How will they rule ??!

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That's just marxist "reasoning," and is prima facia absurd, unscientific.

Worse than what was discussed previously...not worth any more time than I just gave it.
Lordy. "Marxist". I really should try to remember who posts what. Marxist. Sweet suffering molasses.
She was born with a vagina. Has always been a woman. Yet even you are here calling her a man. Proves you have absolutely no principles. All this trans talk is bull, just whoever you feel like hating on that particular day.
“She” is not a woman.

Who do you think is right, Karl? You or the billions of people questioning whether she should have been fighting a woman?
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You're still making a junior high debate argument from definition. The idea that scientists don't acknowledge inter-sex states is fatuous. I was informed by a scientist of the 1-4000 incidence of births with two sex states just the other day.

So, yeah. Some people make arguments from definitions. Anyone can make a definition. The question is what to do about physical reality.

I can't address the people you meet but Trumpism/conservatism does not support live and let live. Who makes all the taunting howling jokes about trans people on this board? (Conservatives have all but disappeared except as a kind of self-congratulation. "I'm not a Trumper. I'm a conservative." )

I'm not debating the definition of sex, something which is clearly and unequivocally scientifically defined. I'm debating explaining the logical fallacy in one of your arguments.

Nothing more.
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Lordy. "Marxist". I really should try to remember who posts what. Marxist. Sweet suffering molasses.

He is an admitted Marxist.

This too, is poorly reasoned. You assume that since most people you know maybe don't know or genuinely understand what Marxism is, just sling it as a pejorative, then that is what is occurring here.

IT is not.
I'm not debating the definition of sex, something which is clearly and unequivocally scientifically defined. I'm debating explaining the logical fallacy in one of your arguments.

Nothing more.
This is the ludicrous position they’ve decided to take: that because .00025 of people are intersex, AHA! men can have vaginas! Or some such schlock. It’s so stupid that it’s hard to even unravel.

While the world burns, this is at the forefront of the “progressive” mind.
I'm not debating the definition of sex, something which is clearly and unequivocally scientifically defined. I'm debating explaining the logical fallacy in one of your arguments.

Nothing more.
Not debating the point but asserting it. So, pressing the I WIN button.
This is the ludicrous position they’ve decided to take: that because .00025 of people are intersex, AHA! men can have vaginas! Or some such schlock. It’s so stupid that it’s hard to even unravel.

While the world burns, this is at the forefront of the “progressive” mind.

The exception proves the rule.

Genetic abnormality or deformity is just that. Nothing more, and it's unscientific to suggest otherwise: sex is binary and immutable.
Economy is fine. Most of Biden's policies have benefited the country.
The problem is not the last 4 years with Biden.... It's the next four years.
He is incapable of running the country moving forward.
What was/is your alternative? Shut the government down?

As far as his being able to do NO wrong, that's a bs absolute black/white on your part - showing you have nothing to say that he hasn't been an overall good for KY & the USA.

You think the two alternatives are emergency CRs and omnibus bills no one is allowed to read, or shutting down the government?

And accuse me of bs black/white thinking?

The preferred alternative would be separate appropriations bills that each member has a chance to review. But that would take a desire from democrat and republican leadership to run a government on behalf of the American people, not their friends and donors.
Saw some discussion earlier about the economy being a killer for the incumbent but lost the post. Anyway, that's spot on or was forever until.....obama pulled the magical reelection in the face of factors that never before won reelection.


Well, you don't read my posts on the issue, The liberals here are mostly sports fans who seem to think that puberty's dose of testosterone and HGH create an advantage. Lobby the various sports agencies instead of moaning about it.

Ok at least thats a start but this is still a national hot button issue which shows many still support it.
It's patently obvious that she is trying to wing it and is woefully unprepared for what should be an obvious question she'll be asked. She starts out like she's talking to an 8-year old kid. 'Let's start with this...prices have gone up. That means bread costs more, gas costs more..." Really groundbreaking stuff there, Kamala. Then, we know people are struggling with this and it's a high priority. And, THAT's her answer. Wow, I can see why the polls reflect a huge surge for her with that immense brainpower on full display. Honestly, Trump is a bully, thin-skinned and arrogant as hell. But, intellectually he's not a complete embarrassment. Is there any other country in the world that would take Kamala seriously as POTUS?

She may, in fact, be pretty intelligent. We all know people who are genuinely intelligent but come across as kind of dumb. She pegs the GD needle on that. Coupled with numerous inside sources who've mentioned her laziness and the massive amount of turnover in her staff in 3+ years (something like 85%, iirc), even someone with only partial brain function (Dion, sambo, the usual suspects) would have to question if she's up to the job (or any job, for that matter). She is an embarrassment as VP. If she somehow becomes POTUS, the rest of the world will openly laugh at the US for electing such a complete nincompoop lightweight. They already laugh at Biden and he's mentally compromised by age. They will be unmerciful to Kamala and her idiotic word salad.
Gender isnt biological but sex definitely is. Putting on a dress doesn't make one biologically less male nor remove all the physical advantages.

This is really such a no brainier thing ever. The fact libs cant concede this shows how nuts it all really is. Because you see, if they admit this, theyre admitting all the "women are as strong as men" insanity was also bs. The equality and equity topple too.

The whole thing is a loony bin house of cards.
I admit the physical differences in biology all the time. What I don’t do is think that makes men and women unequal, as you do here. They aren’t, just different. Like all people. Some are more suited to certain tasks than others. We need to quit shoehorning everyone into these rigid categories and let them expand to reach their full potential.
Uh huh...does it hurt to be apologist? And. What the hell are you talking about..didn't Trump agree to a debate on CNN, didn't he just go on a panel of black journalists (that kamala skipped), dodnt he d9 an interview on 60 minutes, etc etc etc etc..see again you're just making shit up...again. at some point while you cry about fox news you're gonna have to come to the self realization...that you are also only taking in preferred information that tells you what you want to hear. No light bulb yet tho.

Meanwhile, kamala has taken questions from???? Has anyone asked her about her lying on video time and time again aboit bidens cognitive ability?

Find us where she's been asked an adversarial question

@MidseasonTweak you clear this up
Y'all been screaming about a bad economy for 4 years. Bitching about high prices and saying how bad everything is.
Your dreams have come true!!
You should be happy. 😉

No one is happy, you dumbass, because all the lies and fake numbers you believed were keeping rates high destroying the middle class, even though we told you that’s exactly what was happening. Now, due to central bank ****ery, chickens are coming home to roost.

But make no mistake, the stock market is not the economy. Middle America has been suffering for years. Dipshits like you just believe the lord and think 7 stocks pumping numbers somehow signals a strong economy.

“You all are happy now” because weve been telling you the economy has been shit for months is more retarded than claiming Trump backed out of a debate when it was Biden who quit the race.
No one is happy, you dumbass, because all the lies and fake numbers you believed were keeping rates high destroying the middle class, even though we told you that’s exactly what was happening. Now, due to central bank ****ery, chickens are coming home to roost.

But make no mistake, the stock market is not the economy. Middle America has been suffering for years. Dipshits like you just believe the lord and think 7 stocks pumping numbers somehow signals a strong economy.

“You all are happy now” because weve been telling you the economy has been shit for months is more retarded than claiming Trump backed out of a debate when it was Biden who quit the race.
Economy is fine till people start losing jobs, quit buying things and lose money on their 401ks.
Until then.... It's just bitching at the clouds.
I think corporate America has been jacking up prices to the point now it is starting to bite them in the ass.
The economy has been red hot for 4 years now.... Time for it to cool down a little.
Hopefully a cool down vs a recession.
We sure as hell ain't been in a recession for the last 4 years. 😂😂😂😂
Economy is fine till people start losing jobs, quit buying things and lose money on their 401ks.
Until then.... It's just bitching at the clouds.
I think corporate America has been jacking up prices to the point now it is starting to bite them in the ass.
The economy has been red hot for 4 years now.... Time for it to cool down a little.
Hopefully a cool down vs a recession.
We sure as hell ain't been in a recession for the last 4 years. 😂😂😂😂

Kamalanomics baby!!! If you want more of this great, red hot economy, vote Kamala!!!

Government jobs for everyone funded by wartime level deficit spending with no ongoing hot wars!!!

Maybe we’ll get lucky and everyone can get a factory job to produce weapons after WW3 breaks out in full!!!
How in the world can they send her out there so unprepared? Was she still living in sambos world where she believed the economy was booming and was caught flatfooted?

Wait, strike that, reverse it.

She paid multiple writers to come up with that response.

THERE IS NO WAY that this person passed the bar exam. Absolutely ZERO possibility. She's a complete idiot. I can see why dems relate