How will they rule ??!

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it's not a surprising stance. Republicans have never cared about kids after they are born
Male nation - 3 minute staff meetings, followed by work.

Female nation - 2 hours minimum, and then a flurry of memos.

Male nation - perfect parallel parking.

Female nation - parallel parking outlawed.
All of these sound great.

Women are the biggest promoters of garbage corporate office culture and lingo. How many of you all just die inside when you hear these fake women on your company conference alls or zooms?

I’ve had one job where it was basically all men and HR wasn’t a thing and it was the easiest and less dramatic job I’ve ever held.
Philly is a hell hole. As is any large democratically run city.

“F*** your baby, b****!” the woman with the gun said.' ..... if that's not bad enough.....'A man who said he drove the child to a nearby hospital said the parents each had warrants out on them....Police said that it took them over an hour to locate the parents

All of these sound great.

Women are the biggest promoters of garbage corporate office culture and lingo. How many of you all just die inside when you hear these fake women on your company conference alls or zooms?

I’ve had one job where it was basically all men and HR wasn’t a thing and it was the easiest and less dramatic job I’ve ever held.
I thank God I was able to retire early (late 40s) before all this garbage really got cranked up. There's no way I would 'fit in' today.
Philly is a hell hole. As is any large democratically run city.

“F*** your baby, b****!” the woman with the gun said.' ..... if that's not bad enough.....'A man who said he drove the child to a nearby hospital said the parents each had warrants out on them....Police said that it took them over an hour to locate the parents

How is that mother not dead??

Here’s a different take on the shooting

This is two very compelling pieces of work pretty clearly showing he was the only shooter. The path of the bullets are very consistent and all originate from the same location.

Even if it proves out he was the only shooter, Its pretty obvious this was much more sophisticated assassination attempt than msm leads us to believe. There is way more to this kid than meets the eye. Plus its pretty clear he didn't act alone.

The only real question is whether or not the us government was involved. If it ties back to iran, you can pretty much guarantee they at least had the swamp's blessing if not just being an outright middle man in case things went south.

To that same point, there needs to be a very real investigation into every single person on security detail on that day. No way anyone with a gun should've been anywhere close to the site, let alone 300 yards away. Then howd he get the ladder in? A perimeter sweep would've found and removed the ladder had he brought it in days in advance. Was one or more of them in on it? Or are they really this incompetent?
Wouldn't it be nice if they fight with the dirt coming out on all of them? Probably not happening, but we can dream.

Enough dirt has already been exposed about the actions of these repulsive scumbags over the last 8 years. These filthy f**ks have normalized all of their disgusting behavior such that their deranged, lunatic followers accept it. And expect MORE!
This is two very compelling pieces of work pretty clearly showing he was the only shooter. The path of the bullets are very consistent and all originate from the same location.

Even if it proves out he was the only shooter, Its pretty obvious this was much more sophisticated assassination attempt than msm leads us to believe. There is way more to this kid than meets the eye. Plus its pretty clear he didn't act alone.

The only real question is whether or not the us government was involved. If it ties back to iran, you can pretty much guarantee they at least had the swamp's blessing if not just being an outright middle man in case things went south.

To that same point, there needs to be a very real investigation into every single person on security detail on that day. No way anyone with a gun should've been anywhere close to the site, let alone 300 yards away. Then howd he get the ladder in? A perimeter sweep would've found and removed the ladder had he brought it in days in advance. Was one or more of them in on it? Or are they really this incompetent?
Whether it’s one or multiple shooters, the question I have trouble answering is why was Trump left on the stage after it was known someone of high interest was on the roof?
Also, if Iran had actually threatened Trump, and he had heightened security then where was it, because what was there was the keystone cops. Personally, I’m not buying the Iranian threat at all.
This is two very compelling pieces of work pretty clearly showing he was the only shooter. The path of the bullets are very consistent and all originate from the same location.

Even if it proves out he was the only shooter, Its pretty obvious this was much more sophisticated assassination attempt than msm leads us to believe. There is way more to this kid than meets the eye. Plus its pretty clear he didn't act alone.

The only real question is whether or not the us government was involved. If it ties back to iran, you can pretty much guarantee they at least had the swamp's blessing if not just being an outright middle man in case things went south.

To that same point, there needs to be a very real investigation into every single person on security detail on that day. No way anyone with a gun should've been anywhere close to the site, let alone 300 yards away. Then howd he get the ladder in? A perimeter sweep would've found and removed the ladder had he brought it in days in advance. Was one or more of them in on it? Or are they really this incompetent?
How did he get the gun up there? I’ve seen the video of him looking around, I’ve seen him climb up, but where was the gun? Already placed up there?
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Man, Maher is so close to being red Pilled. It’s happening. The older and wiser you get the more conservative you become it’s so true. Well I guess it’s almost always true except for some like @sambowieshin who still think he’s debating against Reagan and it’s 1986. Every time CNN has a gay pride parade where little kids are watching street porn he pretends that’s just a few people and cuts it back to a re-run of a Jimmy Carter debate and pretends it’s 2024.

He made an excellent point too. This Obama tactic that black America is above criticism and can’t be racist or all of that total nonsense (only applied if they’re good blacks and vote for white democrats though)
maher isn’t red pilled. He’s just where most of us are, just on the side of common sense stuff. Most of us aren’t on board with the crazy side of the left. There is no red pill side that isn’t insane though, it’s the party of Trump now and project 2025. Maher definitely isn’t in favor of that. The left has an insane fringe too that I disagree with almost all the time. But it’s the fringe. Trumps party is entirely insane though
Joy Reid using 'White-Adjacent' black and brown men...Michael Steele the former RNC chairman shaking his head in agreement the whole time.

If you are wondering just how much TDS makes some people debase themselves, this is what Steele had to say recently:

Spineless Michael Steele was once the RNC chair, so that tells you everything you need to know about how Trump rose to prominence. Politicians and the media bellyache about the rise of Trump and the MAGA movement while failing to look in the mirror and realize that their feckless leadership and constant demonization of all things conservative is the primary reason for the rise of Trump.

All I wanted as a conservative voter was for someone—anyone—to fight for the policies we elected “conservatives” to uphold. Instead, most chose to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” and compromise with the left. Trump is the first president of my adult life to actually fight for and to implement most of the conservative policies I align with, and to push back against the leftist political and media narrative. Leftists and Never-Trumpers don’t really believe Trump is a “threat to democracy”—- they believe he’s a threat to the gravy train of money, influence, and their seat at the table within the Uniparty. That’s why they hate him!

If the likes of Steele, Romney, or McCain had simply fought for conservative ideas (or against Obama, Hillary, or Biden) as hard as they fight/fought against Trump, then there would be no need for someone like Trump. They dropped the ball and Trump and his America First agenda picked it up for the “scoop and score”. They all had the same opportunity while they were “in the arena”, but instead chose to punt time-after-time.

I pray that the Republican Party NEVER returns to the “go-along-to-get-along” establishment iteration that existed pre-Trump. I cannot fathom ever voting for a Haley, Bush, Romney, or McCain-type now!
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