How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Fresh off the bottle and ready to go
In Rouen, France right now (Normandy).

Evidently Macron (far left) came in 3rd in Tuesday's first round of elections. Marine Le Pen was the surprise winner (right)... maybe France will show some intelligence after all...
We already went over it, but Macron(centrists) coming in third in districts could be the worst possible outcome for the right as the third place candidates generally drop out before the second round. Most of Macron’s voters are going to vote for the leftist NPF in the second round, not NR. You’re most likely going to have a more leftist government coming out of this than before you went in, even though the rightwing did better than it traditionally does.
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We already went over it, but Macron(centrists) coming in third in districts could be the worst possible outcome for the right as the third place candidates generally drop out before the second round. Most of Macron’s voters are going to vote for the leftist NPF in the second round, not NR. You’re most likely going to have a more leftist government coming out of this than before you went in, even though the rightwing did better than it traditionally does.

Again, we already went over this, but you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. So all that typing you just did was for nothing, because you don’t know jack shit about anything

From The Article:

Not only is Fauci pushing the "Biden had a cold" cope storyline, he's actually suggesting that Biden is probably totally competent, it's just that the DayQuil made him act weird.

It just looked like a bad night ... He's very probing in his questions, very analytical ...

Anyways, the chief potentate of science continued on:

When you're just looking at someone on a one-shot basis, you really just don't know what could have happened. Did he have a bad cold? Did he take an antihistamine to make himself groggy or what have you?
And I think it would be unfair and inappropriate to try and diagnose something from just a 90 minute clip.
In Rouen, France right now (Normandy).

Evidently Macron (far left) came in 3rd in Tuesday's first round of elections. Marine Le Pen was the surprise winner (right)... maybe France will show some intelligence after all...

It's the French. They'll find a way to screw themselves, no matter how much light might appear at the end of the tunnel
You have failed to make an argument against protecting workers. Stick to with me.

How about we do away with tort reform and more regulations, and let the employees sue the shit out of a company if they are in an unsafe work environment and get injured? 🤔

Get rid of those pesky drug tests that if you pop positive for weed, you are denied worker comp and such as an example?
In Rouen, France right now (Normandy).

Evidently Macron (far left) came in 3rd in Tuesday's first round of elections. Marine Le Pen was the surprise winner (right)... maybe France will show some intelligence after all...
I think to win you need a majority, not just a plurality. So most seats are still contested in the 2nd round where it's down to two candidates. Reading left & Macron are horse trading to win their combined majority of seats.
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I don't disagree with that. Never said that that I don't believe that. But what I read here is questioning the right of Congress to create agencies & make laws for them to enforce. Calling them unconstitutional. I call bs to that.

Well, dammit, the problem you're missing here NetCat; is they were running around enforcing rules and regulations that congress had NOT passed as law.

See, vaccine mandates as example A.

So, they can f* off, and when when they get to off, they can f* off some more.
We already went over it, but Macron(centrists) coming in third in districts could be the worst possible outcome for the right as the third place candidates generally drop out before the second round. Most of Macron’s voters are going to vote for the leftist NPF in the second round, not NR. You’re most likely going to have a more leftist government coming out of this than before you went in, even though the rightwing did better than it traditionally does.

Unfortunately most likely correct. The 20% macron got moves right to the NPF next round, most like.

I'm shocked I agree with Dion on something.
I'm sorry, that's the first time I've seen that. 🤣

Really? Sambowieshin The Village Idiot said it at least once a week, until he witnessed the debate. Now, he, like the rest of the liberal idiots, are saying these are the worst 2 candidates ever.

But just last week, they were all about them some Biden!

Damned utter fools.
Really? Sambowieshin The Village Idiot said it at least once a week, until he witnessed the debate. Now, he, like the rest of the liberal idiots, are saying these are the worst 2 candidates ever.

But just last week, they were all about them some Biden!

Damned utter fools.
Sorry, I try not to read what those guys say.
Well, dammit, the problem you're missing here NetCat; is they were running around enforcing rules and regulations that congress had NOT passed as law.

See, vaccine mandates as example A.

So, they can f* off, and when when they get to off, they can f* off some more.
I see the problem. I know the problem. It's a problem.

But that doesn't mean agencies don't have the constitutional right to exist and enforce laws as Congress writes them vs. their own take on them. Somebody here stated otherwise. I won't name a name.
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