How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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We don't have an fbi. We don't have a doj. We don't have a secretary of defense nor a defense dept. We don't have a secret service. That's what all of this is telling the people.

They don't answer and are not accountable to us, so they are not ours. Whomever they do work for wants what you see happening on our streets, in our schools, in our hospitals and nursing homes, in our legislature, and in our court system. They want you to be the target. They want you afraid. They want you homeless. They want you to have nothing.

That's what happens when you don't hold people accountable, and just throw money at them to fix things.
How is polling close? Kamala was terrible in SF she literally blew her way to her job. Most far left in Senate. Had 1 job last 3 years and literally did nothing for border NOTHING. How is this close? Trump even gets shot doesn't miss a beat n still close.

Look the convention speech was terrible Trump does what he does he gets a ball teed up an he cant get out of his own way..

Even with that Trump should be 7 to 10 pts ahead Ksmsla is so terrible it .akes no sense.
How is polling close? Kamala was terrible in SF she literally blew her way to her job. Most far left in Senate. Had 1 job last 3 years and literally did nothing for border NOTHING. How is this close? Trump even gets shot doesn't miss a beat n still close.

Look the convention speech was terrible Trump does what he does he gets a ball teed up an he cant get out of his own way..

Even with that Trump should be 7 to 10 pts ahead Ksmsla is so terrible it .akes no sense.
Polls aren’t meant to be accurate. Understand this and you’ll calm down.
The Church is absolutely Israel.

You are correct that the door is open for anyone to return and especially those to whom the revelation was first given. They are the branches cast off into the fire, but they can be re-grafted. They just have to accept Our Lord and stop persecuting Him.

One of the consistent types running throughout the OT is the older brother losing his inheritance and persecuting the younger brother who receives it instead. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers.

Reading more carefully, ALL were broken off. All were separated from the root. For ALL have sinned.

Jesus is the vine/the root. All have to be grafted into him, but they can't take root in him if they don't refuse to sin. Repentance is turning your back on sin. There are lots of broken off branches in the Church, due to sin and unbelief.

The family of God is not an institution nor a doctrine, but is a family united by faithful action regardless of where they are. There are Jews and Gentiles that believe in Jesus and act faithfully. Here and in Israel. Gentile believers are now the older brothers of those who separated themselves 2k yrs ago, and they're in the same danger towards the broken off branches that the older brothers were back then.

This isn't about religion, however, this is about politics and nations. Regardless of the one-sided nature of the relationship, Israel is an ally and their leadership should be as respected or
more respected than that of China and Hamas, whose reps have been doted upon nationally. To argue otherwise is nonsense.
The Church is Israel. This is rather explicit in the New Testament. The modern political state of Israel is not the referent in that passage.

If you think it is, then you basically have to concede that Judaism is correct and Christianity is wrong.
False. The church is Christianity. And no, Catholicism is not part of that. Jesus did not regard Mary as his equal; in fact, He rebuked her.
As I continue to process Kalama’s ascension to the top of the ticket, it is even more apparent the Dem’s really had no choice given the campaign funds issue and the identity politics corner they have painted themselves into.

Consider the fact that they tried like hell to elevate her as soon as she and Biden entered office in 2021, tried to feature her as being given responsibility for the border and immigration, and then continued to try to reinvent her as her staff continued to abandon her as her approval ratings continued to nose dive. But eventually they gave up and buried her to the point you didn’t really know she existed, as often occurs with most VPs.

But NOW all of the sudden she is the MOST qualified, HISTORICAL, and INSPIRING candidate for the job. I’m sure the Dems wish they could insert another option, but they were screwed from the start. So they have to fall in line and launch the propaganda campaign to prop her up. It’s really quite amazing.
How is polling close? Kamala was terrible in SF she literally blew her way to her job. Most far left in Senate. Had 1 job last 3 years and literally did nothing for border NOTHING. How is this close? Trump even gets shot doesn't miss a beat n still close.

Look the convention speech was terrible Trump does what he does he gets a ball teed up an he cant get out of his own way..

Even with that Trump should be 7 to 10 pts ahead Ksmsla is so terrible it .akes no sense.
Many, many people in this country have been looking for anyone but Trump for a long time. That's the only reason Biden won in 2020. Now Kamala has a shot because she also fits that bill.
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Reactions: Stan the caddy
How is polling close? Kamala was terrible in SF she literally blew her way to her job. Most far left in Senate. Had 1 job last 3 years and literally did nothing for border NOTHING. How is this close? Trump even gets shot doesn't miss a beat n still close.

Look the convention speech was terrible Trump does what he does he gets a ball teed up an he cant get out of his own way..

Even with that Trump should be 7 to 10 pts ahead Ksmsla is so terrible it .akes no sense.
Might make you feel better.

How is polling close? Kamala was terrible in SF she literally blew her way to her job. Most far left in Senate. Had 1 job last 3 years and literally did nothing for border NOTHING. How is this close? Trump even gets shot doesn't miss a beat n still close.

Look the convention speech was terrible Trump does what he does he gets a ball teed up an he cant get out of his own way..

Even with that Trump should be 7 to 10 pts ahead Ksmsla is so terrible it .akes no sense.

Polls are not what they may have been 30 yrs ago. They're as good as preseason college football mags at predicting where things are or will really shake out
Polls are not what they may have been 30 yrs ago. They're as good as preseason college football mags at predicting where things are or will really shake out
It's all about who you ask and what you ask.
Will never forget a marketing class in college where we studied polling. Can make them, without being too obvious, come out anyway you want.
Many, many people in this country have been looking for anyone but Trump for a long time. That's the only reason Biden won in 2020. Now Kamala has a shot because she also fits that bill.
Yes yes yes, everyone fits the bill in your childish orange man bad cuz err Hitler, strawman.
People rarely turn out in volume to vote against someone. They show up tired after work because they are energized to vote FOR someone. But whatever, continue being a walking DNCcp talking point.
Might make you feel better.

This is true. Don’t care about national polls.

It’s all about Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

If we assume all other states break as expected for each candidate, perhaps Trump’s most direct path to winning includes:
1. Hold North Carolina as he did in 2020.
2. “Flip” Georgia

If those two things happen, then:
3. Win Pennsylvania

That puts him at 270. And that’s why so much focus and time is being spent on Pennsylvania.

That doesn’t even consider that Trump currently has an edge in Arizona, Nevada, and maybe even Michigan and Wisconsin.
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Did you know that Supreme Court reform is critical to “our democracy”????
Don't listen to that Marxist pablum coming from dementia boy's pull string. It will make you happier. That's why I refuse to watch the MSM state propaganda machine. I don't want to buy a new TV after I throw something through it, and I refuse to let their rot enter into my ears anymore.
@sambowieshin friends still at it, Charlottesvilles happening everyday. No Accountability and the accepting of lawlessness

Officers need to start aggressively driving these idiots away. Tear gas, non-lethal/bean bag rounds. Scare the absolute piss out of them. Stop trying to coddle these POS’. Only way to stop a bully, or in this case a bully made up of hundreds of cowards, it’s to punch it in the f*cking nose.
What the hell was that mumbling crap from Biden. It was obviously prerecorded with God knows how many takes told to us it was supposed to be live. Just talking points for a campaign that was one lie after another.

Especially cute quoting netenyahu with the political violence has no place in democracy as Palestinians protestors have invaded the capital building been burning flags yelling death to America. 2 weeks after failed govt buearocracies failed to protect a former president. I could go on but I almost puked

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