How will they rule ??!

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Thank you for this canned response.

The only people who should defend the electoral college are in the 5-6 swing states who decide the election. Elsewise, functionally, it merely relieves any leverage from the voter of any other state. There is zero reason for a President to care about your vote.

You're winning.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...That's rich, considering in 2015 and 2016 all you leftoids were bragging about how hard it was going to be for Trump to break the "BLUE WALL." Remember the "BLUE WALL?" Oh yeah, I'm sure you do. It was the industrial strip of Minnesota, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan...and it was your bastion that you were soooooooo confident Trump couldn't win. But then Trump swept three of them and all of a sudden you idiots shifted to bUt WhAt AbOuT mUh PoPuLaR vOtE?!?!?! What a bunch of useless, sore loser hypocrites. You don't believe in ANYTHING unless it helps YOUR GUY get in the White House. So STFU with that lazy nonsense. Turd.
first of all, and I hate getting into this because it’s a fairly stupid topic in the first place, but we don’t pick based off of “a few battleground states”. Every single state has their say. It’s just that some states lean heavy one way or another, meaning they are represented in full spirit but they are much more in agreement in who they choose. It’s not that they’re not important like you’re suggesting. That’s a total lack of context on your part, and a total misunderstanding of the system results. I’d rather not continue because it’s a really stupid argument and can be shown a multitude of ways. No, you’re not smarter than the founders of the greatest country on earth simply because you want an absolute democracy and one party rule. What you want is EXACTLY why they stopped it. So stop, just say you want one party rule and wish they hadn’t stopped the avenues to allow it to happen. Don’t try and twist it to where absolute democracy is actually the correct form, don’t be disingenuous. I don’t think you understand how AD’s are able to ignore the needs of a minority either.

I assume you’ve never had any POLS?

A handful of states absolutely pick our President.

If a Democrat was leading, would this Democrat care at all about winning a few votes in Kentucky? Answer that honestly.

Really, the same principle applies if a Republican is leading. There is zero reason for a Presidential candidate to understand the population, desires or people in deep red or deep blue states. It's all about leverage and the undecided carry the leverage in politics.
News is the first draft of history. Not always accurate. NET, CNN is right on that.

What in the world are you talking about my guy?CNN fact checkers are total bullshit. It’s hilarious that when they’re checked and found to be totally false, they hide behind that nonsense like the truth takes time to form.

The key word in fact check is “ fact”. So no, a “fact” of truth means that’s the end, there is no evolution. Facts of truth are truth, CNN fact check is not intended to allow truth to form. They’re stating a final fact one way or the other. News evolves, fact checks do not.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...That's rich, considering in 2015 and 2016 all you leftoids were bragging about how hard it was going to be for Trump to break the "BLUE WALL." Remember the "BLUE WALL?" Oh yeah, I'm sure you do. It was the industrial strip of Minnesota, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan...and it was your bastion that you were soooooooo confident Trump couldn't win. But then Trump swept three of them and all of a sudden you idiots shifted to bUt WhAt AbOuT mUh PoPuLaR vOtE?!?!?! What a bunch of useless, sore loser hypocrites. You don't believe in ANYTHING unless it helps YOUR GUY get in the White House. So STFU with that lazy nonsense. Turd.

My opinion on the Electoral College has nothing to do with Donald Trump or "blue walls" or who is currently President. Makes zero difference.

My single point is this: Your vote in Kentucky is worthless to the Presidential candidate. A Democrat assumes your vote goes to a Republican. A Republican assumes the same. Same principle applies to California.

But what about Ohio or Michigan or any other state that can actually change? Would you like to compare the frequency of Presidential visits to these areas vs. the pundit states? Why should a handful of states have the deciding power?
A handful of states absolutely pick our President.

If a Democrat was leading, would this Democrat care at all about winning a few votes in Kentucky? Answer that honestly.

Really, the same principle applies if a Republican is leading. There is zero reason for a Presidential candidate to understand the population, desires or people in deep red or deep blue states. It's all about leverage and the undecided carry the leverage in politics.

I don’t think you understand how stupid this is. the people in those states that are lockstep MAKE THEIR CHOICE. they aren’t being skipped over the way they would in an absolute democracy. They agree more broadly but it’s counted JUST THE SAME as anywhere else including a battleground state.

Listen my guy, it’s a stupid thing to argue and it’s extreme and anti-American. Liberal politicians don’t even believe the absolute democracy bullshit, they put it out there for political posturing. It would be a terrible idea and all minority states would lose all forms of sovereignty.

I’m done arguing it because it’s a really stupid thing to believe and if you do I can’t help because it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how governments historically operate and why our constitution doesn’t allow it. You don’t know what you’re talking about and have been duped by modern leftist insinuations intended to create excuses.
My opinion on the Electoral College has nothing to do with Donald Trump or "blue walls" or who is currently President. Makes zero difference.

My single point is this: Your vote in Kentucky is worthless to the Presidential candidate. A Democrat assumes your vote goes to a Republican. A Republican assumes the same. Same principle applies to California.

But what about Ohio or Michigan or any other state that can actually change? Would you like to compare the frequency of Presidential visits to these areas vs. the pundit states? Why should a handful of states have the deciding power?
I don't live in Kentucky, stupid. I live in Florida, which is considered by most to be a swing state. And when Trump wins 325 EVs you'll be whining about popular vote again. Furthermore, it's not the founders' fault that California is a shithole overrun by illegal voters. Ronald Reagan won California back in 1980 and 1984.
I don't live in Kentucky, stupid. I live in Florida, which is considered by most to be a swing state.

Then you are the exact demographic I'd expect to defend it. Same goes for Ohio.

Of course, many others do out of tradition and it's probably not going to change, but it's asinine.
I don’t think you understand how stupid this is. the people in those states that are lockstep MAKE THEIR CHOICE. they aren’t being skipped over the way they would in an absolute democracy. They agree more broadly but it’s counted JUST THE SAME as anywhere else including a battleground state.

Listen my guy, it’s a stupid thing to argue and it’s extreme and anti-American. Liberal politicians don’t even believe the absolute democracy bullshit, they put it out there for political posturing. It would be a terrible idea and all minority states would lose all forms of sovereignty.

I’m done arguing it because it’s a really stupid thing to believe and if you do I can’t help because it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of how governments historically operate and why our constitution doesn’t allow it. You don’t know what you’re talking about and have been duped by modern leftist insinuations intended to create excuses.

Yea, I don't give a shit about being liberal or conservative here.

I can only make the same point so many times as you double down.

The majority of the country is irrelevant in deciding the most powerful position in America. The entire concept was based on ignorance of the future -- that two parties would obtain a monopoly of power and be responsible for dumbed down schism of punditry in American politics.
Yea, I don't give a shit about being liberal or conservative here.

I can only make the same point so many times as you double down.

The majority of the country is irrelevant in deciding the most powerful position in America. The entire concept was based on ignorance of the future -- that two parties would obtain a monopoly of power and be responsible for dumbed down schism of punditry in American politics.
Oh quit whining. It's not the founders' fault that a bunch of commies emigrated here and screwed everything up. Mob rule (democracy) is far worse than the way it is right now. Your fellow travelers are trying to convert this country to mob rule by importing a bunch of lefty voters from foreign countries. Your point is irrelevant. Ignorance of the future is a stupid thing to complain about. You think the founders were supposed to envision nukes and the internet? Satellite television and F-22s?
Oh quit whining. It's not the founders' fault that a bunch of commies emigrated here and screwed everything up. Mob rule (democracy) is far worse than the way it is right now. Your fellow travelers are trying to convert this country to mob rule by importing a bunch of lefty voters from foreign countries. Your point is irrelevant. Ignorance of the future is a stupid thing to complain about. You think the founders were supposed to envision nukes and the internet? Satellite television and F-22s?

Man, some of you all are just really really bad at debating.

Derrr hurr "lefty voters" & "commies".

Thing is, there are legitimate arguments for the electoral college, but you all can't even make those coherently.
Is Kamala going to take King Andy off our hands? Haven't seen this level of idiocy elsewhere potentially benefit Kentucky since Tyson decided hiring John Calipari was smart. Dumbass.

Is Kamala going to take King Andy off our hands? Haven't seen this level of idiocy elsewhere potentially benefit Kentucky since Tyson decided hiring John Calipari was smart. Dumbass.

It really speaks to the shallow pool of electable talent in the DNCcp, doesn't it?
Man, some of you all are just really really bad at debating.

Derrr hurr "lefty voters" & "commies".

Thing is, there are legitimate arguments for the electoral college, but you all can't even make those coherently.
I honestly think you are stupid and not worth the debate. I’m sure you are into, “threat to our democracy”, and silly talk like that. You must be too dumb to understand we aren’t a true democracy and a democratic republic. Hence the electoral college.

Thankfully our founders were intelligent. We are 250 years in (almost) and we still have a couple of decades left before fools (like you) allow the desires of powerful men do what they have always done throughout history.
Ha hahhahahahaha All Trump has to do is a) watch the DeSantis debate with Newsome and b) Remind America repeatedly that America will look like California if Newsome is elected. They can't even keep the lights on. It's like NoKo.

Even under Biden, California would have done well to cede all power to the federal government and take the power from the state politicians. If the rest of the country wants to look like California and have that mess, they should vote for Newsom after the Dems handpick him.

But, I don’t think that will happen.
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What in the world are you talking about my guy?CNN fact checkers are total bullshit. It’s hilarious that when they’re checked and found to be totally false, they hide behind that nonsense like the truth takes time to form.

The key word in fact check is “ fact”. So no, a “fact” of truth means that’s the end, there is no evolution. Facts of truth are truth, CNN fact check is not intended to allow truth to form. They’re stating a final fact one way or the other. News evolves, fact checks do not.
I was referring to the second sentence in italics. Yes, their fact checkers aren't.
Hey guys - we can’t allow the 6-8 swing states (who are swing states precisely because they have a population that represents both sides) to determine presidential elections.

It’s a much better idea to have the 2-3 most populated states (who only represent 1 side) decide the election.

Friggin’ lunatics.
Random musings (trigger warning)

  • We can't call Trump Hitler any more, but when Hitler survived an assassination attempt he too thought it was divine providence.
  • Are we still gung ho about Democrats causing Trump to be shot when the kid was a Republican researching the DNC and RNC? Is it politically correct to just say the kid was weird AF and crazy?
  • The Secret Service has no excuses. They ****ed up
  • Trump actually seems more presidential after being shot. Perhaps if he sacrifices an appendage a year for the next 4 years Americans other than Republicans will see him as a leader
  • Biden will drop out tomorrow most likely. They need someone other than Kamala and Newsome to win presidency
  • Im all for term limits on the USSC.
  • The GOP is somewhat moving to the right center in Trump's party, which is interesting. Working GOP strategy is keeping abortion at arm's length & heavily pursuing the labor vote. Also abandoning right to work platforms, which is interesting.

Dont @ me

You do seem triggered. We agree.
A number of years ago when the media pundits all started talking about how we (the USA) was a 50/50 country I smelt something fishy. How in world with hundreds of millions of people does it conveniently split 50/50?
Because the sides/coalitions aren't static. They shift as the moods and power structures do to always try for the exact majority necessary to win. We're in the middle of one such shift/realignment right now.
Is Kamala going to take King Andy off our hands? Haven't seen this level of idiocy elsewhere potentially benefit Kentucky since Tyson decided hiring John Calipari was smart. Dumbass.

Beshear won’t even carry Kentucky. What benefit would that be for the left?
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They just aren't going to let Trump take office. They KNOW that all of their work (destruction of America) will go down the drain and their ideology will be finished.

There's some nasty human beings at work behind the scenes. Obama, Clyburn, Pelosi, Suckerburg just to name a few.
sad to think. but i think so too.

When you say that the objective is not to hire the best people, regardless of gender or any other non-important fixed characteristic, but is specifically to raise the percentage of women in the agency and then have an epic failure, you’re gonna take some criticism. When you make unimportant factors your priority and you fail at the primary mission, it will appear that important factors were sacrificed.
I've read before Saturday that this was an increasing concern. But, why talk about it now other than to change the subject. And....if Saturday was beefed up security I would hate to see their idea of a detail that was smaller and 'overworked' (early excuses) like Saturday.

Per Fox....
The U.S. Secret Service has increased protection of former President Trump in recent weeks due to intelligence suggesting a possible plot by Iran to attempt an assassination on the former president.

Two federal law enforcement sources told Fox News the level of the plot by Iran is unclear.

The sources said there has been an increase in Secret Service protection to Trump in recent weeks because of the intelligence.

The Department of Homeland Security and Secret Service has been increasingly concerned about Trump holding outdoor events, and have even expressed concern to Trump’s campaign.

Trump has been increasingly targeted since Soleimani’s killing in January 2020, but the new threat only developed over the past few days.

The sources also said the Iranian plot is not connected in any way to the attempted assassination of Trump by Thomas Crooks.
Definitely connected. Gives them cover and an excuse if they get the job done. If Trump was killed they’d be poking for an Iranian connection to Crooks they wouldn’t find one but keep the investigation open so no comments from them. It’s a so pain duly obvious