How will they rule ??!

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They may both be corrupt, but only one of them tried to remain in power unconstitutionally after losing the election. No matter what you say about your taxes, you would not be happy if Kamala Harris just gaveled Biden reelected despite Trump winning. Imagine if Gore had just said, ‘Suck it!’ and announced himself president in 2000. Your tax rate doesn’t mean dick if we don’t have a vote.
Leftists brains really do need to be studied to find out just what is causing the issue.

That's already happened. Trust the science.

clown world liberals and Biden being the most popular president ever 😂

“Democrats are trying to illegally overthrow their stolen govt”

Best quote I’ve read today

seeing so many leftists saying Biden was a great president is hilarious to me. There may be 2 worse presidents in history. Nobody likes Biden more than Jimmy Carter’s legacy.

Yea, except for that little factoid that he wouldn’t get half the donations, none of the money, and the progressives would completely stay home.

I never know if some of these guys have no idea what they’re saying or if they just lie for some clicks and attention knowing half or more of the population doesn’t know how the system works.
Thanks for responding. You appear to be the only one here who cares.

Yes, taxes will go up a lot under a 2nd Biden, or any Dim, Admin due to simply letting Trump tax reductions expire & nothing else.

Huge segment is easily more than half, so I'll guess you mean about 2/3, maybe more. Can you elaborate on 60%+ taxes? I think income taxes on top 1-2% could go to like 43% and SS is 7.65% on the first $200K or so. What else?

But 4X? Don't get/see.
Pretty sure Trump made the 4x comment just so vhcat would have something new to bitch about and hate on him. Glad it worked.

Perhaps ... the 4x was meant in 4 different ways. IDK, why don't you ask him, Mitch?
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Cheatle is done. Some D’s now getting out ahead of it that dam is beginning to break.

She better not be the only one fired. When Trump gets in office he needs to do a massive investigation.

If Trump was complicit on Jan 6, then Biden and everyone responsible is an accessory to attempted murder of a President. It’s gonna work both ways.
USSS should have told them that if you need more resources than we can now supply to cancel the rally to protect Trump. Trump could rightfully complain & b!tch about it, but that's what should have happened.
Sounds like you support Biden admin attempts at silencing Trump. You want Trump to call off his rallies bc the Biden admin refuses to do the right thing. Almost sounds like you're on the same side.
Pretty sure Trump made the 4x comment just so vhcat would have something new to bitch about and hate on him. Glad it worked.

Perhaps ... the 4x was meant in 4 different ways. IDK, why don't you ask him, Mitch?

Imagine being so bitter and dense that you couldn't set aside your hatred for a person and just look at the common sense policies and let it go. Arrogant, ignorant, selfish, etc.
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I absolutely loathe Chris Crispy Cream. The truth is his fallout with Trump didn’t begin when he wasn’t selected in trumps first term. The fallout happened when Chrispy made a name from being a trump type pub who would go after dems with the bully style. Trump took that routine and left crispy looking like John Kasich. He hates it and he knows it.
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Imagine being so bitter and dense that you couldn't set aside your hatred for a candidate and just look at the common sense policies and let it go. Arrogant, ignorant, selfish, etc.

Just block it. I did long ago when it spouted like was talking in front of me and he'd never have stated what he did in front of me. It was wrong and wouldn't back up from it but ignored it. It is a skank...
Cheatle is done. Some D’s now getting out ahead of it that dam is beginning to break.

She better not be the only one fired. When Trump gets in office he needs to do a massive investigation.

If Trump was complicit on Jan 6, then Biden and everyone responsible is an accessory to attempted murder of a President. It’s gonna work both ways.
Imagine the absolute chaos that will ensue if Trump wins, conducts such an investigation, and uncovers evidence the current administration was complicit in some nefarious plot to assassinate him.
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Decent article, O’Reilly says Kamala is the pick. He’s got some close ties to both campaigns too.

“36% rise in drug overdoses” - on Biden’s watch. Unreal.
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Assuming democrats don’t steal this election, Trump’s AG needs to offer heightened protection to all whistleblowers who come forward in the first hundred days, and let it be known the book will be thrown at anyone after that.

I like that 100 day moratorium. Hope it happens... GP
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Tucker Carlson with Michael Waller on his book

Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains

Great listen so far from Tucker Carlson as he interviews this guy on the history of the intel agencies, how it got hijacked from the original purpose, and discuses the 'Dooms Day Election Simulators' that D.C. leftists are doing, all of the crap in place.

Start about 15:00 for the intel stuff as it's pretty interesting.