How will they rule ??!

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It sounded like a constant barrage of artillery off in the distance in a 360 degree radius around us on top of what all was going off in my neighborhood. That’s a whole helluva lot of RAYSIS if celebrating the 4th is the new metric. I cooked a big ole RAYSIS 12 lb. Brisket on my new RAYSIS pellet smoker and a neighbor up the street had everybody down to watch him shoot off a big ole bunch of RAYSIS farrwherks.

Good Lord these people are perpetually miserable.
OK, so how is the existence of OHSA & enforcing laws per authorized by Congress unconstitutional?
Because they aren't enforcing laws.... They are making new laws on their own. Like the ATF banning certain firearms on whim. No law written to give them that right... They just get some lawyers in a room who say "hey, we could pretend these words mean this instead of that and then just do what we want"... That is unconstitutional.
Personally, I would hope that everyone that was pro-lockdown, masks, any of that nonsense, if they had the gall to celebrate the 4th yesterday, that the fireworks exploded in their face, or blew off some fingers.

Pretty sure our founding fathers would have felt the same towards that bunch.
You mean the deep state? What is SO fake about you guys ... if the deep state was a bunch of far right-wingers like they actually are far left-wingers, you guys would BE ALL IN dismantling them. FACT. You only like the deep state because you are on their side.

EDIT: it is telling that you cut out this part of my post:
"The Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership document outlines four main aims: restore the family as the centerpiece of American life; dismantle the administrative state; defend the nation’s sovereignty and borders; and secure God-given individual rights to live freely."

Today was the first day I've read ANYTHING about P25. But tell me ... which one of those four agenda items are you against?
As usual the devil is in the details but sure just read their headlines and ignore the details Of what all that means. I’m not doing all the homework for you but they’re obsessed with making the executive branch a king basically, making large parts of the government political appointees instead of merit based (meaning they do what the king wants), and lots of other stuff that you don’t agree with probably but will brush it off to get dear leader in and own the libs. Do your homework.
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So again you think Trumps peers are only MAGA voting people? Thats stupid. Who you vote for has nothing to do with how you would serve on a jury, otherwise he could only get a fair trial in a red state by your logic. I voted for Biden but I’d have no problem convicting him of something if the evidence is there. But then again I don’t kiss his ass the way you guys do with dear Leader who can do no wrong.
LOL. Sure. Like I said... You are horribly uninformed. Even democrats were saying that if it wasn't Trump, they would have never brought these charges. This law has never been used to charge a felony. They used another law to justify upcharging it but didn't even describe the law he broke that allowed them to upcharge. This DA and Judge often move violent felony charges down to misdemeanors but thought it necessary to make what would normally be a fine of around $2000 into 34 felonies with the potential for jail time...

The funny thing is that if Trump did to dems what you all are doing to him.... You'd be throwing a fit and marching in the streets. Trump is just continuing to fight and showing just how corrupt the democrat party has become.
No Sh!t. But some here need to quit talking like they don't have a constitutional & legal right to exist & enforce laws as written. They conflate this legal right with the agencies' excesses.
Spoken like a true slumlord who makes bank off government housing.
As usual the devil is in the details but sure just read their headlines and ignore the details Of what all that means. I’m not doing all the homework for you but they’re obsessed with making the executive branch a king basically, making large parts of the government political appointees instead of merit based (meaning they do what the king wants), and lots of other stuff that you don’t agree with probably but will brush it off to get dear leader in and own the libs. Do your homework.
This is all false. You need to accept this: people like you are precisely what has led to this figurehead presidency where shadows control a government that’s meant to be of the people.

There’s no homework left to do. You’ve been duped and Trump is the medicine for the deep state.
As usual the devil is in the details but sure just read their headlines and ignore the details Of what all that means. I’m not doing all the homework for you but they’re obsessed with making the executive branch a king basically, making large parts of the government political appointees instead of merit based (meaning they do what the king wants), and lots of other stuff that you don’t agree with probably but will brush it off to get dear leader in and own the libs. Do your homework.
And here's the say this, but you yourself have said nothing when these type things currently long as the current ruling party sprinkles feelings and altruism on it. You give them game away frequently when you get bung hosed over a SCOTUS decision, but ignore other ones they make you like. Meaning you don't understand what their function is.

Or, for example, we've heard this before on other claimed the end of net neutrality would make ppl have to pay for access to sites, and ppl would die.

Its always a far left wing conspiracy bc they think in absolute extremes. In this case it's a simple rebuttal of "do you even know how congress works?"

Who elected these ppl making decisions btw:

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I started bringing up Project 2025 over a week ago on this board. Glad I could get you schooled up on what you’re voting for. And no, Trump saying he doesn’t know what it is means nothing to me. I’m supposed to take him at his word when a few of his former staff wrote the damn thing? He has to backpedal now because the guys called it the 2nd American revolution and people are seeing how nutty it is.
Except Trump isn't supporting it and just said he hadn't heard of it until recently. You leftist show your hand too quickly way too often. Like when you say "White Christian nationalism is on the rise" and then just say.... Trump is white Christian nationalist.... LOL... And then you'll say he isn't even a Christian.
Democrats cry that Trump will never leave office............while some of them want to switch out Harris for Obama.

Also, SCOTUS ruling basically leaving the door open for a "wealth tax" is insane. Like all other taxes, it would start with the wealthy and trickle down to everyone. Imagine paying yearly taxes on the home equity you carry and paying a yearly tax based on the balance of your retirment account. Every day a DEM is in office, we are one step closer to EVERYONE depending on the government, which is what they want.
Wealth tax scares me to death. I've never made a ton of money but I have invested well and always improved my property. On paper I'm much more well off than my income. A wealth tax would probably run me off my property. I've honestly improved to much to afford the taxes on it.
Kentucky is #3 of states most dependent on federal tax **welfare** and Blue states are the least dependent, contributing the most tax dollars to the federal coffers that states like Kentucky live off of.

Conservativism is a failed ideology that wouldn't even exist if socialism wasn't propping it up.

Of course, many that vote red are also single -issue voters passionate about reducing women's healthcare or wanting to bring god into classrooms at all costs.
  • Haha
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Kentucky is #3 of states most dependent on federal tax **welfare** and Blue states are the least dependent, contributing the most tax dollars to the federal coffers that states like Kentucky live off of.

Conservativism is a failed ideology that wouldn't even exist if socialism wasn't propping it up.

Of course, many that vote red are also single -issue voters passionate about reducing women's healthcare or wanting to bring god into classrooms at all costs.

Ok, twink.

Now let everything really go to hell, like apocalyptic level they described covid to be, and see which states and areas fare best.

I'm going to posit breathitt amd pike county will fare much better than Fayette and Jefferson for example.

Let the nations truckers go on strike for a week and see who fares best, shall we?
Why would they be? Because of the left? What's the connection between Sharia Law and liberalism? Aren't conservatives the religious fanatics usually?

Um, simple demographics.

When you let in 1 million of a foreign, Muslim population into a country of say 6 million, how long before the recorded birthrate of said groups play true, and in a democratic majority rule type system, it is, as Thanos said, 'inevitable'.

Not sure if you are clever enough to get from A to C, you seem stuck on B.
Um, simple demographics.

When you let in 1 million of a foreign, Muslim population into a country of say 6 million, how long before the recorded birthrate of said groups play true, and in a democratic majority rule type system, it is, as Thanos said, 'inevitable'.

Not sure if you are clever enough to get from A to C, you seem stuck on B.
Sounds like fearmongering. Not every Muslim follows it either.
Ok, twink.

Now let everything really go to hell, like apocalyptic level they described covid to be, and see which states and areas fare best.

I'm going to posit breathitt amd pike county will fare much better than Fayette and Jefferson for example.

Let the nations truckers go on strike for a week and see who fares best, shall we?
It's always the extremes with you. "If it's a nuclear winter, we'd do so much better than liberals!"

I have my own garden, by, the way, I know... how could I have learned to grow food when I'm supposed to be attending gay pride events and protesting for workers' rights?
Kentucky is #3 of states most dependent on federal tax **welfare** and Blue states are the least dependent, contributing the most tax dollars to the federal coffers that states like Kentucky live off of.

Conservativism is a failed ideology that wouldn't even exist if socialism wasn't propping it up.

Of course, many that vote red are also single -issue voters passionate about reducing women's healthcare or wanting to bring god into classrooms at all costs.
We've had 2 pub governors in my lifetime... LOL. You don't understand economics and why we have remained one of the poorest states forever.
Why would they be? Because of the left? What's the connection between Sharia Law and liberalism? Aren't conservatives the religious fanatics usually?
Because they are allowing unregulated immigration from 3rd world countries and muslims have 4 kids and native born Europeans have 1.3. If current trends hold, Britains major cities will all be muslim majority in just 10 more years. Enjoy being a progressive leftist with muslims. I know you guys love to love them but they are what you think Christians are.
Ok, twink.

Now let everything really go to hell, like apocalyptic level they described covid to be, and see which states and areas fare best.

I'm going to posit breathitt amd pike county will fare much better than Fayette and Jefferson for example.

Let the nations truckers go on strike for a week and see who fares best, shall we?
I loved it when someone asked a girl in NYC what she thought about the trucker strike... She said she didn't care because she got all her stuff from the store. Some of these young people are so ignorant of how stuff moves across the nation and how our energy grid works and how supply chains work. It's amazing how ignorant most of our population is of common sense stuff.
It's not fearmongering.... It's taking them at their word. They have marches in London where they say they will overthrow the "queen"... she hadn't died at that time.... Imagine you going to Saudi Arabia and saying that... How long do you think you'd survive?

It's absolutely fascinating seeing the arguments Leftists make.

Just completely vapid and removed from any sense of reality.
As usual the devil is in the details but sure just read their headlines and ignore the details Of what all that means. I’m not doing all the homework for you but they’re obsessed with making the executive branch a king basically, making large parts of the government political appointees instead of merit based (meaning they do what the king wants), and lots of other stuff that you don’t agree with probably but will brush it off to get dear leader in and own the libs. Do your homework.

The other day I made a post about how stupid lefties are for focusing on the immunity case, while not understanding Chevron getting tossed is far more impactful.

All of us, other than stupid lefties, were celebrating the end of Chevron and the power that took from the executive branch.

And like clockwork, here’s a stupid lefty with no idea what I’m talking about, thinking the people who celebrated the end of Chevron want more power in the executive branch.