How will they rule ??!

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I’m a democratic socialist. That’s not a communist. It is a Marxist. You can call me whatever you want, but the discussion was specifically about accurate terminology.
What ignorant people won't understand about this is that 250M is the superficial number and only part of a much larger number already flushed down the international money laundering hole created by NATO and the warmongers. How much work does it take for the American people to generate the total tax burden, much less this corp bonus? What percentage of this 250M is matched by other countries pushing this conflict forward?

I'm sure there's 1M people out there on SocSec that could really use and appreciate an extra $250 of their money back to pay for food and/or utilities this month, rather than sht it into the pockets of a few corporations.
That's a hell of a lot less than Trump's 10% tariffs on imports will cost them: $1700/yr/household. But lots of ignorant people don't understand that.
Ramiswamy says to expect something strange if Harris loses the debate. Isn't the left strange by nature though?
Ramiswamy is right. If Kackles performs poorly, within two weeks the democrats will possibly force pedo Pete out of office and swear in Kackles as the 47th or something similar. Maybe a new lie about Trump degrading women, or even another Jessie Smolette hoax.
The left needs another george floyd event or mini pandemic the media can use against Trump.
No, it's because it's a story (racist marxist narrative) you've been told. It's not possilbe to reason with you people who are under the throes of such a corrupt and deluded ideology.

Otherwise, anyone could explain to you our inalienable self-evident rights: what they mean, their crucial importance, and their epistemic origin.

That film might be funny as shite . Also very sad.
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I certainly can. As can any number of credentialed historians. I won’t, because these are basic things that educated people know.

I will say, again, that among the many lies you tell, that last sentence is one of the worst.
Bull. Or you would’ve just done it.
Below are a few links that will help educate you on this:

Again, you give the narrative you've been fed. I was taught it too, I mean I literally majored in Classics and Roman history as I've said many times before. That doesn't make it real. Again, where is the 'West'? We're a globe. This is just a story you've been told and now you tell yourself. Cultures across the globe had participatory government and free trade, all the things that are claimed by this supposed heritage. Are you Italian? Or Greek? Can you trace your ancestry back to Athens and experiments with democracy? No? Didn't think so. Ask yourself why you're out here defending some nebulous concept you have no association with or attachment to. Now, who could have programmed you for such?
He is most certainly a revolutionary communist. He just lacks the honesty to admit it.

The moment he thought they had the numbers, that violent revolution to seize the wealth for redistribution was feasible, he'd be advocating for it.
That's the definition of democracy.
Ramiswamy is right. If Kackles performs poorly, within two weeks the democrats will possibly force pedo Pete out of office and swear in Kackles as the 47th or something similar. Maybe a new lie about Trump degrading women, or even another Jessie Smolette hoax.
The left needs another george floyd event or mini pandemic the media can use against Trump.

When she performs poorly, they'll release some dirt on her and Timpon or stage something to remove her. Then they'll plant Newsome on the ticket, if there's an election at all
Below are a few links that will help educate you on this:

Don't fall for the pigeons, brother!
south africa is a sad story

This is something that is going on globally within countries that are part of the UN. Global injustice to get people to submit to international law, setting aside their individual rights to submit to the people causing their problem in the first place.

If leftists and RINOs weren't so willingly ignorant and wickedly negligent, it would make a difference to post educational videos like this. They don't care. They won't care. They're hoping that their allegiance will earn them a seat at the table somehow and that they'll win the musical chairs lottery during the global and local overthrow of human rights. They secretly like to watch other human beings suffer and be ripped off, which is why Hollywood/the entertainment complex has them by the short and curlies.

I'll admit I was surprised they went with Cackles after the HRCankles fiasco. Another candidate that nobody likes or respects. Thought for sure they'd go with a Newsome/Obama ticket to unite two of the most successful liberal crime families. They'd have gotten all of the RINO, liberal, alphabet, white suburban "Housewives" crowd, and self-hating white guilt groups on board and run away with the election.

I guess the corruption and economy are so bad that not even Glamvin Newsome and Mischael Obama don't want that albatross around their necks.
This global injustice comes with a heavy price. It may simply be a bloodletting at first, but the repayment is a fire that no one will withstand.