How will they rule ??!

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Good grief these leftist are some sick bastards. That was maybe the creepiest video I’ve ever seen

I actually think Stephen Baldwin had expressed very conservative views in the past unlike his brother. But the whole family is bat shit crazy so who knows. Everything they do is to keep their names out there and they’re good at it.
I actually think Stephen Baldwin had expressed very conservative views in the past unlike his brother. But the whole family is bat shit crazy so who knows. Everything they do is to keep their names out there and they’re good at it.
I said the same. I then looked at his Twitter page. He looks like he's on drugs and he claims to be very religious. Religious people don't wish harm on others, lol. he looks drugged out on his page. Very sad.
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I actually think Stephen Baldwin had expressed very conservative views in the past unlike his brother. But the whole family is bat shit crazy so who knows. Everything they do is to keep their names out there and they’re good at it.

Yea that’s what I was thinking. He came out as republican, I believe I remember him speaking at the RNC in 2004 or 08?

Man that family, guys are all over the map. I also didn’t think he and Alec got along at all, I assume the video is a response to the trial? Weird stuff, weird family.
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Wow there are so many post going around about the rape of trumps kids to make abortion points.

I can’t imagine being a normal individual like most independents and going into a voting booth and pulling the lever for these sick people. Jokes are one thing but to be angry and express the rape of kids as a punchline these people are dangerously walkin a thin line.

Joe Biden back at calling Trump a national threat. They want him dead.
Your sons and grandsons will have to liberate Europe. Again. You know that, right?

I've harped on this for over a decade. You cannot import this culture into your lands and it not go badly. They commit terrorism all across the globe but then left wing people want to try and silence you about it.

But it's interesting that they cry "Islamophobe" but literally hate all of us, hate everyone's culture and religion yet seeks to follow them (to conquer them).
clown world liberals and Biden being the most popular president ever 😂

“Democrats are trying to illegally overthrow their stolen govt”

Best quote I’ve read today

I just cannot get over the propaganda of this party. It’s unbelievable. People are literally suffering who shouldn’t be, he’s done nothing for the country and his mandates were trash. Aside aside from Obama who I believe is the worst president in the history of the US for reasons never discussed, he’s close.

Whats bad is the American media propaganda, who won’t tell the truth of democrats, is finally taking a toll. When Biden who’s been terrible, who’s led the economy off the cliff, who’s destroying families with inflation, can poll 3 points behind Trump nationally you know the propaganda is working. And it’s only going to get worse as demographics change and the uneducated rise. (Has nothing to do with college, the American people are becoming dumber by the day)
I just cannot get over the propaganda of this party. It’s unbelievable. People are literally suffering who shouldn’t be, he’s done nothing for the country and his mandates were trash. Aside aside from Obama who I believe is the worst president in the history of the US for reasons never discussed, he’s close.

Whats bad is the American media propaganda, who won’t tell the truth of democrats, is finally taking a toll. When Biden who’s been terrible, who’s led the economy off the cliff, who’s destroying families with inflation, can poll 3 points behind Trump nationally you know the propaganda is working. And it’s only going to get worse as demographics change and the uneducated rise. (Has nothing to do with college, the American people are becoming dumber by the day)

Obama was the worst. The globalists started the whole shift from the George HW Bush era. All of them in on it. Obama smoked crack and killed young gay black men. Then propagandized the media as law in 2014. Bushes and Obamas are besties. I can go on and add more. It’s pointless
It's wild how much time you've spent in here since Biden gave the worst debate performance of all time and Trump survived an assassination attempt. We can smell the panic on you. LOL.
It’s Ed. He is a horrible human being. Terrible. Disgusting human being. He sucks complete ass. Not the good kinda ass. The unwashed sweaty obese ass.
Watching Soros turn his paid foot soldiers against a politician from his own party that he helped put in office.

As a tangent to this, I have often wondered why it is a standard MO for groups of protesters like this to always be led by one individual shouting cheesy, repetitive chants that the group then dutifully repeats back to them like programmed drones. ALWAYS. Just seems comical to me… like, those goofy chants aren’t changing anyone’s minds for your cause, you dolts. You sound ridiculous.
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Obama was the worst. The globalists started the whole shift from the George HW Bush era. All of them in on it. Obama smoked crack and killed young gay black men. Then propagandized the media as law in 2014. Bushes and Obamas are besties. I can go on and add more. It’s pointless

Bush absolutely disgusts me. Least favorite pub of all time as far as I’m concerned. The betrayal is off the charts of that guy. It was so sad watching him suck up to the left on the late night shows and stand with democrats against Trump. After all of the support he was given he’s a disgusting guy.

That really showed who the left is. Called him a murderer and war criminal for years then stand with him when he have them what they wanted to hear with trump. Both liars. Neither have shame.
Republicans need to hammer home that it doesn't matter who the dems run, Biden to Mike Obama to Gavin or a fighting cock, the policies aren't changing. If not they triple down on our countries death. Biden has never set policy controlled policy influenced policy. He put in the seat to sign on the dotted line whenever told and never get in the way of the deep state. He's never stood for anything.

They just to need to win no matter the cost. They don't care whose the puppet in the seat, they just need a puppet they can control.
Lol, Joe calling Obama a gay AIDS person.
Obama is gay. Michelle is Michael LaVaughn Robinson. And they smoke crack.

Pretty funny to see videos of Biden from any time over the previous decades very clearly without stutter or other issues. He was always extremely full of sh1t but could spew it better than most anyone else.

Contrast that to today's obvious dementia patient that we're told is running the country.
Bush absolutely disgusts me. Least favorite pub of all time as far as I’m concerned. The betrayal is off the charts of that guy. It was so sad watching him suck up to the left on the late night shows and stand with democrats against Trump. After all of the support he was given he’s a disgusting guy.

That really showed who the left is. Called him a murderer and war criminal for years then stand with him when he have them what they wanted to hear with trump. Both liars. Neither have shame.
I hated Bush in the end. So much so I voted for Obama his first round. Of course I was still in my late 20s and gullible.

Bush and Romney and McCain led me to hate Republicans. Obama and Hillary led me to hate democrats. They all hated Trump. Which led me to give Trump a chance. And I never looked back.