How will they rule ??!

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Or he actually understands the themes of the movie he starred in...

LOL A slacker that parrots other peoples' talking points, refuses to work, can't pay his rent, and spends most of his time drunk/high.

That's it. That's the "theme" according to the brothers that made it.

That sounds very "Democrat" to me.

Is that what you were going for Dion? Hahaha

(You lead with your chin on that one.)
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What do you think Israel is?
Wait until the next daughters of the American revolution meeting when we can inform them that they're all Jewish.

Yes miss Jones you are Jewish. Ask a commie.
Wrong. So very wrong. Diversity of opinion is what led to the formation of the United States of America.
You think our Founding Fathers agreed on everything? If you do then your ignorance knows no bounds.
Diversity of thought yields better ideas and inventions. Disagreements are the seeds for better societies. Debate and argument provoke anger.... But also new thoughts, ideas and creativity.
The best rock bands had the most internal fights. Ask Van Halen, the Beetles, and the Stones about that.
No good marriage wasn't built on disagreement and compromise.
No great business is built on groupthink.
Diversity of foods, clothes, music, thought, race, and religion is the spark for the flame of Democracy we are.
Look no further than China, Russia, Iran and North Korea to see the dead end economies that result from zero diversity and groupthink. 90 percent of China's economic success is tied to stealing our ideas, copying our formula and selling their junk to our thriving economy.
Diversity is the main reason for why we are a great nation...period.
If diversity continues you get a divorce. The founders disagreements ended with unity. With consensus. Agreement. If the diversity was allowed to continue there would not have been the agreement that came in the form of the Constitution.

Diversity MUST end in agreement and unity. That is where strength comes from. Diversity allowed to continue weakens.
Wrong. So very wrong. Diversity of opinion is what led to the formation of the United States of America.
You think our Founding Fathers agreed on everything? If you do then your ignorance knows no bounds.
Diversity of thought yields better ideas and inventions. Disagreements are the seeds for better societies. Debate and argument provoke anger.... But also new thoughts, ideas and creativity.
The best rock bands had the most internal fights. Ask Van Halen, the Beetles, and the Stones about that.
No good marriage wasn't built on disagreement and compromise.
No great business is built on groupthink.
Diversity of foods, clothes, music, thought, race, and religion is the spark for the flame of Democracy we are.
Look no further than China, Russia, Iran and North Korea to see the dead end economies that result from zero diversity and groupthink. 90 percent of China's economic success is tied to stealing our ideas, copying our formula and selling their junk to our thriving economy.
Diversity is the main reason for why we are a great nation...period.
e pluribus unum

Unless disagreements end in unity you get divorce.

Bands? Let 4 musicians play different sounds at different timing....that is diversity. You must be on the same sheet of music or you have cacophony. Discord. You walked into a rake with that analogy.

Diversity is weakness. Unity brings strength.

Founders? The diversity ENDED with the unity of the constitution. Diversity of opinion brought us the civil war.

You might want to rethink how you made so many bad takes in one post.
If diversity continues you get a divorce. The founders disagreements ended with unity. With consensus. Agreement. If the diversity was allowed to continue there would not have been the agreement that came in the form of the Constitution.

Diversity MUST end in agreement and unity. That is where strength comes from. Diversity allowed to continue weakens.

e pluribus unum

Unless disagreements end in unity you get divorce.

Bands? Let 4 musicians play different sounds at different timing....that is diversity. You must be on the same sheet of music or you have cacophony. Discord. You walked into a rake with that analogy.

Diversity is weakness. Unity brings strength.

Founders? The diversity ENDED with the unity of the constitution. Diversity of opinion brought us the civil war.

You might want to rethink how you made so many bad takes in one post.
Hilarious! The Founder's disagreements over the role/extent of local/state/federal government in our lives is alive and well today with the Democrat and Republican Parties.
The Civil War never ended.... We just settle the disputes via codified law and elections instead of gun fire.
You're living in a fantasy land of wishful kumbaya.
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I wonder how many "polls" we'll hear about this week? LOL
Did you not get my point? We don't have an only-Chinese NBA. Even though they enjoy it, work hard, have plenty of skills. If they're good enough, they play in the NBA. If their genetic makeup doesn't allow that, it is what it is. Same for women. Same for the CBA.

Of course we don’t, because the NBA sole purpose is to make money and provide entertainment. If you’re arguing the WNBA shouldn’t be around because it does neither, I won’t attempt to debate that but that’s not my money financing it.

On the amateur level, we divide sports up into all sorts of categories. There is a North American Chinese Basketball Association. I just don’t see the harm in letting females have their own space to do what they enjoy in a more safe, fair, and competitive environment when the biological gap (proven by science and years of trial and error) is to big to overcome in these men’s spaces. I also don’t take issue with a Chinese Basketball League, Catholic Youth Baseball, or Hispanic Schools Soccer League, Special Olympics, etc if the interest and popularity calls for it so people are able to participate and more enjoy a sport.
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Or the really unlikeable old guy nearing 80 that the country is largely tired of who can't stay on message is beginning to fall behind.

Like I said before, this election could be the case of whoever dumped their old guy first wins. We'll see in Nov.
One press conference by Kamala, or a debate (which she is petrified of) will end this race with a quickness.

Kamala can't even define inflation. She is abjectly stupid, and has absolutely no idea what she is doing.

Today alone, we've had a hurricane, the biggest stock market collapse since 1987, and rising tensions in the middle east. And what is the person that wants us to trust her with the Presidency doing? Hiding in the basement.

Thanks, but no thanks. Kamala is a disaster. (and THAT is being generous...)
One press conference by Kamala, or a debate (which she is petrified of) will end this race with a quickness.

Kamala can't even define inflation. She is abjectly stupid, and has absolutely no idea what she is doing.

Today alone, we've had a hurricane, the biggest stock market collapse since 1987, and rising tensions in the middle east. And what is the person that wants us to trust her with the Presidency doing? Hiding in the basement.

Thanks, but no thanks. Kamala is a disaster. (and THAT is being generous...)
A KH presidency being a disaster is Best Case scenario. The more likely outcome is it will mirror Armageddon.
LOL A slacker that parrots other peoples' talking points, refuses to work, can't pay his rent, and spends most of his time drunk/high.

That's it. That's the "theme" according to the brothers that made it.

That sounds very "Democrat" to me.

Is that what you were going for Dion? Hahaha

(You lead with your chin on that one.)
🙄 Brilliant analysis, Ebert.
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One press conference by Kamala, or a debate (which she is petrified of) will end this race with a quickness.

Kamala can't even define inflation. She is abjectly stupid, and has absolutely no idea what she is doing.

Today alone, we've had a hurricane, the biggest stock market collapse since 1987, and rising tensions in the middle east. And what is the person that wants us to trust her with the Presidency doing? Hiding in the basement.

Thanks, but no thanks. Kamala is a disaster. (and THAT is being generous...)
Now you're just trolling lol. Trump was a disaster in his first debate with Biden and wasn't much better during his second if we're being honest. Biden was just worse. I'm sorry but no one going against Trump, who again is nearing 80, is scared to debate him.

On your second sentence, I'm not sure it's wise to claim Harris doesn't know what she's doing as Trump fumbles about and dickfingers a big lead away in days.

On your third, I'll give you two of those. I'm not sure why you're lumping in a hurricane. And the basement line didn't work in 2020 so it's not going to work four years later. Same with the cute nicknames. 'Sleepy' didn't take and 'Laffin' hasn't either.

Lastly, Harris has had the spotlight against Trump for two weeks. Calling her a disaster and posting little train crash gifs is cool and all but maybe chill on the dramatic takes? I was reading GYERO and saw your Harris post there too. You must have it in your mind that she's really going to win now or something if you're this worked up in August.

But I get it - neither would be most people's first, second, or third choices but it's what we've got.
🙄 Brilliant analysis, Ebert.

If you think it's more than that, then by all means, I'd like to hear you tell the Coen Brothers what their movie is about. It's a vehicle for comedy. Nothing more.

Leave it to Dion to try and complicate The Big Lebowski LOL

Even by Dion standards, that is a whopper. 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

You are a unique bird my man. You have an unlimited capacity to suck the joy out of anything.

You are essentially a vampire.
Now you're just trolling lol. Trump was a disaster in his first debate with Biden and wasn't much better during his second if we're being honest. Biden was just worse. I'm sorry but no one going against Trump, who again is nearing 80, is scared to debate him.

On your second sentence, I'm not sure it's wise to claim Harris doesn't know what she's doing as Trump fumbles about and dickfingers a big lead away in days.

On your third, I'll give you two of those. I'm not sure why you're lumping in a hurricane. And the basement line didn't work in 2020 so it's not going to work four years later. Same with the cute nicknames. 'Sleepy' didn't take and 'Laffin' hasn't either.

Lastly, Harris has had the spotlight against Trump for two weeks. Calling her a disaster and posting little train crash gifs is cool and all but maybe chill on the dramatic takes? I was reading GYERO and saw your Harris post there too. You must have it in your mind that she's really going to win now or something if you're this worked up in August.

But I get it - neither would be most people's first, second, or third choices but it's what we've got.

That was a longwinded way of admitting that I'm right.

(and I honestly don't remember posting about Harris in GYERO. If I did, I probably meant to make it here.)

I don't know why you refuse to block me, if I irritate you so much. Unless, you're obsessed with me (which might be the case, since you have made a mental corkboard, cross-referencing my posts from various threads)
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Wait until the next daughters of the American revolution meeting when we can inform them that they're all Jewish.

Yes miss Jones you are Jewish. Ask a commie.
Where do you think the Jews that went to Israel came from? Hint: The countries where religious bigotry no longer wanted them. That's y'all! Britain were the issuers of the Balfour Declaration. They controlled Palestine, they imported millions of Jews. Here's Truman himself talking about it:

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Dion, NIghtWish, and now Tweaker have entered the room.

The atmospheric change is palpable. LOL

It's like a balloon, that is slowly deflating. (With the accompanying and irritating noise that it makes. You know the one; it's a combination of a squeal and flatulence)
Dion, NIghtWish, and now Tweaker have entered the room.

The atmospheric change is palpable. LOL

It's like a balloon, that is slowly deflating. (With the accompanying and irritating noise that it makes)
We know you like your echo chamber/safe space, where you have like 10+ guys online at any given time ready to throw down memes about the left. Toughen up a bit.
Tweaker, smacking around low IQ leftists, such as yourself, is the primary reason I come here.

It's sort of like playing JUMBLE, or doing a crossword puzzle. It fills the void when I'm working, or just bored.

BTW - did you manage to find all of your teeth that I knocked out the other day? (figuratively speaking...)

I'm eagerly anticipating your next post about how I don't understand fascism and what not. You seem to really favor that one I've noticed.

It's a big hit with Dion as well. His "go to" is to start mumbling on about some sort of Y axis. LOL
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Tweaker, smacking around low IQ leftists, such as yourself, is the primary reason I come here.

It's sort of like playing JUMBLE, or doing a crossword puzzle. It fills the void when I'm working, or just bored.

BTW - did you manage to find all of your teeth that I knocked out the other day? (figuratively speaking...)
You're like Trump in that you constantly manufacture faux victories to feel good about yourself while supporting vile, henious trash political takes.

This thread is going to meltdown when Harris is president, lol. I know you'll be here first to spread misinformation like election fraud or something to help you grieve.
If you think it's more than that, then by all means, I'd like to hear you tell the Coen Brothers what their movie is about. It's a vehicle for comedy. Nothing more.

Leave it to Dion to try and complicate The Big Lebowski LOL

Even by Dion standards, that is a whopper. 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

You are a unique bird my man. You have an unlimited capacity to suck the joy out of anything.

You are essentially a vampire.
? It's exactly what it says it is in the opener, a hero's journey set in a snapshot of 90s American culture. "Now thisa here story I'm about to unfold took place back in the early 90s. Just about the time of our conflict with Saddam and the Iraqis. I only mention it because sometimes there's a man, I won't say a hero, cause what's a hero? But sometimes there's a man, and I'm talking about The Dude here, sometimes there's a man...well, he's the man for his time and place. Fits right in there. And that's the Dude. In Los Angeles." The Vietnam vet and the Hippie, the Warrior and the Monk, on their journey to spiritual enlightenment. As the ending succinctly sums up. "Yeah well, the Dude abides." "The Dude abides, I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowing he's out there, taking it easy for all us sinners." There are college courses taught on the philosophy/politics of The Big Lebowski at this point, it's a classic for a reason.
Tweaker, smacking around low IQ leftists, such as yourself, is the primary reason I come here.

It's sort of like playing JUMBLE, or doing a crossword puzzle. It fills the void when I'm working, or just bored.

BTW - did you manage to find all of your teeth that I knocked out the other day? (figuratively speaking...)

I'm eagerly anticipating your next post about how I don't understand fascism and what not. You seem to really favor that one I've noticed.

It's a big hit with Dion as well. His "go to" is to start mumbling on about some sort of Y axis. LOL
Speaking of which, I nailed you pretty directly on that when you had me on ignore the other day:
Conservatism literally means to conserve things. Societal institutions. Not the destruction of those institutions(anarchy).

Liberalism means individual freedoms. If taken out to its logical extreme it is the anarchy you're talking about, literal individual freedom to do whatever you want.

Your entire scale is made up nonsense. You just took how those words are used colloquially in America and shoehorned them onto a straight-line continuum. Nothing about it fits or is accurate.