How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You know grocery prices are bad when Joe's not even saying we're saving 16¢ on our 4th of July cookout this year.


Here is my true story attesting to this. Back in the late seventies we used to have to watch every penny spent as I was not making much then. My wife would carry a "clicker" to the grocery basically to avoid the embarrassment of putting something back because our money was so tight, be we survived and got by. I swear to you we were in line behind some person with two piled high carts of everything, and lots of meat. made our measly 3/4 cart look starving. I watched the checkout lady add up the person's bill which tallied over two hundred dollars, I thought damn that's a lot for groceries, only to see the person whip out the stamps. As if that was not insulting enough, we got to our car to unload coincidently parked next to that same person loading into a sparkling new caddie THAT STILL HAD THE TEMP TAGS! We finished putting our measly food cart of food into my HOOPTIE and drove off.
This whole issue China Joe brings up several questions. Do Dims respect elections? History over the last 20 years suggest they do not. Have the primaries been conducted and are they going to respect the "peoples'" decision in those elections? If Joe is unable to run because he doesn't have the mental faculties to run (actual reason: because his poll numbers are destroying the Dim party), then will they remove him from POTUS?

What will be funny is the Dims will concoct some ridiculous explanation and the lefts on here will parrot the story as it is 100% fact and grounded in legal doctrine. Just like they have parroted that Biden is "sharp as a tack" LOL. Write that down, they (Sam and DIon in particular) will believe ANY nonsense the party (cult) throws at them.
The Dems/libs have experience at all this. Laws be damned. Remember Clinton taking out this guy when the polls showed that a Repub might win New Jersey?

'A federal criminal investigation into Torricelli was dropped in early 2002.[18][19] In the summer of 2002, however, Torricelli received a formal letter of admonishment from the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics following an investigation into his alleged receipt of improper gifts from campaign donor David Chang, who had pleaded guilty to violating federal election laws.[20][21][22] Torricelli apologized to voters for his behavior and delivered a speech in which he promised to take "'full personal responsibility'" for his actions. On September 30, 2002, Torricelli ended his 2002 re-election campaign after Republicans "successfully made the incumbent's ethics troubles -- stemming from illegal 1996 campaign donations and questionable gifts -- a campaign issue..."[20] Shortly thereafter, the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Democratic Party could legally replace Torricelli's name on the ballot with that of former U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg.'
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The Dems/libs have experience at all this. Laws be damned. Remember Clinton taking out this guy when the polls showed that a Repub might win New Jersey?

'A federal criminal investigation into Torricelli was dropped in early 2002.[18][19] In the summer of 2002, however, Torricelli received a formal letter of admonishment from the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics following an investigation into his alleged receipt of improper gifts from campaign donor David Chang, who had pleaded guilty to violating federal election laws.[20][21][22] Torricelli apologized to voters for his behavior and delivered a speech in which he promised to take "'full personal responsibility'" for his actions. On September 30, 2002, Torricelli ended his 2002 re-election campaign after Republicans "successfully made the incumbent's ethics troubles -- stemming from illegal 1996 campaign donations and questionable gifts -- a campaign issue..."[20] Shortly thereafter, the New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Democratic Party could legally replace Torricelli's name on the ballot with that of former U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg.'
Notice the date....September 30. Made Torricelli resign/withdraw and replaced him with a popular retired Senator....and shazammm....Dems win.
The issue at hand is the 3 letter agencies are, in essence, creating laws that we have to abide by or get destroyed. Add to that, they are corrupt as hell and completely unaccountable when they wrongly destroy our lives.

If someone (didn't say YOU) is cool with that kind of tyranny, then IDK what to say. And there are several on this board that shout for that kind of tyranny.
No Sh!t. But some here need to quit talking like they don't have a constitutional & legal right to exist & enforce laws as written. They conflate this legal right with the agencies' excesses.
I think the only option they have, minus whacking both, is to try and see if they can get Kagan or Sotomayor to step down amd offer that spot up to kamala.

Not sure her ego will accept. She won't be the first woman SCOTUS, nor black(indian/jamaican) woman.
I think their best option is for Joe to announce he's not running & releasing his delegates to vote for whomever. Nothing undemocratic about recognizing your inability to serve another 4 years even if you're at least a year late in recognizing so. But, if KH doesn't get it then, there will be hell to pay.
No Sh!t. But some here need to quit talking like they don't have a constitutional & legal right to exist & enforce laws as written. They conflate this legal right with the agencies' excesses.
Someone posted an article about the impacts and the observed excesses of the TLAs. You may have that person blocked and missed it. I only saw it due to a reply to the poster. No need for the hate toward my post.
I think their best option is for Joe to announce he's not running & releasing his delegates to vote for whomever. Nothing undemocratic about recognizing your inability to serve another 4 years even if you're at least a year late in recognizing so. But, if KH doesn't get it then, there will be hell to pay.
If the press did their fing job, they would continue to ask "why are you dropping out of the race and not resigning your job NOW!!" We know they won't ask and he won't resign and neither will face any consequences because the woke mind virus...
Someone posted an article about the impacts and the observed excesses of the TLAs. You may have that person blocked and missed it. I only saw it due to a reply to the poster. No need for the hate toward my post.
I think you define hate pretty loosely. You implied I don't know why nor that people are up in arms against said agencies. I do & have stated so at least twice previously here in the last few days responding to posts implying the same thing. I'm sick & tired of it & people trying to pigeonhole me to fit their mis-beliefs about me.
  • Haha
Reactions: cat_chaser
This is where he needs to bite his tongue... Baideng wins with the elderly simply due to sympathy.

I could not agree more.

My first thought was - Why? Just, why?
Because he's like a little kid. Has to always get his 'shot' in.

For a really smart guy (and he is)....there are times (too many) that he's plain dumb.
No Sh!t. But some here need to quit talking like they don't have a constitutional & legal right to exist & enforce laws as written. They conflate this legal right with the agencies' excesses.
You’ve got no power here. So piss off little man. You don’t tell any one what to do. Enjoy you’re Michael Obama blow up “balloon”

You commie
This whole issue China Joe brings up several questions. Do Dims respect elections? History over the last 20 years suggest they do not. Have the primaries been conducted and are they going to respect the "peoples'" decision in those elections? If Joe is unable to run because he doesn't have the mental faculties to run (actual reason: because his poll numbers are destroying the Dim party), then will they remove him from POTUS?

What will be funny is the Dims will concoct some ridiculous explanation and the lefts on here will parrot the story as it is 100% fact and grounded in legal doctrine. Just like they have parroted that Biden is "sharp as a tack" LOL. Write that down, they (Sam and DIon in particular) will believe ANY nonsense the party (cult) throws at them.
Which is why "False" will be my answer to them most of the time. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat is the order of the day for them. They seem to be disturbed by my responses (good). Maybe they will get the inference and wake up one day and see just how ridiculous their post are.
😅 “leaked” video

Secretly filming someone in, what I assume is a private club, is weak.

Hilarious the video does nothing but make some people like trump more.

Who carries cash in their pocket while on the golf course. Only Trump.
Here is my true story attesting to this. Back in the late seventies we used to have to watch every penny spent as I was not making much then. My wife would carry a "clicker" to the grocery basically to avoid the embarrassment of putting something back because our money was so tight, be we survived and got by. I swear to you we were in line behind some person with two piled high carts of everything, and lots of meat. made our measly 3/4 cart look starving. I watched the checkout lady add up the person's bill which tallied over two hundred dollars, I thought damn that's a lot for groceries, only to see the person whip out the stamps. As if that was not insulting enough, we got to our car to unload coincidently parked next to that same person loading into a sparkling new caddie THAT STILL HAD THE TEMP TAGS! We finished putting our measly food cart of food into my HOOPTIE and drove off.
When my wife worked as a cashier at Save-A-Lot (many years ago) she said it was not uncommon for that kind of thing to happen.
It’s just ridiculous watching all these left wing media hacks and other Libs suddenly begin to cannibalize Joe Biden over the course of 1 week following the debate. They knew damn well what condition he had devolved to, but they refused to acknowledge what was right in front if their eyes, and willingly participated in running cover for him… right up until the point they couldn’t possibly hide it anymore because Uncle Joe’s mental and physical state was on full display for 90 minutes for the whole world to see.

Quite the mess they have created for themselves. If only the whacko left wing media types had actually done their jobs as journalists and asked the tough questions all along instead of being the DNC propaganda machine, perhaps a more legitimate and capable candidate would have emerged long ago instead of Joe Biden.

Media must have been given the green light by the people that usually provide their talking points
Media must have been given the green light by the people that usually provide their talking points
Yeah, the level of shamelessness is pretty disgusting. People were pointing this out for four years. Even as this guy moved like a roomba and his mind was pudding, they would gaslight you with stuff like "We can't keep up with him. He's got so much energy."

Two weeks ago, they were claiming videos were fake and act like everything is great. After protecting this guy and hiding him away, we're supposed to believe they just discovered this was the case cause of that debate? C'mon, man. They know very well what's going on and intentionally shifted to this method. There's no way they do this without a plan in place and it's not a coincidence they have all started singing the same tune.

They managed an entire term of a shadow government. Maybe they really think they can pull off another chance at it but I really don't think so. It's too blatant.
Because it's occupied territory and Israel doesn't let them. Enforced with bullets. Next time look it up instead of "spitballin'".
Nah...they've been given more money than the entirety used to rebuild Europe after ww2...instead they gave it all to hamas and focused on how they hate jews bc theyre a religious death cult. There wouldn't be any need to enforce anything with bullets otherwise...ppl keep skipping over these facts
Here is my true story attesting to this. Back in the late seventies we used to have to watch every penny spent as I was not making much then. My wife would carry a "clicker" to the grocery basically to avoid the embarrassment of putting something back because our money was so tight, be we survived and got by. I swear to you we were in line behind some person with two piled high carts of everything, and lots of meat. made our measly 3/4 cart look starving. I watched the checkout lady add up the person's bill which tallied over two hundred dollars, I thought damn that's a lot for groceries, only to see the person whip out the stamps. As if that was not insulting enough, we got to our car to unload coincidently parked next to that same person loading into a sparkling new caddie THAT STILL HAD THE TEMP TAGS! We finished putting our measly food cart of food into my HOOPTIE and drove off.