How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, he was not asked to simply ignore the certified electors in favor of Trump's, thereby single-handedly changing the outcome, as you've repeatedly claimed.

And I am not ignoring anything. Are you aware that prominent Dem lawyers, in the summer or fall of 2020, war-gamed the exact same scenario as a potential means for them to prevent a possible Trump re-election? No, you are not. You like to fancy yourself as something for knowing something, but actually know very little. Why don't you find the document I am referring to, and then tell me why those liberal lawyers were wrong.
Yes I am, summer of 2020. They were wargaming election outcomes and this was one of the possibilities. It wasn’t to keep Trump out of office, it was someone RPing as Trump and they tried this. I have posts from the time talking about it, telling y’all what he was going to do. You completely misconstrued or are intentionally misrepresenting what happened in that wargame.
I wonder who they polled:

"The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is the political voice of Jewish Democrats. JDCA advocates for Jewish values and priorities within the Democratic Party and for the Democratic Party within the Jewish community."
I wonder who they polled:

"The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) is the political voice of Jewish Democrats. JDCA advocates for Jewish values and priorities within the Democratic Party and for the Democratic Party within the Jewish community."
What percentage do you expect then? How far off are they?
Let's look at one of the cases. Mar-a-Lago. It involves Trump showing Defense Department documents to unauthorized personnel. Espionage is the term. Reality Winner, also charged with Espionage, was in jail awaiting trial around a month after the crime was discovered. She didn't have tens of millions of dollars to spend on defense to keep her out of custody. And she eventually got 5 years and 3 months. (For revealing evidence of Russian involvement in the 2016 election, BTW.)

That's the power of money, for you. Trump does not want to go gentle into that good night. Reality Winner wasn't even read her rights.

Odd you didn't go with Edward Snowden vs Hillary Clinton (who was never charged with anything)

I'm sure you have your reasons
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I'm honestly scared to see what happens if Trump wins. Lefties will go so crazy they will probably start a civil war to stop him from taking office.
It will make J6 seem like a day at daycare but it will all be justified in the name of democracy. Sam will be here to let us all know just how justified it is and that any violence pales in comparison to the terrorist (without any weapons) actions of walking into the capital alongside security guards, All that being said, they ain’t letting Trump win. They will shut down vote counting a week if they have too .
He may never be VP or President but there is no doubt that JD Vance will be helping shape the future of this country. One of the sharpest politicians I've ever heard in a Q&A type setting @ The All In Pod Conference. Btw, anybody that thinks Kamala would last more than 10 minutes in this type of format is nuts. Also, he will destroy Walz in the VP debate. You can skip to what you want to hear but the entire 45 minutes is great.