How will they rule ??!

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Here's another fun one

In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans in rural America

As of today...not one person has been connected.

For reference, that money you could connect almost half of america, 150 million, on Starlink.

But government entities are efficient, right Sammy?
We were told that those high speed internet lines were ready to be run and would available to our home, we are in the country, by September of last yr. They have yet to begin work.
Here's another fun one

In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans in rural America

As of today...not one person has been connected.

For reference, that money you could connect almost half of america, 150 million, on Starlink.

But government entities are efficient, right Sammy?

I didn't remember the numbers there, on that one. Thank you. (I wasn't going to look it up for a Village Idiot)

And, samsdady is PLAT/J. Edgar. He got banned as Plat, don't know what for. Hopefully not as egregious Stan/Johnkba.
I love the new Q server conspiracy. The CIA are now the ones that took the servers, the military tried to stop them And the helicopter crash in Egypt was a cover story for the deaths during the raid. I love a good story!
I mentioned it a few weeks ago too. Probably would be smart for you guys to read up on it and realize what you’re voting for. You guys saying “I don’t even know what that is” isn’t the flex you think it is. You just look ignorant.

You should also make yourself aware of schedule F before it’s too late to change your vote.
Because Trump isn't endorsing it. Jesus H Christ.
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Definitely not his entire agenda. But these are people from his administration that have outlined this plan and have said it’s to help Trump get started right away. I doubt Trump has read it (like the Bible) but he’s aware of it.

Back to schedule F which Trumps former OMB director is obsessed with implementing. It reclassifies thousands of government jobs as political appointees instead of merit based employees. Meaning Trump can put some moron in those positions like the my pillow guy so he can’t be told no when he wants to do something dumb or illegal. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Those employees now are protected from being fired by a president for reasons like they don’t support him politically. Schedule F removes that. Remember a day will come when dear leader is gone and a pesky democrat will win again. Now it doesn’t seem so great does it? Look I don’t like Trump, no surprise there. But just in general, I don’t like the idea of any president enacting this at all. It’s a horrible idea to think that thousands of civil service workers with thousands of years of experience could just be replaced with any moron Trump likes. Let’s be real, even you guys noticed how bad Trump is at hiring people. And that’s my biggest issue long term. Trump is ruining everything for his own short term gain and it’s going to have long lasting impacts way beyond him that even the most loyal MAGA are going to regret supporting.

And no schedule F isn’t some crazy left wing conspiracy. Trump signed an executive order in October 2020 trying to implement it but then Biden smartly reversed it. So don’t act like nothing in the Project 2025 is news to Trump. It’s definitely part of his agenda. He’s already said he’s doing it day 1 of his next term.
OK... SO you admit Trump hasn't read the bible yet you claim he's a Christian fundamentalist..... Think of how insane you sound.
And here it is, as you would expect, just like "don't say gay" this has been a ploy to play @megablue @sammysdad05

I have no idea what it is and only saw whispers of it on this board from the usual suspects. Yesterday my socials were overwhelmed with it. I even saw a tweet mention it includes execution of Muslims lol. I refuse to look at it because god knows what other nonsense theyre throwing out there under this banner.

Jmo but i think the onslaught was the attempt to game the algorithms since they no longer just get to dial in via the special fbi instant chat.

Anyone swayed by this nonsense was always voting biden anyway. Its just their latest rationalization for voting for a vegetable. If it wasnt this, it would be some other fairy tale akin to the pee tapes.
Ok and when has Trump stated during his campaign that the President of the Heritage Foundation will have anything at all to do with his policy making?

And a “revolution” of sorts is needed to stop the globalist tyranny and get our country back to being secure and the Constitutional Republic it’s supposed to be.
That last paragraph is exactly what I’m talking about. Owning the libs and thinking we need to stop some sort of “globalist tyranny” is the exact line of thinking that allows the crazy shit in project 2025 to sneak through.
That last paragraph is exactly what I’m talking about. Owning the libs and thinking we need to stop some sort of “globalist tyranny” is the exact line of thinking that allows the crazy shit in project 2025 to sneak through.

What specific crazy shit are you guys worried about that is actually supported by anyone in Congress or Trump?
If they want to know if I'm a citizen, provide me the document, don't expect to go get it & then pay for it.

If you don't want to go get it, then you don't get to vote...pretty simple. Did you go get your drivers license or did they just send you one when you turned 16? Did your bank send your account information blindly? Credit card? Marriage license? Any other official document?

"Citizens" have to take responsibility as comes with the title.
I have no idea what it is and only saw whispers of it on this board from the usual suspects. Yesterday my socials were overwhelmed with it. I even saw a tweet mention it includes execution of Muslims lol. I refuse to look at it because god knows what other nonsense theyre throwing out there under this banner.

Jmo but i think the onslaught was the attempt to game the algorithms since they no longer just get to dial in via the special fbi instant chat.

Anyone swayed by this nonsense was always voting biden anyway. Its just their latest rationalization for voting for a vegetable. If it wasnt this, it would be some other fairy tale akin to the pee tapes.

It really is amazing. I saw the shit all over while scrolling through Reddit, and knew it wouldn’t be long before the lefties were parroting it here. Generally, if you just look at what the lefty incels are saying on Reddit, you’ll see what Dion et al will be posting here in a few days.
Maybe they shouldn’t have written down their playbook and then started talking about it on every podcast, etc. There’s some scary stuff in there that doesn’t play well with the 55% of this country that doesn’t worship Trump.

Again, what’s the scary stuff you guys are so worried about that you think has any support from Trump or anyone on this board?
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Because Trump isn't endorsing it. Jesus H Christ.
It doesn’t play well to the general public so he doesn’t publically endorse it. His former administration members are authors of it. He already signed schedule F in through an executive order in October of 2020 (which Biden immediately killed). He might not say he loves it in public but he supports it.
It doesn’t play well to the general public so he doesn’t publically endorse it. His former administration members are authors of it. He already signed schedule F in through an executive order in October of 2020 (which Biden immediately killed). He might not say he loves it in public but he supports it.

Shit like this is so stupid. “He signed schedule F” as if there’s a schedule in the project 2025 boogeyman he signed.

No, you moron, the president being able to fire executive branch employees who will not do their jobs is just common sense to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Is that the scary stuff? The Chief Executive can fire executive branch employees?
Again, what’s the scary stuff you guys are so worried about that you think has any support from Trump or anyone on this board?
I’m not going to continuously post about it. You can simply read the damn thing, it’s not hard to find. But let’s start with them wanting to push the unitary executive theory to allow the new king to skirt congress and everyone else. Add in Schedule F, making porn illegal, defunding the department of education, FBI, etc., and taking away all of women’s reproductive rights. I’m not interested in any of that. Not sure owning the libs is worth living in the modern Handmaids Tale.
Shit like this is so stupid. “He signed schedule F” as if there’s a schedule in the project 2025 boogeyman he signed.

No, you moron, the president being able to fire executive branch employees who will not do their jobs is just common sense to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Is that the scary stuff? The Chief Executive can fire executive branch employees?
That’s not what schedule F is. And what exactly do you mean by “do their job”? You mean do what the king says or be fired?
I’m not going to continuously post about it. You can simply read the damn thing, it’s not hard to find. But let’s start with them wanting to push the unitary executive theory to allow the new king to skirt congress and everyone else. Add in Schedule F, making porn illegal, defunding the department of education, FBI, etc., and taking away all of women’s reproductive rights. I’m not interested in any of that. Not sure owning the libs is worth living in the modern Handmaids Tale.

Half of what you just said has no support from Trump or the voter base, or is blatantly unconstitutional.

Some of it, like eliminating bloated federal agencies that serve no purpose other than to perpetuate themselves, is absolutely needed.

Banning porn is a conversation that needs to happen. I’ll start at that end of the spectrum, and you can start at the popular lefty position of stocking children’s libraries with porn. I’m happy to land on a compromise where adults have access to pornography and websites are held accountable for their bullshit age verifications.

What do you mean with the unitary executive, and how does consolidated power in the executive branch square with the recent overruling of Chevron that dealt a significant blow to executive branch power?
What their boss, who was elected by the American people says, or be fired. Like any functioning business or organization in America.
You’re insane but that wasn’t unexpected. The Government isn’t a business you moron. You don’t need an army of yes men in spots throughout every agency to do his bidding. You need the smart people to stay in place to advise them regardless of who they voted for. There are tons of smart people in the FDA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Defense, Department of Education, etc. They need to be there because they have the credentials and the experience. The only qualification can’t be that they’ll whatever the king wants.
Half of what you just said has no support from Trump or the voter base, or is blatantly unconstitutional.

Some of it, like eliminating bloated federal agencies that serve no purpose other than to perpetuate themselves, is absolutely needed.

Banning porn is a conversation that needs to happen. I’ll start at that end of the spectrum, and you can start at the popular lefty position of stocking children’s libraries with porn. I’m happy to land on a compromise where adults have access to pornography and websites are held accountable for their bullshit age verifications.

What do you mean with the unitary executive, and how does consolidated power in the executive branch square with the recent overruling of Chevron that dealt a significant blow to executive branch power?
Banning porn isn’t a non starter? They want to criminalize it completely, and make it illegal to distribute. So no, adults wouldn’t have access. Sorry but that’s what they want.

It’s not about trimming government down to be more efficient (which I agree we can do). They want to eliminate those institutions completely and it calls for defunding them.
  • Haha
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In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans in rural America

As of today...not one person has been connected.

We were told that those high speed internet lines were ready to be run and would available to our home, we are in the country, by September of last yr. They have yet to begin work.
Biden learned well from Obama...."shovel ready jobs"
It really is amazing. I saw the shit all over while scrolling through Reddit, and knew it wouldn’t be long before the lefties were parroting it here. Generally, if you just look at what the lefty incels are saying on Reddit, you’ll see what Dion et al will be posting here in a few days.

Their hive mind thinking and idea dispersement always amazes me. I guess thats why i always think the npc memes are hilarious because its so spot on

It doesn’t play well to the general public so he doesn’t publically endorse it. His former administration members are authors of it. He already signed schedule F in through an executive order in October of 2020 (which Biden immediately killed). He might not say he loves it in public but he supports it.

So this vile devious thing he only supports in secret because the not so secret plans (that only libs know about) excites his voter base all while they know nothing about it.

Got it. Good thing we have the npc libs here to fill us in on this secret plan. Otherwise i would know nothing about it.

Shit like this is so stupid. “He signed schedule F” as if there’s a schedule in the project 2025 boogeyman he signed.

No, you moron, the president being able to fire executive branch employees who will not do their jobs is just common sense to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Is that the scary stuff? The Chief Executive can fire executive branch employees?

Trump was the first person who didn't do exactly that. As i discussed several times when he took office, he was making a big mistake by not following tradition and that played out by him being mired in political lawfare the entire time.

The easiest examples out there are us attorneys. Those of opposite politics were always fired when the party changed in the white House. Every time. Except with trump.

Every so often i think back to years ago where i posted here out civilization was already beyond the tipping point of falling if we hadnt fallen already. I think i was right and its further evidenced every day.

I especially think about it when i see sobering tweets like this one which goes into a much different area than i discussed, but is no less shocking or on point.

It's all just ginned up fear to motivate and distract you from the real threat(s) you face.

I don't think you have to be the gigabrain this guy is, be an evolutionary biologist to notice, nor have the cultural background this guy does as a Lebanese Jew to recognize a real threat to see it, but your hive mind of 55% :rolleyes: is a cultivated hysteria designed to distract you from your own destruction, the wolf you've welcomed in with open arms trhough your own pathology, your neurosis.

Yes, keep voting in the fools that got us here because you are frightened by some hyperbolic interpretations of a conservative think tank.
See what that gets you.

You’re insane but that wasn’t unexpected. The Government isn’t a business you moron. You don’t need an army of yes men in spots throughout every agency to do his bidding. You need the smart people to stay in place to advise them regardless of who they voted for. There are tons of smart people in the FDA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Defense, Department of Education, etc. They need to be there because they have the credentials and the experience. The only qualification can’t be that they’ll whatever the king wants.

lol did you intentionally pick some of the bloated, most wasteful federal government departments to help prove my point?

The experts that bring us a failing education system and shut down schools? The experts who brought us the opioid crisis and allowed experimental gene therapy? The experts who have “lost” trillion of unaccountable dollars spent on their foreign empire building escapades? Etc etc.

Every one of those departments should be gutted.

A long tenure as a government employee doesn’t make you an expert in anything other than grifting.
Banning porn isn’t a non starter? They want to criminalize it completely, and make it illegal to distribute. So no, adults wouldn’t have access. Sorry but that’s what they want.

It’s not about trimming government down to be more efficient (which I agree we can do). They want to eliminate those institutions completely and it calls for defunding them.

Banning porn is blatantly unconstitutional. It won’t happen.

But, if the choice is between the lefty desires and a complete ban, a complete ban would be better for society.

Similar to abortion, if the choice is a total ban, or the lefty position, as espoused by the former VA Governor, that babies can be aborted after birth, I’ll take the total ban.

You guys are lunatics. A negotiating position that starts anywhere other than a total ban while result in a “compromise” to close to your lunatic fringe positions.

Every so often i think back to years ago where i posted here out civilization was already beyond the tipping point of falling if we hadnt fallen already. I think i was right and its further evidenced every day.

I especially think about it when i see sobering tweets like this one which goes into a much different area than i discussed, but is no less shocking or on point.
Excellent article.
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Also, remember we just lived through the Covid tyranny. The lefties on here fully supported the Biden admin directing social media companies to censor truthful content that went against the approved narrative.

Not a peep from @sammysdad05.

But someone floats the idea of banning porn in an effort to combat the negative societal impacts and protect children, and now we have a constitutional crisis.
You’re insane but that wasn’t unexpected. The Government isn’t a business you moron. You don’t need an army of yes men in spots throughout every agency to do his bidding. You need the smart people to stay in place to advise them regardless of who they voted for. There are tons of smart people in the FDA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Department of Defense, Department of Education, etc. They need to be there because they have the credentials and the experience. The only qualification can’t be that they’ll whatever the king wants.

Ahh yes, gov’t employees keep their jobs regardless of performance and results. Sounds like a great way to have a bloated, nonfunctional entity, that is only concerned with self preservation rather its intended purpose.

Oh wait…