How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Not me. As I've posted before, I don't have any student loans. I simply support it for my countrymen who aren't so fortunate.
You cut if off just when the going got good.

There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.


In Jewish tradition, personhood began with the first breath outside the mother's body

You think the establishment of personhood according to Jewish tradition is the qualifier for “innocent blood” in v.17 or being a victim of murder at all? “Thou shalt not murder” only pertains to killing Jews?

Thats some serious theological gymnastics you’re attempting to do there.
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Pro 47 has been a disaster for California and Cameluh Harris played a "critical" role in getting it passed. It's basically a "get out of jail free" card for criminals. Voters were dooped when she and the others sold it as "the safe schools and neighborhoods act". Her and Biden did the same thing with the "Inflation Act" which is no more than a Global Climate Change" act. These people are sick and so is most of their voting base.
Proposition 47, introduced to tackle prison overcrowding and reduce nonviolent offense incarcerations, reclassified specific offenses, including some theft offenses not previously addressed in AB2372 and certain drug-related charges as misdemeanors, instead of felonies. However, it is important to note that it did not eliminate the prosecution of these offenses. Even before the adoption of AB2372 and the proposition, many instances of shoplifting were treated as misdemeanors. Since most shoplifting cases involve amounts under $400, the enforcement approach did not significantly alter before or after either AB2372 or Proposition 47's enactment.

Not too long ago, the US had the highest incarceration rate in the world. Due to decriminalizing drug laws, we're now 6th. I strongly suspect that the drum beat about crime rising (it isn't) comes from the private prison crowd. Recently, this great Christian country has begun to make poverty a jailable offense. (Can't afford rent? To prison! It costs around $48,000 per year per inmate to incarcerate, but apparently it goes against everything people stand for in this Christian country to direct that to anyone but the owners of private prisons. After all, if there weren't people in prison then Christians couldn't visit them!)
You think the establishment of personhood according to Jewish tradition is the qualifier for “innocent blood” in v.17 or being a victim of murder at all? “Thou shalt not murder” only pertains to killing Jews?

Thats some serious theological gymnastics you’re attempting to do there.
Well, you beat me in the gymnastics.

I'm not sure what you're saying. I don't think Jews are the only persons, but the Book of Joshua isn't exactly the best moment in theological gymnastics. Kill em all. Even the animals. isn't exactly where I'd turn for spiritual advice.
Still unbelievable that any human being in this country would be for open borders, drugs to kill millions coming across the border, sex trafficking, terrorists coming across the border, gangs, benefits, housing, voting rights and driving rights for illegals with all the needy Americans there is, sex changes for kids, killing babies that have a heart and mind, high prices for food, gas and everything else, unaffordable housing for young people, drag queen shows for elementary kids, men competing in women's sports, defunding the police, wars all over the world, jobs going over seas, Hamas terrorists, Palestinians that support Hamas over Israel, promotion by race instead of qualifications, free speech, corrupt media, corrupt elections like drop boxes, doctors voting for psychic patients, non updated voter roles and no ID.

Much more to list but you get the point. We have people saying the reason they will vote for Harris is because she is black (actually half black), because she is a democrat and my family has always been democrats, because she is a woman and because they just don't like the way Trump talks. Voting against them having a much better life because of those reasons. I mean, Democrats just want big government and power for the elites. What good does that do for all of us that just wants to have the best life possible while we are here?
Most Liberals are selfish, tiny little people that would rather wizz conservatives off than do what's right. It really is just that.
I can't believe people fall for this bs claim. But whatever floats your boat. Yes, debt payment is the size of 76% of income taxes receipts. But income taxes are not going exclusively to debt payment but instead are spread proportionately across all government expenditures. Debt payment is about 20% of expenditures. So about 20% of income taxes go to pay the debt.
Tax payers will pay for that. Just like tax payers will be paying for all those illegal flights from Biden bringing in more illegals secretly even though against the law without house and senate approval. Not only the worst prez ever but has to be most corrupt. How does he break law after law without being prosecuted? Most things he does is not in the best interest of the country or its citizens. Harris will just continue the anti American narrative. An ignorant air head that gets in front of a bunch of people telling them to never say Merry Christmas again. Just because she is for illegals over American citizens. And half the ignorant country will vote for all these anti American antics.
So you're a hypocrite and just dance around that. Doing rallies isn't the same as taking questions from the press. Trump did a CNN debate and was grilled by the black journalist association. Kamala runs and hides from any type of questions. She won't even put policies on her campaign pager (after removing them).

Oh, and you complaining about this being an echo chamber is funny considering how much of social media and media is a giant left wing echo chamber. This might be the only place you're ever subjected to a different viewpoint. Go to Reddit and you'll be in paradise.

I was going to ignore your latest downloaded verbage but this made me laugh.

LOL so dumb

Trump was shot in the head at a rally a few weeks ago. Had the RNC. Has done other rally’s. Has a press conference scheduled in 3 hours. Has an interview on one of the largest media platforms in the world scheduled Monday.

Kamala Harris has yet to sit for a single question since being appointed, just shows up at random concerts to annoy the fans and paid attendees.

And the NPCs are told to say Trump is hiding.

They are the dumbest people on the planet.
“Sure, you’re a Chinese asset, lied about your military service, lied about being a coach, lied about your rank, signed laws allowing babies to be killed after birth, let Minneapolis burn and drank horse cum (yet to be verified), but at least you’re not a Jew.”

- democrat party, 2024
Trump was shot in the head at a rally a few weeks ago. Had the RNC. Has done other rally’s. Has a press conference scheduled in 3 hours. Has an interview on one of the largest media platforms in the world scheduled Monday.

Kamala Harris has yet to sit for a single question since being appointed, just shows up at random concerts to annoy the fans and paid attendees.

And the NPCs are told to say Trump is hiding.

They are the dumbest people on the planet.
All they can do is lie. When it comes to talking policy they have nothing. They won't even comment on why they are for the 75 bad things their party stands for. Obviously all they know they have to vote like their family has their whole life regardless of what each candidate stands for. No honest person going by policy alone would vote for so many bad things for them or their country. The Dem party is not what it used to be. No moderate to it.
I can't believe people fall for this bs claim. But whatever floats your boat. Yes, debt payment is the size of 76% of income taxes receipts. But income taxes are not going exclusively to debt payment but instead are spread proportionately across all government expenditures. Debt payment is about 20% of expenditures. So about 20% of income taxes go to pay the debt.
It may be factually correct that 76% of income taxes = the interest on the debt, but, to your point, that's not the only thing that income tax receipts are used for. Definitely a sensationalistic headline.

I think this is still correct: the total of all tax receipts = SS + Medicare + interest + Defense with the remaining $1T+ being annual deficits. IIRC, a fairly recent projection showed that SS + Medicare/caid + interest would = tax receipts (maybe 2030-ish)? We definitely have a huge problem that neither side wants to address. I believe some targeted tax increases coupled with pretty significant spending cuts or freezes is the only way to reverse this march to financial oblivion. I don't believe government debt is only a revenue problem. It's a huge spending problem. If we somehow raised $1T more tax revenue, I have no doubt we'd still be running up $100s of billions of new debt every year because no one in Washington wants to stop spending.

Dem policies such as 'guaranteed minimum income', significant expansion of Medicaid to include non-citizens, 'Medicare for All', etc. would just pour jet engine fuel on the raging fire of deficit spending. IMO, these would quickly bankrupt the US (which may be the goal if you believe some folks). Trump, in his first term, was a free spender although, to be fair, a big chunk of overspending occurred due to COVID response (which was, in retrospect, the wrong approach but he/we didn't know it at the time). If he get reelected, I would hope he'd rein in the out of control spending but have my doubts he has enough pull in the House to do so.
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Well, you beat me in the gymnastics.

I'm not sure what you're saying. I don't think Jews are the only persons, but the Book of Joshua isn't exactly the best moment in theological gymnastics. Kill em all. Even the animals. isn't exactly where I'd turn for spiritual advice.

Maybe the animals were “contaminated”. The real kicker is when you find out what the livestock was contaminated and unclean from… brings a whole new meaning to burger sauce. I can see it coming to the Democrat party platform sooner than later to be honest. Nothing new under the sun.

Look I can’t play Biblical Wack-a-Mole with you today with every random thing you take issue with. Let’s get back to politics.
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There's too many angry homosexuals on this forum, I gotta start blocking a few for my own sake. They're lost causes and arguing with them is pointless.
  • Haha
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“Sure, you’re a Chinese asset, lied about your military service, lied about being a coach, lied about your rank, signed laws allowing babies to be killed after birth, let Minneapolis burn and drank horse cum (yet to be verified), but at least you’re not a Jew.”

- democrat party, 2024

Get big pedo vibes from him too. Not saying he is, but if you needed to cast one in a movie, you’d hire him on the spot.
Illegals over citizens. Simple to understand for some or maybe anti country but pro illegals?

Sir Keir’s rhetoric serves to embolden disaffected Muslim youths by furthering the narrative that Muslims are persecuted in western countries. It is this narrative which Islamists seize upon to radicalize the population and stir young men to violence. The response also serves to demoralize the British population, who have found that their extreme concern over the effects of mass-immigration falls on deaf ears. The play-book is always as follows: an immigrant or child of an immigrant goes on a killing rampage and the government goes after a “far-right” threat.

Any word on Venezuela from our Govt? We are just going to standby as Maduro starts rounding up people that opposed him stealing an election.
What a fu€king joke we’ve become, all because the establishment wanted the orange one out of office at any cost.
Our government is doing the same thing. There are still J6 defendants sitting in solidarity confinement without a trial for years now.