How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You’re not making any sense. You said CNN is right about the process. The entire situation is about their fact checkers. No, they aren’t correct. News evolves, that’s not what the insinuation is. The insinuation is their fact checks evolve. They do not. I think you’ve missed the point.

What we need is for news networks to stop with the fact check nonsense and report the news and allow people to do their own homework. They aren’t the arbiters of truth, they only function this way to dictate the truth using their preferred propaganda.

CNN is the most egregious offender on this issue because they report to be a moderate network and that’s why they’re the most disgusting propaganda outlet in the world. MSNBC lies the most by far, but you know what you’re getting. CNN should be shut down and hopefully it’s coming. They had a 96% ratings drop after the debate this year and that shows if people don’t have to watch they don’t watch. They’re attempting to make changes, the new boss man has told them to knock off some of the propaganda. But they can’t because their lineup is so partisan it’s impossible. Hopefully they go bankrupt.
What I was referring to has nothing to do with their fact checkers.

What does “Getting to the truth is a process” have to do with fact checkers? I just agree that investigation is needed to get to the truth.
Did you watch your own clip you linked? Hating Trump is pretty obvious, he shot him. Liberals and leftists aren't the only ones who hate Trump. Did that kid anywhere in there talk about him being left of center? You'd think he'd know if Crooks wouldn't shut up about politics like the kid says...

Again, I'm happy to be proven wrong on this one. Just seems to be the most likely explanation right now. His communist manifesto could come out tomorrow and I'd merrily eat crow.
No one should care about popular vote bc it doesn't exist.

Unless you think a football team that loses a game actually won just bc they had more yards.

It's simple...compromise, and go try to appeal the middle of the country.

This conversation always comes up but then when you say since we're now basing things on population should bernie sanders only get 1/4 the voting power of rand Paul? Why not? louisville is more populated than the entire state of Vermont.

But it's interesting did you know that state legislatures used to select one of their own members to represent them in the federal congressional system. You vote for them locally to represent you in the state, then they decide who they send.

Which all of this goes to what the county is supposed to be...states. not a central planner of bloated federal power.

Guys like him don’t understand the constitution at all and they have no idea just how stupid they sound. The federal governments main priority and responsibility is the protection of the states. The states are meant to have their own autonomy. We are a nation of states not one entire group. “The United States” is called that for a reason, it’s a collection of states that all must be represented.

The guy doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about. It’s a representative government, not a government representing. I really cannot stand when I hear ignorant people talking about politics when they know nothing about it, and he’s got that personality in spades. The good thing is he wastes his time and votes for his father thank God. The vote or die campaign is what started the process of rounding up a bunch of uneducated ignorant voters like that guy who doesn’t understand his own constitution. It’s why we’re in the mess we’re in.
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I checked on my computer. I googled "Donald Trump" and the first hit was "Kamala Harris beats Trump in new poll" and Trump at the rnc was the 4th hit and the assassination wasn't even on the first page. Google sucks anymore. I remember when it first came out you could find anything pretty quick.
Man, some of you all are just really really bad at debating.

Derrr hurr "lefty voters" & "commies".

Thing is, there are legitimate arguments for the electoral college, but you all can't even make those coherently.
There’s no debate about this. The reasons for the EC are easy to understand. The recent importation of 15 million future voters makes it even easier.
Bought my guns in 10 minutes with zero problems and I could have lied very easily. Ridiculously easy.

I own many, many firearms and I’m a Glocksmith. I own more weapons than you can count in 10 minutes. Depending on the state they go through either the state agency or the FBI. If you are flagged for anything at all it’s over, no sale. You cannot have any convictions for felonies or domestic assaults.

“Shall not be infringed”. Means exactly what it says. You brainwashed numbskulls will buy anything you’re sold from the Marxist party. You will never regulate our firearms and if you want to try go ahead. The Supreme Court isn’t going to overturn that language. We also realize, and the evidence shows it, that gun grabs, insane regulation limiting guns to nothing, and confiscation of what the left is after. If you don’t believe that then you’ll buy anything. Most of you know its true though but your party are the biggest liars in the history of American politics today.

They will have to be taken, as in you come take them. Most of us aren’t giving them up or following absurd regulations even if they’re passed.

All you’ll do anyway (the left is too stupid to know this because yall don’t know anything about guns) is you’re gonna create the new cocaine in Mexico which is a black gun market. You can’t regulate guns in America because of our borders. Good people won’t have them and the bad will. This isn’t like the UK. But you guys are pretty stupid and don’t get this.
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Democrats have used and abused black Americans for decades. That’s one of the reasons democrats want to hoard new voters from the border. They need a new voter bloc because civil rights era blacks are dying and they can’t control the new populations much longer.

The most racist people in this country are white democrats and Marxist. Easy to see miles away.
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Biden back in the day acknowledging that Russia would look to China and Iran if the US kept expanding NATO East. People still want to pretend they were shocked when Russia invaded Ukraine even though everyone told them that is what would happen.
Joy Reid using 'White-Adjacent' black and brown men...Michael Steele the former RNC chairman shaking his head in agreement the whole time.

If you are wondering just how much TDS makes some people debase themselves, this is what Steele had to say recently:

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Trump didn't even say he would cure cancer. I can't remember exactly how he worded it...but he said something like we will hope to have the resources to cure it or something like that. He didn't just flat out guarantee a cure for it like Biden did
Years ago Trump did claim he would. You're lying or clueless, likely the latter.
White, and white-adjacent men (which is, you know, MEN), are the true threat to Democracy.

You have to admire them. The left doesn't dilly dally around. Their alacrity, when it comes to expanding the scope of blame, is a veritable marvel; unhindered by actual thought or logic.

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Years ago Trump did claim he would. You're lying or clueless, likely the latter.

Let's put this to bed:

The actual quotes:

Biden brought this up first, during a speech in Iowa on June 11, 2019 - “I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America,” he said. “We’re gonna cure cancer.”

Trump said, in 2020 - (listing disease research projects that were on his agenda to promote), “We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases, including cancer and others,” he said. “And we’re getting closer all the time.”
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Let's put this to bed:

The actual quotes:

Biden brought this up first, during a speech in Iowa on June 11, 2019 - “I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America,” he said. “We’re gonna cure cancer.”

Trump said, in 2020 - (listing disease research projects that were on his agenda to promote), “We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases, including cancer and others,” he said. “And we’re getting closer all the time.”
MT isn’t worth responding to. He, like many lefty idiots are unable to see truth or logic. They get their daily upload of DNC talking points and parrot them without a single thought or question.

Mindless drones, all of them. After what we’ve seen, I feel very comfortable calling them the enemy. There is no middle ground.