How will they rule ??!

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the LAST thing we need is that pre-mummified idiot DYING before the election.

Believe me. If Biden was dead, the DNC, media, and power players would break their necks to take advantage of it.

Kamala upon Biden’s death after she fumbles around and hits a knee fake crying at his casket

22 point jump

Independents .
Biden resigned. There is no coup. Goofy as hell.
WHY did he resign? Bc he is incapable. The WHY is he still in ofc, IF he is even alive? Bc you guys are corrupt and dont give 2 chits about this country that you hate.

Did you see the video of him resigning? Have you seen any video of him? It could dam well be a real coup. Even snopes cannot deny that.

Village idiot..
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All Republicans aren't Nazis. Never said they were. My biggest issue with Republicans as a whole is abortion policy and the cult like allegiance to one man. All Republicans don't support that either.
Many of my best friends and family are Republicans.
Democrats are no different.

I hope one day at a random UK game I find out that your “Sambowie”

It will be Christmas, but not for you
Point is Kamala hasn’t had one negative add ran against her and she’s been in the background. As a black female her “fear of race” approval should be way higher. What people are missing is she’s NOT popular with black Americans. Black men it’s not good at all. I don’t think she’ll be as hard as some here.

I’m expecting Trump to now carry 13% of the back vote making it nearly impossible for the D’s to win.
She is going to score big with black women for sure. But black men, not so much.

One possible offset though, is that Latino voters hate her even more than they hate Biden. By a sizable margin. I wouldn't be surprised if it tipped New Mexico.
I hope one day at a random UK game I find out that your “Sambowie”

It will be Christmas, but not for you

I’m at quite a few. Well have a smoke of some kind and go look for’m. I picture him with a long skinny ponytail, gray, with a Lebron James style hairline. Some kind of Democrat talking point T-shirt like “democracy at stake” or some stupid sht. Look for the lisp.
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I’m at quite a few. Well have a smoke of some kind and go look for’m. I picture him with a long skinny ponytail, gray, with a Lebron James style hairline. Some kind of Democrat talking point T-shirt like “democracy at stake” or some stupid sht. Look for the lisp.

You two need to stand down. It's common knowledge that I have dibs on kicking sam and Dion's ass. LOL
  • Haha
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I think private citizens aren't allowed to be involved in foreign affairs. Best if Trump stays the hell away from him even if he supports Israel. But Ok if he meets with Zelenski.

I think that’s okay as long as it’s not official of some kind. A private citizen meeting with the leader of a country I don’t think matters.

What matters is if Trump says “when I get into office” type of deal. But you’re right, the media will immediately leak lies that Trump was acting on official business when he wasn’t supposed to.

CNN has “sources”.
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Kind of surprised no one has posted this...charlie kirk says something about a "strange lead" about biden died while in nevada.

Then snopes comes out with this, "unfounded". Not "false". Unfounded. Is Biden dead? And the audio is a deep fake?

I bet that Biden message was AI. Or it was recorded months ago.
What are the wars over?
I really wish we'd all drop the "it's not Democracy because she didn't get votes discourse"

It's true, this mess is all of their own doing. But at this point, there are really no other options.

The right should just leave it be, hammer immigration, Kamala's disastrous performance on the border issue, and the economy.

After Biden, she is the most "beatable", so the right caught a break.
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But at least the Pub cult votes their one man in. Since the oligarchy of the Dims picks their candidates, you must prefer their system. Real democratic loving of you.
Biden resigned from the nomination. The delegates are deciding as is necessary at this time. Kamala was on the nominating ticket fool. Makes perfect sense.
Dems won't be attacking the Capitol and shi**ing in the offices like your nutty cult did.
WHY did he resign? Bc he is incapable. The WHY is he still in ofc, IF he is even alive? Bc you guys are corrupt and dont give 2 chits about this country that you hate.

Did you see the video of him resigning? Have you seen any video of him? It could dam well be a real coup. Even snopes cannot deny that.

Village idiot..
As of this evening, Biden is president. Fever dreams aren't facts.

You people make stuff up to scare yourself with and then pretend you believe it.