How will they rule ??!

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If Biden is on death's door like the rumors are swirling then why wouldn't the left be all about getting Kamala in? Do they think "first woman" 'black woman" factor makes voters less motivated if it's already accomplished with Biden stepping down? I think so.

Also, is the left crazy enough to do something to Biden?

This has been one insane week like out of a movie. They really were banking on Trump being dead.
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Also, is the left crazy enough to do something to Biden?


I have a theory about Joe's whereabouts. I think that when he had run out his usefulness, they removed the drug cocktail that they had been giving him to keep him animated. That made it much easier to make joe concede his reelection. But now he is so bad without the drugs that they have to keep him out of the public eye.

Dems would never…
Democrats. Good job you idiots. With the world going mad you’ve got Kamala Harris’ dumbass and a committee of leftist lunatics running the country. None of which we know anything about. All because you fell for mass media propaganda.

Democracy? Never say the word again. You are all dangerous.
Oh look, lots of democrats talking about a “black man shot by police”. Isn’t it funny the way cities burn when they’re in office? This is what they do, and it’s what they did with Covid.

Vote for us or you’ll be locked inside your home.

Vote for us or cities will burn.

They’re the single most dangerous party that’s ever existed in America. How Democratic voters can’t see it, and some independents ignore it, is beyond me.
Ignorant and illinformed as always.

I thought China Joe "beat Covid"?!?! And that if you take the miracle jab, then you'll NEVER get it??? A pandemic of the unvaccinated, I was told.

So, now you're saying that Biden sat idly by is killing nearly 80,000 Americans a year? They must be pubs, huh??

Which is it, science guy??
You know a politician is crazy dirty and has so many skeletons when they could really just come out to any media agency and be like “This guy is threatening me if I don’t drop out that they will ____.• “So and so is doing this behind the scenes.”

But they don’t because that’s all DC is, blackmail and corruption.
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But you don't think it's a great place...

The reality is you're told to feel this way so you do otherwise you would think nothing of it. Just the same as how every R since Bush had been called Hitler, and after Trump they'll claim that person is worse than Hitler and worse than Trump. And how you'll repeat those talking points.

It's just the same how you believe racists, sexist, bigots are hiding in every bush gull of white supremacists or whatever.

Just the same as you believe there's a radical supreme court. I'm guessing you think Barrett is a radical ideologe...but don't know she's actually based on opinions the most neutral judge on the court.

It's why you run with "bloodbath" or "very fine people on both sides" or "immigrants are animals", or "put bleach in your ass"

Or it's why you all claimed you hold truth to power, and will talk about Trump's lies but in the debate, for example, biden lied about troops in his first 20 seconds and you ignored it.

It's why you've remained silent on the weekly Charlottesvilles happening in pro hamas rallies...while AMERICANS are held hostage in gaza.

Because you're told to. Just as you create false hypotheticals of what MAGA means..never pondered "hmm why is all I can think of that it has to be something that's actually bad for other ppl, probably only good for white dudes."
That's your assumption, right? I know I'm right, that's all you can think up. Maybe you Have serious issues getting to know ppl.

I love America. I think it's a great place.
You MAGAs are the ones running it into the ground every day.
All I ever hear MAGAs say about this country is......
Our public schools suck.
Our military sucks.
Our major cities suck.
Our blue states suck.
Our President sucks.
Our VP sucks.
Democrats suck.
Our economy sucks.
Our NATO allies suck.
Our separation of church and state sucks.
Our elections suck.
Our immigrants suck.
Our LGTBQ community sucks.
Our clean energy sucks.

According to MAGAs America is a dystopian society where everything sucks except their laws and Donald Trump.

Hating half of the country is not loving America.
Hilarious to watch the libs carry right on as if it’s business as usual. A little over a week after someone tried to kill the rightful President amid very shady circumstances. Then followed up by a coup of the incumbent and Democratic nominee. Now no one’s even positive what Biden’s condition is. No one’s seen him in days. I would call it Banana Republic stuff, but it’s really more comparable to the old Soviet and East German commie regimes. The Soviets ousted Kruschev for Brezhnev and I’m not sure anybody ever saw him alive again. Is that Joes fate?
I thought China Joe "beat Covid"?!?! And that if you take the miracle jab, then you'll NEVER get it??? A pandemic of the unvaccinated, I was told.

So, now you're saying that Biden sat idly by is killing nearly 80,000 Americans a year? They must be pubs, huh??

Which is it, science guy??
Never said that. Vaccines only gave you enough protection to limit the severity of the Covid virus.... Not stop you from ever getting it. Covid viruses mutate constantly just like the flu virus. That's why there is a different vaccine out every year for both.
Your ignorance of vaccines and science in general is frightening.... But not surprising.
I love America. I think it's a great place.
You MAGAs are the ones running it into the ground every day.
All I ever hear MAGAs say about this country is......
Our public schools suck.
Our military sucks.
Our major cities suck.
Our blue states suck.
Our President sucks.
Our VP sucks.
Democrats suck.
Our economy sucks.
Our NATO allies suck.
Our separation of church and state sucks.
Our elections suck.
Our immigrants suck.
Our LGTBQ community sucks.
Our clean energy sucks.

According to MAGAs America is a dystopian society where everything sucks except their laws and Donald Trump.

Hating half of the country is not loving America.

Sam when all of those things clearly suck, it is what it is.

You seem to love the current America. Tell that to the inner cities suffering. Tell that to the middle class evaporating. Tell that to the women being raped by an open border. Do a google search. 36% overdose increases due to that border.

How dare you attack people who want this shit to stop because you’re obviously well off and it doesn’t affect you. Typical white leftist.

I work with families every single day that have no money for 2 weeks of the month while your president bought yet ANOTHER HOME. I work with these overdose cases too, it’s very real.

You are tone deaf and don’t care about any of it. As long as the name of your team comes in, you don’t care about the suffering. This is why the regular working class is ABANDONING the party of guys like you. Enjoy your wars which I’m sure you will as long as it’s the democrats selling out to Lockheed Martin. I’ll be a member of America first, you be a member of war. We’ll see what America wants.
Sam when all of those things clearly suck, it is what it is.

You seem to love the current America. Tell that to the inner cities suffering. Tell that to the middle class evaporating. Tell that to the women being raped by an open border. Do a google search. 36% overdose increases due to that border.

How dare you attack people who want this shit to stop because you’re obviously well off and it doesn’t affect you. Typical white leftist.

I work with families every single day that have no money for 2 weeks or the month while your president bought yer ANOTHER HOME. I work with these overdose cases too, it’s very real.

You are fine deaf and don’t care about any of it. As long as the name of your team comes in, you don’t care about the suffering.
Not saying to ignore all problems and do nothing to work towards solving them.
But blaming ONE group of people or ONE political party for ALL the problems in this country is not only wrong but completely counterproductive.
I'm 60 years old and have listened to dumbass politicians do this my whole life.
There has ALWAYS been poverty, drugs and economic downturns as long as I have been alive and before.
Pointing fingers and claiming one fool can solve it all is asinine. It never works.
Not saying to ignore all problems and do nothing to work towards solving them.
But blaming ONE group of people or ONE political party for ALL the problems in this country is not only wrong but completely counterproductive.
I'm 60 years old and have listened to dumbass politicians do this my whole life.
There has ALWAYS been poverty, drugs and economic downturns as long as I have been alive and before.
Pointing fingers and claiming one fool can solve it all is asinine. It never works.
That’s why we have a shot to correct some of this with the FIRST real populist pragmatic president in history, yet you side with those SAME POLITICIANS who’ve done NOTHING over him.

It’s a shot at something that could work but you bought the mass media propaganda because you’re going by a team name. You vote for the uniparty that doesn’t work over real Americans. All they want is to make money at war, and you stand with them. Not me.

Modern D’s use social issues as a cover for the fact that they are the party of war. It’s disgusting. No thank you. Once they grant amnesty over the open border they’ll have full control and the wars will NEVER end.