How will they rule ??!

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Absolutely nailed it.

I ALREADY have liberal women in my social network feed posting posting passive aggressive memes about saying “ignorant things about women in power,” and how those things are heard by your mothers, sisters, daughters, etc.

The narrative has begun… don’t you DARE make any critical observations about a presidential candidate who happens to be a woman. That is off limits.
Stan caddy up to his low IQ cowardly approach. He’ll be here all day obsessing over peoples post. It’s really out of anger it gets to him obviously. But he’s not smart enough to tackle the issue fairly obvious. What a weird guy.

Emoji us to death lefty doesn’t change a thing. You vote for absolute nastiness.
I guess his gay porn download hasnt arrived yet.
In the All Whine, All the Time Department:

Trump, who has been calling for Biden to get out of the race for years, calls Biden's dropping out, "Unfair."

I've seen quotes from people calling Biden dropping out "illegal."


I guess the important thing is to just make more noise.
No one has ever shown one shred of evidence that the election was stolen. Show us. Show anyone. You can't because you're a liar and a fraud.

Even that though, is a moot point. Trump organized fake electors in swing states and tried to get his VP to acknowledge those fake votes instead of the real ones as the Electoral Count Act instructs. That is a criminal conspiracy to illegally and unconstitutionally remain in power after you lost an election. Even if you grant there were shenanigans in the election(there weren't) Trump cannot do what he did with the fake electors. Only the EC votes that meet the Safe Harbor standard as laid out in the Electoral Count Act can be counted. Or we do not have a constitutional republic. The VP does not just get to unilaterally say whatever they want and crown us a king. You do not want Kamala Harris doing that. No one does. That is the end of America.

That is what Trump tried and you support. The end of America. That is not patriotic. You are traitors just like the Confederates before you.

They gave up on it when it was only gay libs getting it.

Nah, they're gonna try the bird flu this time. Monkey Pox wasn't affecting Republicans.
I had totally forgot about that.

I actually just think he's a gutless coward that was forced out and has taken his ball and gone home.
Can you imagine (if he's in his somewhat right mind) how devastated he is. He's always been just a lying blowhard....tried for decades to be President....and his own party kicks him out.

Usually don't pay a whole lot of attention to V.P. candidate events.....but don't know if I've ever seen anything like that for a V.P.
kamala “brilliantly astute”
just the beginning of the gushing adoring adjectives to describe her in the coming weeks

The compilation videos are just going to make themselves. just follow a clip of the "Brilliantly Astute" comment with her school bus clip or any other of her bizarre word salad clips. the ads make themselves.
Politics aside (which is gonna be impossible for a lot of you), have friends who are from Eastern Kentucky (also Republicans) who HATE JD Vance. They said that Hillbilly Elegy goes out of it's way to portray the area in a bad light.

Curious what Eastern Kentuckians think about that
Have you read it?
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I donated money to Nikki Haley. I donated money to Christie.
I voted for Mitch McConnell. I voted for Bush one time.
I stated numerous times on here after the debate I would not be voting for Biden.
I am not sure if I will vote for Harris or not.
Not even close to being on one team OR in a cult like most on here.

The only cult republicans are in here is a sane policy cult. You are making a complete fool of yourself every single day. Oh and Chris Christie.....thanks for pounding the table on your TDS.
that’s the second report i’ve seen that claims he has a serious medical condition. conservative activist laura loomer earlier today said her sources say he will soon be stepping down as potus and that he is terminal.
I would not be surprised to see him step down soon so Kamaltoe Hairs can become POTUS.....hoping she wins in NOV but grabbing the historic nature of a Jamaco-Indian Woman. Still not a 100% African American but close enough to demagog into a narrative
The only cult republicans are in here is a sane policy cult. You are making a complete fool of yourself every single day. Oh and Chris Christie.....thanks for pounding the table on your TDS.
NOTHING sane about what Trump did on Jan 6th. NOTHING.
Nothing sane about singing songs with convicts that beat up cops and vandalized the US Capitol. NOTHING
It's a cold slap in the face to not only dumb ass democrats but to ALL American people when you see all the bullshit they are spewing to promote the did nothing do nothing DEI dingbat for President. un friggin believable.
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NOTHING sane about what Trump did on Jan 6th. NOTHING.
Nothing sane about singing songs with convicts that beat up cops and vandalized the US Capitol. NOTHING

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." - DJT

Yes, that man was clearly insane. LOL

I mean, damn. You're quite the piece of work, sam
I donated money to Nikki Haley. I donated money to Christie.
I voted for Mitch McConnell. I voted for Bush one time.
I stated numerous times on here after the debate I would not be voting for Biden.
I am not sure if I will vote for Harris or not.
Not even close to being on one team OR in a cult like most on here.

You’re on team stupid, that’s for sure.
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In the All Whine, All the Time Department:

Trump, who has been calling for Biden to get out of the race for years, calls Biden's dropping out, "Unfair."

I've seen quotes from people calling Biden dropping out "illegal."


I guess the important thing is to just make more noise.

Someone has to stand up for the real, living democrat voters who chose their candidate in the primary and have been disenfranchised by the party elite.
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On another note.....Lebron is carrying the flag for the USA Olympic team only a couple of years after refusing to stand for it.
Perfectly exemplifying how meaningless our flag and country are these days.

It’s like your wife or your best friend- you can’t say or do something unforgivable and then expect it to be forgotten. It just doesn’t work that way.
The compilation videos are just going to make themselves. just follow a clip of the "Brilliantly Astute" comment with her school bus clip or any other of her bizarre word salad clips. the ads make themselves.
"Word salad" from a speaker distresses you? Really? So, if someone speaks incomprehensibly for some extended period of time, you're right off of them. No take backs? No crossed-fingers?