How will they rule ??!

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It isn't less, it just shifted it from the executive branch to the judicial. Which I probably prefer, just clarifying it's still the same level of government power, just moved.

It's even worse than that. Democrat run cities such as New York, Baltimore, Detroit etc. have stopped reporting their statistics to the FBI which makes the overall statistics absolutely useless. Just like the other misinformation that the government distributes.
That's exactly what immigration reform is. Advocating for changing the laws. I'm asking in theory. You support legalizing economic migration?
No. It guts the wages for the people we should care for...our own lower class. They bring us nothing but cheap labor. I support migration for those that we need....engineers, doctors etc.... not roofers.
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Yeah. Rallys don't win elections. Kamala is near even in most swing states. She will get a convention bump . This might be juat Trump polling 5 points below his performance but the polls have greatly shifted in a race that should be all but a formality given Ksmala s level of approval and fact she literally did nothing.
Wonder if this behavior is at least a leading cause of terminal singleness for these individuals. Who in their right mind would put up with 3 seconds of this unhinged behavior? I mean, 4-year olds have more self control than these lunatics.

Try and listen to any of those liberal white women on that zoom call for kamala.

My mom is visiting, and I played her a clip and she was blown away.

She agreed with me that suicide would be better than listening to that whole thing.
Why is economic freedom of movement good for me but not for them?

The obvious negation to spurious argumentation here is that it is good for them, but not for you (us Americans, it is good for you as a socialist with an unAmerican marxist theology).
That's exactly what immigration reform is. Advocating for changing the laws. I'm asking in theory. You support legalizing economic migration?
The spurious line of reasoning here is that just making illegal immigration legal addresses the problem. It accomplishes nohting but advances your self-serving ideological agenda.

ILLEGAL why? Because they crossed a line on a map looking for economic improvement. @trueblujr2 told me to move to the city for work. If I go to Knoxville I'll have crossed city boundaries, county boundaries, and state boundaries. State boundaries that once were, and many would argue should be again, much bigger deals than they are with the freedom of movement we have today. Y'all have two big ideals here that are massively at odds in your ideology.

This is a straw man. State boundaries are not the same as national boundaries; any "argument" along such lines is a straw man and is irrelevant.

You support legalizing economic migration?

Also a straw man.

Yeah, I was born lucky. Simple as that.

No, the people before you created those circumstances. It (the creation of which)_ was not luck.
No, you used an example to attempt to reinforce your point. I turned that example around and explained how your reasoning was all wrong. For both that situation in Appalachia and the broader point about minorities. The Black community find themselves in a particular set of historical circumstances just like Appalachians do.

Now, as for the rest about Appalachia. Bullshit guys don't work on pills. I live it every day. Of course they take them to deal with the pain. OF WORKING IN THE MINES. They would've taken them regardless of the pushers(Big Pharma should absolutely be prosecuted for what they did, just talking reality). They do lots of other things too, that still aren't legal. America has always exploited our area, that's nothing new. Hence the drugs. In the twenties they even called in the Army to break the strikes and beat us back to work. You have some illusion that life was good before the present messed that up. It wasn't.

But no doubt a spurious argument.
I agree. You should abort more of your brethren. You are helping save the planet. Do us all a big favor. Abort away.
I'm not a woman. I am not a doctor. It is not my choice to abort away or not.
If you are neither one of those....It is not your business either unless you are a fascist control freak that likes to tell others what to do with their own body.
It is nothing I should have any say in at all until the fetus is viable to survive outside of the body imo. Once it is a viable human being capable of life outside of the mother..... then that changes the dynamic.
I'm not a woman. I am not a doctor. It is not my choice to abort away or not.
If you are neither one of those....It is not your business either unless you are a fascist control freak that likes to tell others what to do with their own body.
It is nothing I should have any say in at all until the fetus is viable to survive outside of the body imo. Once it is a viable human being capable of life outside of the mother..... then that changes the dynamic.

Here too.. the spurious line of argumentation here is that you did not establish that either a woman or a doctor has the choice, the "right" to make the decision to abort away or not.

You do not have that right. They do not have that right. It is not their choice to kill a baby out of convenience or profit. One day you will know.

The same way your free to move about your own home and land, but not mine.

Well, that's why you must do away with personal property. Then he is free to move about your home. Your home is his home, our country is their country: no borders!
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No. It guts the wages for the people we should care for...our own lower class. They bring us nothing but cheap labor. I support migration for those that we need....engineers, doctors etc.... not roofers.
So why am I being encouraged to make an economic migration and they're being banned?
What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical

I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.

I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK

And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition

Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no

Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top

I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates

I'm sad and disgusted
If you think the candidates are bad consider the posters on here

Some are dreadful but you topped them all in one fell swoop