How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
the comedy is neverending—at the expense of the american people

Less than 2 days. 2 different emphatic positions. But he changed his mind because a much, much bigger star than he is told him so.
This is normal lib behavior, essentially all libs. It's their defining characteristic. There's no truths, it's just what you think in the moment.
Google doesn't need a bunch of people searching for it to put it at the top of their feeds. If google wants you to see it their bots and algorithms will make sure that happens.

Indeed it will. We know thats a tact and we know its intentional. Evidence shows that.

Libs claimed yesterday it was the most searched. Im not sure that was true, but i would bet good money the vast majority of those were trying to figure out what all these people were rattling on about. Of course thats part of the goal, because it will undoubtedly route them to a site full of nonsense.
In the US, a republic, the POTUS election is actually a series of 50 elections. The victor accumulates Electors from the Electoral College. The landslide is judged by the amount of electors won in these 50 elections. If the candidate wins a state by 1% he wins all of its electors (some small variances). In fact in the US, the electoral college can show a landslide but the winner could actually accumulate fewer overall votes because of a state like Californica where a losing candidate can roll up huge and meaningless numbers of can only win a fixed amount of electors. So the Presidential election in this country certainly can yield a 49 state electoral landslide (see Reagan 84) but the margin overall could be just 3-5%. Hopefully that helps you understand.
You're incorrect. It's 51 elections.

The rest I fully know & understand, since probably before you were born.

The reference was to landslide, not to the qualified electoral landslide. Landslide refers to popular vote in any election, be it governor or president or dog catcher. As for your hypothetical electoral landslide with a 5% popular vote difference, extremely unlikely to happen when some electoral vote districts normally go 80-20 for the losing candidate. See DC. In your Reagan example, the landslide vote was 59-41 in his favor, +18%.
That's what's wild. The far left is determined to bring in the most radical religious people in the world. The 2 philosophies can't mesh. Christianity allowed for this level of freedom but they hate Christianity. It shows that it's just about power and has nothing to do with freedom, rights or diversity. They'll crack down on muslims after they get all the power.
Actually, the muslims will crack down on the Dims. It's their modus operandi. Dims are just too current power crazy now to know it.

But, good post.

BTW, if the choices were Dims or muslims, which side would you come down on?
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Sums it up.
I don't think the intent was to overthrow the election but to expose what was going on. It would have taken and has, yrs to figure out what was done.
You haven't listened to much of MAGA here. Of course they'll say the effort was to just get what they think was the correct result. It's so humorous.
  • The U.S. placed 11th out of 79 countries in science when testing was last administered in 2018.
  • The top five math-scoring countries in 2018 were all in Asia.
  • U.S. students' math scores have remained steady since 2003. Their science scores have been about the same since 2006.
  • The IMD World Competitiveness Center reports that the U.S. ranked 10th in its 2020 Competitiveness Report after ranking first in 2018.
Dept of Education was created in 1979.

The US scored at the top or near the top all the way up to the 90's and then it goes from slowly declining to rapidly declining.
The US still produces the very best minds due to the relatively higher freedom of thought & action it allows. We have 70% of worldwide investment wealth with 4% of the population.
No it doesn't. Dam you really are a democrat. But just make ID's free and they will still move the goal post.
You're saying that if you have to pay to be able to vote that it isn't a poll tax? If so, you're wrong. No idea what the rest of your rant is about other than I haven't voted for any Dim in 40 years. So that part is a flat out lie.
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Do our resident lib/dims defend this BS?
I can't defend it because I'm neither of those. But why isn't she right if you have to pay for an ID? But, if the bill includied funding for free ID's, then it wouldn't be a poll tax. That funding would have to include the government researching to see if the ID applicant is a citizen.
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Since WWII ended, the average margin of victory in a Presidential election, is something like 8 percent. But since Reagan, it's probably more like 3 to 4 percent.
Interesting given that’s also the timeline of the agriculture amnesty that Reagan did. The amount of Hispanics jumped significantly after that.
I said this earlier, but at some point people powerful enough on the left will bring out the proverbial stick against the Biden’s and allow the real dirt to fly. That’s when things will get fun.
Lots of dirt on both sides.

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Funny, and typical Trump with the mean post that so many Libs get their feelings hurt over. Trump had to get the dig in about Clooney's movies all being bad. That's the kind of stuff I wish Trump would stop doing. I'm no Clooney fan, his Tequila sucks and is full of additives, but he has done a handful of pretty good movies. "O' Brother Where are Thou" is a classic.
Latest Senate polls on RCP. Sources can be looked up there.

So, MT looks good, Pub challengers have made up ground & created dog fights in PA/WI/AZ/NV, but Brown is running a good campaign in OH by making Moreno look like a dirt bag used car salesman. See his commercials here all the time.
It’s good, and instructive, to regularly illustrate that their lies are so inherent, and so insidious, that they warp what we would have always considered truth and logic. This is a prime example.
God these people are such children. I've never seen such childish behavior. Bunch of whiners. So you lose an election. The end of the world is nigh. Grow the F up.
I believe if you asked the voters and not the politicians/globalists, people would get behind simply divorcing as a country and having one side run things their way and the other side run things their way. You can have a giant utopia like California, import as many illegals as possible on your side, have as many abortions as you want, let the rainbow coalition determine your elementary cirriculum, and solve all of the racism to have everyone on the left live in perfect harmony.

The other side can go with their traditional views.

Give everyone a deadline to move.

Maybe Project 25 has something in there mentioning this. 🤣
Lots of dirt on both sides.

Oh I think there would definitely be some fear of mutually assured destruction, but if the folks opposing Biden get the MSM on their side, anything the Biden’s release could be covered up/ignored/branded as misinformation.
They can't remove him. The machine already has the extra ballots printed, checked and signed. Not enough time to start all over.

I'm afraid I have to disagree.

They HAVE to remove him.

The extra ballots were printed with the actual candidate months ago.

They need to announce that person (oligarchy) at the convention.