How will they rule ??!

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Everything about this Kamala stuff is bogus. There's this big report of how much her social media followers have grown since being the candidate. They report 700K growth in followers in a couple of days. Gimme a break. That's not how that works. You'd already be following her. You wouldn't just magically want to follow the VP now if you are a devoted Democrat.

But it reminded me that they pulled this crap in 2020 with the bot farms.

Nov 2020 article

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

"Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost beginning in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased on the open market from troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found.

Within two weeks of Biden selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate on August 12, his Twitter following jumped by 738,595 new followers—a 9.1 percent leap. The number hit 11 million by the third week of October.

A close examination has revealed unusual patterns. A large number of Twitter accounts that followed Biden's appear to have been created exclusively for that purpose. And a large number of the users are located in small towns in rural India—in places where English-speakers are rare, and from handles run by people who don't speak English as their first language, nor appear to be genuinely invested in American politics."
Her TIK TOK numbers are off the charts so you know China wants her to be president.

We all know why.... Sammysdad and other leftist need to make the assassination attempt less damaging to the dnc that it is... so they lie. Wray is deep state so he went with that even though they knew that day it was in fact a bullet.

As soon as he said it I thought "he's intentionally trying to influence the election". Strange that this isn't a bigger deal.
I wonder how much Andy donated? (his own money) Not that it is any of my business, but if you're going to question someone else(wrongly), he better have donated.
Then again there is a recurring theme of democrats wanting to hold their adversaries and those that they believe they rule, to a different standard than they feel they should be held to.
I wonder how much Andy donated? (his own money) Not that it is any of my business, but if you're going to question someone else(wrongly), he better have donated.
Then again there is a recurring theme of democrats wanting to hold their adversaries and those that they believe they rule, to a different standard than they feel they should be held to.
Yep. They all have 2 sets of rules. It really is an affliction to be Liberal.
He said what I said. That's the context. I don't think you understand it, and that's scary because that means a lot of narrow-minded on the right will shrug it off.
You sure have been posting a lot since Biden embarrassed himself and the country in the debate and then a crazy leftist attempted to assassinate president Trump.... It's OK little buddy.... You're scared. We can smell the fear on you. But we are going to make America great again and stop the destruction of our country.
You don't even need to go to Kamala, Biden was an antidrug crusader himself back in the day. This is why it's always so funny to me when y'all try to tie The Left to Joe freaking Biden and Democrats. Dems are just conservative-lite. Same capital worship, same bombs. Just with rainbows on them. I hate virtually all our leaders, but I vote for the lesser of two evils because that's what our system forces us to do.
Dems got drunk on “emergency” authoritative power during Covid and wonder why people protested and wanted to come after them. Andy was no different sending state police to write down license plate numbers of church goers, can’t visit grandma in a nursing home, etc. Shows how far we’ve slid that so many still find what these people did to the masses “acceptable.”
Some emergency. Only twice the number of people died as in all of wars put together. Crazy Democrats. Now, if it had been 3 times, then it would have been understandable.
Still not reassured. Hope he picks better locations with fewer opportunities to breach security. But we all know that attempt was a setup. Even our resident Libs can’t defend the actions and facts surrounding what went on that day. That’s why they don’t even bring it up.
Still not reassured. Hope he picks better locations with fewer opportunities to breach security. But we all know that attempt was a setup. Even our resident Libs can’t defend the actions and facts surrounding what went on that day. That’s why they don’t even bring it up.
That is why they try to bring up red herrings like shrapnel. Like that really fing matters anyway...dude survived an assassination attempt. And that is the bottom line.
1.2 million deaths is pretty much the definition of danger. Where does danger start for you?
Quit posting this nonsense. Just because someone who got killed in a car crash and had a family member who had tested positive with a test that was totally inaccurate within the last 10 days, does not mean that individual died of covid.
BTW. where did the flu go?

Edit: They could get money to pay their funeral though if allowed to call it a covid death.
Except they were wrong and nobody was in more danger. Mask didn't work and shots only worked for about 3 months. If you're scared then just stay in your home. Let the rest of us live our lives. That's how freedom works.
Oh I don’t know - he probably thinks Cuomo did a great job of handling Covid - he could have just shoved all the Covid patients in nursing homes, killing the most susceptible and later winning an award for his efforts.
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You think third world migration is organic and that "dIvErSiTy iS oUr sTrEnF" got pushed on everyone who didn't want it? This has been an orchestrated thing targeting specific countries. No one is beating the door down for Asian and Arab cand African countries to be diverse. This stuff is catastrophic and it does not work. It only ends in disaster.
It’s the WEF/UN agenda in action. The European Union is just a stop further down the path than we are. We aren’t far behind. What’s keeping Hungary from removing themselves from the EU? Is it a process of secession like we have over here?
Says the side trying to ban porn and gay marriage.
Show us where Trump has said he wants to ban either. Porn needs to be kept out of the hands of children, plain and simple, and Trump has never opposed gay marriage. It’s a non issue in his platform regardless of what “pRoJeCt TwUnNytWuNnYfIvE” might say on the subject because it’s NOT TRUMPS AGENDA.
Except they were wrong and nobody was in more danger. Mask didn't work and shots only worked for about 3 months. If you're scared then just stay in your home. Let the rest of us live our lives. That's how freedom works.
Not only this, it was known by the summer of 2020 that masks and distancing were useless, that the death rate was not what was being claimed, and that children were not at risk.

They still pushed these lies because they needed those riots and they needed the ability to cast hundreds of thousands of fake votes.

Dreadlox, as usual, is pushing lies.

First you tell me how Trump could achieve what you and the TDS nuts so want us to believe?

Second, he was saying he is going to fix the issue so that it won’t be a voting concern anymore. You cannot dump on Robert Kennedy for being a conspiracy nut and post a lot of the crackpot things you post.

Practice comprehension. Just a little is all it takes.
Got him blocked. Was he actually repeating the same nonsense as Meathead and Olbermann? Is this the new DNC talking point now? lol.
Does the data break down how many of those polled were closer to age 18 vs age 34? Numbers can be skewed simply by weighting that stat alone.

There are plenty of polls where it's 60-40 Trump with that age group.

It's all in how you want to make your poll to fit your narrative, to advance your agenda.
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Show us where Trump has said he wants to ban either. Porn needs to be kept out of the hands of children, plain and simple, and Trump has never opposed gay marriage. It’s a non issue in his platform regardless of what “pRoJeCt TwUnNytWuNnYfIvE” might say on the subject because it’s NOT TRUMPS AGENDA.
Nuts. Trump claims a lot of things that aren't true. 140 former Trump officials work on Project 2025. His VP wrote the forward for Dawn's Early Light.
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Stay in your home then. If you are afraid then it's on you to stay safe. You can't force me to make you feel safe because authoritarians will always use security as a tool to take freedom.... Just like AB..
When was there ever freedom to risk someone else's life?
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