reps but not enough to kill this if its bad.

Knowing the way it usually works, the bill title will sound tough as nails but the actual law within will be worthless, limiting actions to censor or something without teeth.

Hopefully im wrong.
Halloween not to far off. Libs here better get this outfit now, probably going to sell out quickly among your types.

Stop bullying people and I will. Otherwise I guess you can be a whiny little b**** and ignore me. Bullies usually run off when confronted. Deuces.
Ah, see where you edited your post. I'm climbing all up into that feeble little brain of yours and you can't take it, can you? Can you?

Answer my question. Begin.

I said begin.
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Most???? But not the undecided voters. "MOST" undecided voters thought Trump won. And that is very bad for your uninformed ass.
Yeah, only morons or masochist go back to the places they are ambushed and attacked. It shows a lack of intelligence to put yourself in that situation. They must be desperate for him to do so.
They blurred out their cleavage? That’s some really weird incel stuff. Like I’ve said before you’re in some really bad meme groups. Like groyper Nazi incel pipeline. That stuff is aimed at edgy young men, how’d an oldie like you get involved?

98% of people just scroll right by.

But Dion has to complain about the cleavage being blurred. Then call other people incels.


If you noticed the cleavage was blurred out, you need to get out of your moms basement more often.
This is why they have poisoned the military with all of the social justice warrior crap.


My former brother-in-law was in the Army 20 years. It saved his life. My Dad has remarked several times that he is shocked the guy turned out so well cause he came from 'one of the meanest families' in the whole county. That guy was all about the Army and would defend it always. Really good guy. Haven't talk to him in years, always wondered what he thinks of what libs are trying to do the military. The guy was also a big time Republican. Got to be disheartening to a lot of veterans.
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I watched a video on YouTube and when I got done there was a another video that came up with Robert Reich calling Trump a dictator. Liberals are scum. Joe, Biden is 1,000 times as much a dictator as Donald Trump would ever hope to be. I would like to know how much he was paid to do that by Mr Soros.

It looks like the libs have bought up all the space on YouTube they can.
Donors supporting & opposing Amendment 2 so far:

They are afraid to give up their power for the betterment of our children.
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I watched a video on YouTube and when I got done there was a another video that came up with Robert Reich calling Trump a dictator. Liberals are scum. Joe, Biden is 1,000 times as much a dictator as Donald Trump would ever hope to be. I would like to know how much he was paid to do that by Mr Soros.

It looks like the libs have bought up all the space on YouTube they can.

YouTube is absolutely dominated by dnc ads and has been for months. Non stop. They had to spend 100 million for that much saturation.
I do agree the moderators appeared to go a little easier on Kamala but she also didn't blatantly lie as many times as Trump.
She also didn't talk about cooking up pets for dinner. Debate School 101.

That's because you are brainwashed by media, can't discern fact from faction. All the lies you believe are true are not, and vice versa: always some form of this kind of media bias nonsense.

You (pl.) are just ignorant.

The cat’s out of the bag Dems (Well unless you live in Ohio). You have too many fires to fight in your quest to hide the truth from the American people and control them. Your desperation is pathetic.

No shame at all.

Got to get those liberals off of X so that those polls can be claimed as biased. Amazing what happens when the steal is threatened
YouTube is absolutely dominated by dnc ads and has been for months. Non stop. They had to spend 100 million for that much saturation.

Noticed that as well. Had managed to avoid that bullsht for a year until YT blew up with her and timpon. We'll stop watching YT until after the election, or they stop running her ads.
Anybody who is against this has shit for brains and is an enemy of the American people.