How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Why bother? The elite left doesn't even know which end of a shovel/rake/farm implement to use, and which end to hold on to. They're too busy telling each other how smart and open-minded they are.
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Nothing you quoted said anything about a right to unrestricted abortions for all.

Try reading what you cut and paste you mouth-breather. Trump has said a hundred times, he's not for any Federal intervention in state abortion laws.

Go play in the dirt. The adults are talking.
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And which ones? Ones without the same economic disadvantages. That fact further reinforces my point, it doesn't refute it.

Do your own research Eeyore. That is your entire debate "strategy", asking inane questions. And the only POINT you have, is on top of that empty head of yours...
The Dem Convention hasn't taken place yet. Delegates will vote then. She and Biden got 81 million in 2020 I believe.

As usual, you missed the point. Here's a tip, look on the top of Eeyore's empty and sad head.

The two of you are a vaudeville act.

(and vaudeville died almost a hundred years ago. That is a one with two zeros behind it)
Pesky things like transparent elections, and facts give progressives, errrr fascists nightmares. The last thing they want is a bunch of "interlopers" messing with their vision.
There's 350 million in the country. Have you ever googled "Florida man" and your birthday.

And while we're at it, I'm sure you fell for this one did, didn't you, Mr "bloodbath"

And which ones? Ones without the same economic disadvantages. That fact further reinforces my point, it doesn't refute it.
Here's another fun fact, black people aren't liberal although they vote democrat. Much of the black voting Caucus is socially conservative. They largely continue to vote democrat from social pressure.

Whats funny tho, the democrats strategy of calling everyone racist (as democrats cannot win elections if African Americans don't show up) doesn't really work from a messaging stand actually has only made white liberals think everything is more racist.
Listen up brick-head, I'm going to explain it to you one more time.

I'm not blaming Black Americans, or calling them stupid. The TARGET of my derision is people like you. You and the dishonest Democrat Party that traded in their dignity, honesty, and souls, to buy a voting bloc with false promises of help, compassion, and equal opportunity, all while you were fabricating a "new" form of slavery with a big fake smile on your face. And do you want to know how I "KNOW" I'm right Eeyore? The evidence of your "help", stared me in the ****ing face every single day, for the almost 30 years that I worked in public schools. Your party, and your fake "help" hasn't done SQUAT, and you've had 6 decades to make a dent. SIX ****ING DECADES.

Is this getting through that thick cement skull of yours? THREE GENERATIONS, and you accomplished NOTHING.

You, and your ilk, and your poisonous arrogance are a cancer.

So, if I were you, I'd shut the **** up when it comes to things you know **** all about, and do some self-reflection.
Now who's mad? You need to sit down and do some thinking about America. Maybe things are a bit more complicated than just your side good, other side bad. Maybe Black Americans know a bit more than you're giving them credit for.
Here's another fun fact, black people aren't liberal although they vote democrat. Much of the black voting Caucus is socially conservative. They largely continue to vote democrat from social pressure.
They vote Democratic in their own best interest, despite being socially conservative. Even more illustration of exactly what the Republican party really is. Not even those social alignments can make them vote R.