How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Here too.. the spurious line of argumentation here is that you did not establish that either a woman or a doctor has the choice, the "right" to make the decision to abort away or not.

You do not have that right. They do not have that right. It is not their choice to kill a baby out of convenience or profit. One day you will know.

Well, that's why you must do away with personal property. Then he is free to move about your home. Your home is his home, our country is their country: no borders!
A clump of cells incapable of breathing or living outside of a body is not a baby. Just because you think it is doesn't give you the right to subjugate another person's body and take control of it.
It is real simple....If you think abortion is wrong then don't have an abortion. Problem solved.
By your logic, every time you use your sock monkey to get are killing half the person and a future person. Sperm lives matter right?
April 28 this year, apparently.

When I attended IET at Fort Benning in 1981, Drill Sergeants mentioned his name often as an example of how not to treat POWs and displaced enemy civilians.
i was thinking of gary powers (u2 pilot). i think he died piloting a news helicopter crash.
High comedy right here. You right wing whackos always say democrats need a safe space, yet look at your hypocritical ass here. You run off cause I called out your orange idiot God, lol

Who is the fool here, the one who is actually quoting what your boy said, no more voting, he said it fool, I dint make that up

So this is why 90% in this thread that gang up on anyone not sucking Trump off are the blatant fools. The hypocrisy is beyond anything, again, I call out Trump u run to your safe space and ignore me, then you do what you accuse leftists as doing, I'm literally quoting what Trump said about no more elections yet somehow you wanna pretend that wasn't said

Sounds like I'm in reality and the 90% majority here brain washed fools. Look I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I am sincerely not a fan of either party. I haven't seen one lefty attack what I've said, only the right wingers who can't take any criticism of the dumb, morally bankrupt, homophonic, racist, misogynistic asshole you worship.
Even a few said troll job, lol sure, if you don't love Trump or Kamala must be a Troll lol, no fools, there are many like me who are gonna vote for the lesser evil. That's gonna cause a big meltdown here in Nov

Vote this idiot Tump in and watch him seize power and destroy our democracy

When any candidate on any side claims there will be no more elections if they are elected, that should scare the hell out of everyone!! And it's also the most un-American thing ever from the supposed Patriots.

Trump is a piece of human shit and yall worship the man. It's hilarious and disgusting. I have faith in our country. You local yocal redneck idgits don't make up the majority anymore. Most people are like me and hate it all. We will settle for the lesser evil, so get ready boys. The meltdown here in November when Kamala wins is gonna be delicious

I will check in to laugh at you if yall aren't out having another insurrection or burning the country down.
This has to be a troll No one could actually more brainwashed than Joy Reid yet here we are
Anybody tell the white dudes for Kamala they're gals gonna want a Honky Tax for their lily white asses to pay those reparations?
Ha! These are the “guys” who bow & kiss the feet of illegal immigrants & condemn their own whiteness. They are shameless & their obsessive desire to virtue signal knows no bounds. They are the type who will, gleefully, empty their bank accounts so they can race to social media, with receipts, to self-brag on their moral superiority & call everyone else racists. Money is no object. You can’t put a price tag on rare opportunities like that.
And there's no need to whine about socialism/communism, as this inflation is happening right now under capitalism. It's capitalism, not socialism.
And you abhor yourself for that fact.
Why would I? It was luck. I had no control over it. Same as them. What I do do is recognize context. And there's no reason why economic migration is good for the goose but not the gander. You're preaching it to me while condemning it for them.
What does every dipshit republican criminal think SCOTUS will save them?

** KA -- BOOM **

Nothing except more DEMOCRAT corruption here folks.
This “omg they’re sooo weird” narrative that the DNC orchestrated is something they must have got from their TikTok Gen Z focus group.

But the audacity of Democrats calling someone weird is hilarious considering the freak shows the left trot out and even put in their admin.

I loathe our press. It further shows how compromised the entire industry is. Our government tried to murder Trump and the press just buries it after running disinfo campaign? They don’t care that Dems are committing massive fraud through ActBlue? No fact checkers on anything that could be negative to Dems.

It’s all so pathetic. I can’t believe there are people who are so stupid and mentally weak that they let DNC Media completely control their perception of the world.

Much of the opening ceremony for the Olympics was weird.

From the article: "Former President Donald Trump urged his supporters to “go after Meta and Google” after the companies acknowledged unintended moderation errors on content related to the assassination attempt against Trump—fueling unfounded accusations on the right that big tech companies are working against Republicans to elect Democrats." (Emphasis Added)

"unintended moderation errors" ........ Riiiiiiiiiiight
I'm not a woman. I am not a doctor. It is not my choice to abort away or not.
If you are neither one of those....It is not your business either unless you are a fascist control freak that likes to tell others what to do with their own body.
It is nothing I should have any say in at all until the fetus is viable to survive outside of the body imo. Once it is a viable human being capable of life outside of the mother..... then that changes the dynamic.
I disagree.

As you well know, a man can also have a baby. As a man I therefore have every right to have a say-so. So as a man/baby-haver...I say abort away. You have my permission.
Try and listen to any of those liberal white women on that zoom call for kamala.

My mom is visiting, and I played her a clip and she was blown away.

She agreed with me that suicide would be better than listening to that whole thing.
They should go back and tend to their cats.
The JD Vance dad memes flooding X are great. I’m glad the right can meme, unlike the childless cat ladies making up the left.
I absolutely love Childless Cat Ladies as a slur....I like it better than Karens. There are also man hating divorced Cat ladies. Also Purple Haired Cat Ladies. So many unattractive cat ladies to pick from.
I disagree.

As you well know, a man can also have a baby. As a man I therefore have every right to have a say-so. So as a man/baby-haver...I say abort away. You have my permission.
You have rights over your own lady man parts.... Abort or not....But leave my body and junk alone.
Decisions over your own lady man body are between you and your maker... Not me.