How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Thats an honest post. But most votes in history to forced out sure is an epic fall from grace. Let’s just not pretend it’s due to his health because we all know he’s not been running things anyway and his dementia hasn’t been an issue til just now. His poll numbers are.

I actually don’t really identify as a Pub. Reg NPP. Conservative values have no place in todays Democratic Party.
Joe only got 81 million votes because they were votes against Trump. Some of them were traditionally solid Republican. Those were repudiations of MAGA, not endorsements of leftism. The coalition was always an extremely fragile one. And it fell apart with Joe's mental state. Now we see about forging a new one.

Yeah, I didn't really mean super Republican, just like I'm not a super Democrat. Still basically makes us partisans, as we're both more right or left than our respective parties. You don't vote for Ds and I don't vote for Rs even though we hate the ones we're voting for too.
Do you actually think this is, or will end up being, a real issue? Fringes will make social media noise, but do you really predict the D nominee won't be on ballots in the fall in every state that matters?
Let’s put it this way. I expect the Dem nominee with be on the ballots. I’m not so sure it will happen in a legitimate, legal fashion.

And let’s be clear. It may not be just republicans who demand laws be followed. I imagine RFK will have similar feelings.
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Because there has been a marked change in Biden from 4 years ago.

"Debate watchers were pretty decisive in their verdict of last night’s performances: Only about one-third said Trump’s performance was “somewhat good” or “very good,” and 50 percent said it was “very poor.” Biden’s performance was more positively received, with around 60 percent saying they thought he performed well."

"According to a CBS News poll taken following the 2020 debate, 48% of people thought Biden won, 41% of people thought Trump won, while 10% considered it a tie, with a margin of error of three points."

Dont think for a second that excuse holds any water. The only marked change in that he went from awful to even worse.

So the internal polls were as bad as reported.... They were saying Trump was looking at 307 to 320 electoral win. Biden wouldn't have quit unless he knew it was hopeless.

I hope it's Kamala because I think she hurts down ballot worse than Joe though. She might do better initially but as the next few months go on and the economy continues to tank and the wars rage on.... Lot's of people will want a change.
Says the idiot who forgot Ross Perot in 92.

'Clinton got over 50% of the vote in every state he won'.

I didn't forget about third parties. I phrased my criticism of the first-past-the-post system overly poetically. In actuality you don't even need 50.000001% of the vote to screw our country. As you so pointedly reminded us. Repeating this lie will get you nothing except revealed.
The Democratic party did not throw up a meaningful challenger to their own incumbent, Joe Biden, in the primary. That is how it works. Fringe nobodies are not real. I wish it didn't work that way. But that is, indeed, how it works. Biden is no longer running. Just like if he'd been shot. Time for a new candidate.
Probably. I’m just curious to see how they pull it off. “Exceptions”? Or legitimately modify the law accordingly?
Lets not forget that the lady that sued Trump... her charge was past statute of limitations. They changed the law and then went after him. Funny thing was a democrat state senator got nicked on the same thing and now NY is debating moving the date back to where it was. LOL. Double standards are the only standards democrats have.
Agree with your points about dementia. But the signs were there from the get go. His handlers have been attempting to shield him for 4 years. Search this thread for the past 4 years and you will see clips of Joe doing the same stuff throughout. Didn’t matter, but now it does. Why?
What libs always fail to mention is this. Before dementia, Biden was stupid, corrupt, prone to gaffes, lies and plagiarism , and overall very unpopular. He never pulled more than a minuscule % of the vote in two other Presidential runs. Yet miraculously got the most votes in election history in the most secure election of all time.
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Let’s put it this way. I expect the Dem nominee with be on the ballots. I’m not so sure it will happen in a legitimate, legal fashion.

And let’s be clear. It may not be just republicans who demand laws be followed. I imagine RFK will have similar feelings.
Exactly. Everyone will be watching, they'll jump through whatever procedural hoops required, and it'll end up being a giant nothingburger. Just like it is now, except for social media personalities who love getting your clicks.
Exactly. Everyone will be watching, they'll jump through whatever procedural hoops required, and it'll end up being a giant nothingburger. Just like it is now, except for social media personalities who love getting your clicks.
Perhaps. But if a couple of those state legislatures decide they aren’t going to play ball, then what?
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I didn't forget about third parties. I phrased my criticism of the first-past-the-post system overly poetically. In actuality you don't even need 50.000001% of the vote to screw our country. As you so pointedly reminded us. Repeating this lie will get you nothing except revealed.

Merely quoting you. You can poetically explain blah blah blah.

You were dead ass wrong, and you doubled down on it.

The sure fire sign of a rash foolish young Marxist.
I didn't forget about third parties. I phrased my criticism of the first-past-the-post system overly poetically. In actuality you don't even need 50.000001% of the vote to screw our country. As you so pointedly reminded us. Repeating this lie will get you nothing except revealed.

Oh. And are you threatening to 'dox' me?

Like a good little commie?

What libs always fail to mention is this. Before dementia, Biden was stupid, prone to gaffes, lies and plagiarism , and overall very unpopular. He never pulled more than a minuscule % of the vote in two other Presidential runs. Yet miraculously got the most votes in election history in the most secure election of all time.

No supposed to ask any questions. It’s not like they were hiding cancer or some other condition that may not be as visible. It was on full display and their party tells you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
Joe only got 81 million votes because they were votes against Trump. Some of them were traditionally solid Republican. Those were repudiations of MAGA, not endorsements of leftism. The coalition was always an extremely fragile one. And it fell apart with Joe's mental state. Now we see about forging a new one.

Yeah, I didn't really mean super Republican, just like I'm not a super Democrat. Still basically makes us partisans, as we're both more right or left than our respective parties. You don't vote for Ds and I don't vote for Rs even though we hate the ones we're voting for too.
He had dementia in 2020 and ran against Trump.
He has dementia now and was running against Trump. Yet he was looking at a massive loss according to the talking heads. So 81 million voters are not going to vote against Trump again? Weird. Maybe "orange man bad" has lost its je nai se qua?