How will they rule ??!

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Oh so he didn't get the alford plea? Thats great because he definitely didn't deserve it. thanks for posting that info.

Pretty crazy the judge had to twice keep the government from throwing in the towel on a slam dunk conviction of a public figure. These cases are usually ones the feds live for.
If Dad wants to get Hunter out of this mess, would a pardon or a commuted sentence be the way "we" think he would go?

I heard someone mention that he promised not to pardon him, but a commuted sentence would work if the trial happened and he was sentenced in time before President Biden left office.

Then, BOOM, Hunter pled guilty (Alford.)

Edit: I see above that the Alford Plea was rejected. I think my question still fits, though. :)
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I'm saying that you don't know if he is telling the truth or making jokes anymore than I do. This is the exact same thing as last night. You were quick to correct me that I couldn't know if they were illegals or not. Given the history of the last few years, I made an educated guess that they are illegals. Just like you are making an educated guess about Putin. I'm just playing your spin game with you and calling you out for talking out of both sides of your mouth.

You can have the last word. I fell for your spin last night, and have started doing it again tonight. For the sake of other posters, I'm going to bow out and let the pigeon win.
Disagree, but fair enough.

Speaking of conversations from last night, did you enjoy @HeismaNole's post about legal/illegal immigration?
No citizens actually want immigration in their countries. None. It's only the people who are doing it for nefarious purposes. There's no benefit to it for normal citizens. Cue the "Oh I love food trucks" morons on here who can't comprehend these people draining resources, destroying schools and neighborhoods, even bankrupting hospitals, bringing rape, murder, and drugs to your land.

Unlike a lot of those on the right, I do not adopt the belief "as long as it's legal" immigration. No. NOOOOO! We are full. You should not be allowed to come to the country unless you have a skill that can be used and something to contribute. Merit-based immigration is the only thing that should ever be discussed and that should be a rarity.

It is proposterous in every way to allow this into your nation. It's like having a deadbeat come and say "I'm going to live with you. I will not contribute anything and will use all of your stuff and expect you to prop me up and also I'll be bringing in my family to live with us so you can pay for that too."

Who would sign up for that? Not a single person. So all of this is pure treason.
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Dion fails to realize the propaganda he pushes was pushed into him long ago by his Marxist professors at his expensive Liberal Arts college, who have infiltrated the institutions of higher education at an alarming rate.

This guy detailed the system Dion fell victim too all to well.

You have to study something real, not liberal arts... they'll just indoctrinate you into their corrupted worldview. You'll only really learn how to write, what to think not how to think.

You learn the "right" opinion.

You learn essentially nothing else, certainly nothing you couldn't teach yourself. Would've been much better giving yourself a history degree than having idiot academics tell you you are smart for agreeing with them. There's not a single leftist here who can think beyond a very superficial level, and that goes for the ones with a J.D. too, who should, ostensibly at least, be able to understand the complexities of an issue, argue both sides of it.

He got a degree to stroke his ego. He'll never understand the magnitude of his error, of his ignorance. That goes for the lot of them, I suspect.

Everyone who cackled or moaned about Biden's age needs to listen to this. Trump sounds like someone who snacks on Xanax. Note: ignore the commentary if that makes you steam. Just listen to Trump's voice.

That guy is up for the hardest job in the world? I've seen the footage of the houses in Rancho Palos Verdes that are sliding downhill. They move faster than Trump.

THat's hilarious: completely deluded and disconnected from reality.

THat's embarrassing, even for the low-bar you've set. As I've said multiple times, such duplicitous nonsense alone would be enough for me to never vote left again, were I still a dem only voter.

Thanks for posting.
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The problem is the idiots who hear a bunch of big words and think it's brilliant, while it amounts to saying exactly zero of substance. She just circles back to the same words, which makes her look worse, but sambowie probably thinks she's a magnificent orator.
I’m sure she has mastered her oral skills. Willie Brown would vouch for that.
Disagree, but fair enough.

Speaking of conversations from last night, did you enjoy @HeismaNole's post about legal/illegal immigration?

THat's ONE guy.

Everyone else here is pro legal immigrant. And hell, I'd still take him on my side if he wanted to kick me out as an immigrant over the liks of you radical leftists and communists.

At least he loves America. Illegals should go home, not be welcomed. So should America haters you've joined forces, like the radical Islamists too, btw.
And he would have just obtained them somewhere else. I’m not opposed to holding parents liable for the ease at which these kids can get their guns. You’re right, there’s no reason to make it easy for them. And a lot of parents are just shitty parents. But this kid was going to do this regardless.
You are making a completely unfounded claim that he would have obtained a gun regardless. Some would. Some wouldn't. Many mentally ill kids that age are highly impulsive and make spontaneous decisions that they may not make the next day.
Have you ever spent time around teens???? They scream bloody murder one minute.... And take it all back an hour later.
If even one life is saved with a red flag law, it would be worth it.
I am voting Dem entirely on the policy of guns. Guns are the number one cause of death for children in America.
At this point Republicans are literally a danger to my wife, children and grandchildren.
Voting blue to save American children's lives.
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Now let's wait and see how fast this Russian collusion shit goes away!
Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?

Trump: Well, I would do that and we're sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka… But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because the child care is, child care couldn't, you know, there's something you have to have it in this country, you have to have it... I want to stay with child care… So we'll take care of it. Thank you
You are making a completely unfounded claim that he would have obtained a gun regardless. Some would. Some wouldn't. Many mentally ill kids that age are highly impulsive and make spontaneous decisions that they may not make the next day.
Have you ever spent time around teens???? They scream bloody murder one minute.... And take it all back an hour later.
If even one life is saved with a red flag law, it would be worth it.
I am voting Dem entirely on the policy of guns. Guns are the number one cause of death for children in America.
At this point Republicans are literally a danger to my wife, children and grandchildren.
Vote blue to save American children's lives.
He was making these threats a year ago Sam. I’ve raised three very well adjusted teens. Who never questioned their gender or threatened to shoot up a school. You’ve lied again for about the 30th time on the cause of death stat even though it’s been debunked that many times. You’re voting on full term abortion because that’s the Harris/Walz policy and on gun control. So don’t ever try to claim you have any conservative values whatsoever. I tried a conversation with you in good faith and even conceded on most of your original points except red flag laws. That’s the issue with you guys. It’s all your way or nothing. It’s not worth my time. You’re either a paid shill or an annoying troll.
It is up to each free American citizen to decide for himself or herself what information is valid or invalid, and what speech might reflect love or reflect hate or reflect something altogether different.It’s called the First Amendment. It’s called freedom. It’s called a free person having agency over his or her own mind.Deal with it, you fascist freaks.

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So did everyone enjoy who was caught in this latest crackdown on Russian shills? Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson. All three are linked constantly in this thread. Y'all have been eating Russian propaganda straight from the trough for years while claiming the left is brainwashed. Hilarious.

These people are being charged, but you’re implying it’s fake.

Tim Pool and the others you listed are “being charged”?

He doesn't. He is FOS and knows it. He is saying that because he knows Republicans will believe it because, as a group, Pubs are gullible and believe anything he or Trump tell them.
Coming who said Trump invited Russia to search for Hillarys obvious joke....I find you to be a glorious G-school moron.
It is up to each free American citizen to decide for himself or herself what information is valid or invalid, and what speech might reflect love or reflect hate or reflect something altogether different.It’s called the First Amendment. It’s called freedom. It’s called a free person having agency over his or her own mind.Deal with it, you fascist freaks.

Next they will be calling out Morning Schmoe for saying Eff You if you think this isn't the best version of Biden yet
You are making a completely unfounded claim that he would have obtained a gun regardless. Some would. Some wouldn't. Many mentally ill kids that age are highly impulsive and make spontaneous decisions that they may not make the next day.
Have you ever spent time around teens???? They scream bloody murder one minute.... And take it all back an hour later.
If even one life is saved with a red flag law, it would be worth it.
I am voting Dem entirely on the policy of guns. Guns are the number one cause of death for children in America.
At this point Republicans are literally a danger to my wife, children and grandchildren.
Voting blue to save American children's lives.

There’s no way y’all are dumb enough to think Trump was being serious when he said he’d be a dictator on day one.

Putin said what he said. Serious or not the Dems have to deal with it.
Trump has claimed in a court pleading the right to steal. Where does "not dictator" end for you? Theft is still "not dictator"?