How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Trump diehards don’t get this. Hes Poison to so many.

Honestly, I don't know what you consider a diehard. Everyone I know that is voting for him is aware of his dark underbelly, but, being adults, realizes that he is an exponentially better choice than Harris. That is just how unqualified she is for the job. And we already know that he's not going to usher in the Apocalypse. I'm essentially saying, to the left, "don't vote like a silly child" That's it.

The Democrats though, need to wake up to this reality: You all played a much bigger part in Trump's popularity, than the far right fringe that you like to portray as a huge part of Trump's base (which it is not. Not nearly enough, for him to actually be able to win the Presidency)

You had this guy beat, and you wouldn't let it go, and now you've brought this upon yourselves. That is the cold hard truth, so you don't get to cry about it now.
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Honestly, I don't know what you consider a diehard. Everyone I know that is voting for him is aware of his dark underbelly, but, being adults, realizes that he is an exponentially better choice than Harris. That is just how unqualified she is for the job. And we already know that he's not going to usher in the Apocalypse. I'm essentially saying, to the left, "don't vote like a silly child" That's it.

The Democrats though, need to wake up to this reality: You all played a much bigger part in Trump's popularity, than the far right fringe that you like to portray as a huge part of Trump's base (which it is not)

You had this guy beat, and you wouldn't let it go, and now you've brought this upon yourselves. That is the cold hard truth, so you don't get to cry about it now.
Those that don’t understand why it’s close. Those that think he can only lose by a steal. If you're mainly talking to people in KY, well, they don't think like a lot of people in states where it's close.
The question is where do the rights, such as owning a gun, come from? Idiots like him will say from the gov't ... meaning the gov't can take them away too. That is exactly why the founding fathers recognized that the right was above and beyond the big bad gov't.
The social contract of our Constitution. They can be amended away, one of the reasons they're so precious. They're fragile.
Dion, when James Comey, Hillary, et all are held criminally liable, get back to me, and we can start discussing Trump, until then, shut it.

Arbitrary prosecution and moral outrage is such a petty look, don't you think?
You know what should REALLY worry Kamala voters? She leads NEW YORK, according to NYT Siena by 12 points. Biden won it by TWENTY-THREE in 2020, and he was favored in the polls by 28...

If you really understand politics, then you KNOW how concerning that has to be to Obama/the Democrat party...

She'd better hit a Grand Slam on Tuesday, or this thing is a dead issue.
Kamala's campaign hired a Donald Trump impersonator to help her prep.

Yes, that is actually true. They have hired a Trump impersonator...
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