How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Next week will be interesting study in liberal media tactics, will most of the media even bring this up?

If they do will it just get one or two mentions from them and go away. This story would be the lead story every night for every network or cable news show for at least 2 weeks if the families were talking about Trump.

This is what I don't get.
Trump showed up.
Kamala and Joe couldn't be bothered.
But in the their utter stupidity, they want to pretend that showing up and paying respect was wrong and bring attention to the fact that they didn't show up. If this is a hill they want to die on lol so be it.
My simple question to anyone is this: How are you better off today than you were four years ago?

I'll answer it for myself. I am not. Everything costs more. My spending habits haven't changed either. It's not like I've started buying exuberant items. Just the normal stuff. My savings has dwindled down under this administration. Even with my wife deciding to work more as an OT we aren't making the money we did pre Biden Harris administration. Let me make it real simple for everyone, she's lying now. If she can fix everything in January she can do it now. She has no plans of doing it then. It's a lie because she thinks enough dumb voters will believe it. And I can speak for someone coming from the agricultural sector. $3.00 a bushel corn isn't paying anyone's bills. Again resulting in more middle class strain. Biden has nearly broke the middle class. A Harris administration will kill the middle class. So again I ask how are you better now than 4 years ago? Cause I am not.

Brother, I got a basically 50% raise 3 years ago, and I barely notice a difference day to day.

My habits haven't changed at all.

Despite the Village Idiot crowing about the DOW, money is tight for everyone I talk to.
Dems doing everything they can to try to make abortion a focus point for the election. Never mind all of the other massive and pressing challenges facing our country.
And that's because that is all young female voters care about. Who cares if world War 3 starts or we turn into a 3rd world country. We want to screw around without consequences!
Wrong. Polling post-Dobbs shows majorities of both women and people at large prefer a federal law. Overwhelming majorities for birthing age women. It's the opposite of what you're saying, only a minority want it left to the states.

You keep making these statements, so why doesn't I show up in the legislative vote?

Seems as though if it was that much overwhelming support for over 50 years, maybe you clowns would have actually gotten a law passed that reflects the will of that overwhelming majority, you assclown.
It's all over multiple. Here's one from April:

Q24. Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, do you think federal politicians should:
Work to enact nationwide laws that restrict access to abortion: 14%
Work to enact nationwide laws that ensure access to abortion: 49%
Leave laws on abortion entirely up to the states: 37%
No opinion: *
April 18-23, 2024

That's 63/37 for federal from the population at large. Here's another with 70% of women 18-49 supporting a federal law protecting. Add on whatever handful of percent favor a federal ban and you're really high up there. Sorry, MAGA in the minority again.

Write some legislation and pass it, then, crybaby commie boy.

Wah wah.
And that's because that is all young female voters care about. Who cares if world War 3 starts or we turn into a 3rd world country. We want to screw around without consequences!
I saw where young women are moving to Harris in droves. The nation’s fate might be in the hands of female teenagers and 20 something’s. Clown world.
UK game may not start for almost another hour. Jeez. Doubt I'll be able to watch the whole game before going to bed.

It was a long wait, but worth it. Good first game. Shook some of the rust off and made some mistakes, but still dominated. Feel bad for the backups not getting as many game reps as you'd like because we will need them later in the season.
You keep making these statements, so why doesn't I show up in the legislative vote?

Seems as though if it was that much overwhelming support for over 50 years, maybe you clowns would have actually gotten a law passed that reflects the will of that overwhelming majority, you assclown.
F*** you and the filibuster.
Write some legislation and pass it, then, crybaby commie boy.

Wah wah.
Hadn’t read this yet, but even more apt now.
He straight said we need to outlaw it from public spaces.

Um, can you walk around a Kroger with an open beer?

Smoking a blunt?

Oh my God, he doesn't want people.smoking weed on street corners, what a fascist.

You fvcking idiot.

You should be applauding his moderate stance on simple possession, commie boy.

But no, you have TDS and must show your ass like a baboon..
You dumbass, he literally said he doesn't think personal should be messed with, just no smoking it in public places, etc.

How vapid are you, commie boy?

Do you comprehend English?
Yes, and I have a different opinion than you. Deal with it. Trump coming out bashing weed isn’t going to win him a single voter.
Um, can you walk around a Kroger with an open beer?

Smoking a blunt?

Oh my God, he doesn't want people.smoking weed on street corners, what a fascist.

You fvcking idiot.

You should be applauding his moderate stance on simple possession, commie boy.

But no, you have TDS and must show your ass like a baboon..
Yeah, cause I’m known for endorsing “moderate” positions…
I saw where young women are moving to Harris in droves. The nation’s fate might be in the hands of female teenagers and 20 something’s. Clown world.
There was a poll released the other day and it was something like 80% of women listed abortion as their number 1 voting issue. So basically being able to kill babies is what they are worried about. Meanwhile, men were more concerned about this petty thing called the economy. You know, so they can afford to buy food for babies. Men are jerks I guess.
There is a legal limit for driving and other responsibilities while under the influence. We sell alcoholic drinks in public establishments. Weed is far less inebriating than alcohol. I’m not saying someone should be smashed while driving, but a responsible amount of public use is perfectly acceptable.

Hey, quick, commie boy, without looking it up, amd spouting that which you know absolutely nothing about, what's the legal limit in Kentucky of nanograms per milliliter of urine for an ovi under current Kentucky law?

Answer without looking it up, or shut up, Forever.
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There was a poll released the other day and it was something like 80% of women listed abortion as their number 1 voting issue. So basically being able to kill babies is what they are worried about. Meanwhile, men were more concerned about this petty thing called the economy. You know, so they can afford to buy food for babies. Men are jerks I guess.
Yeah, caring about groceries more than human rights does make you a jerk. You nailed it.
The Left doesn't just want to beat their opponents. They want to imprison them or worse.

Trump and Musk have both done what they have done knowing there is the possibility of huge financial loss the last few years. They have already tried/still trying to jail Trump...then the assassination attempt, so there is a lot more at stake than just finances now. I hope Musk has the best security.