How will they rule ??!

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Here you go again. What "regulatory agency if it lacks the Constitutional authority" is that? OHSA? How does it lack constitutional authority? Congress can't create "regulatory authorities?
Once I had a young man and his mom both working for me. He was running a large band saw. He told me he was seeing double, so for safety reasons, I took him off the job. I wanted to be a nice guy, so instead of laying him off, I assigned him another job. The trouble was that the only other jobs I had available were things like running a machine that is similar to a sewing machine or trimming. Men generally didn't like those jobs, so I had women doing them. He was insulted that i put him on what he called " women's work". Both he and his mom quit and called OSHA on me. Nothing came of his allegations, but while the inspector was there, he decided to justify his pay and got me on some nitpicky things. He suggested he had a friend with a business who could help me correct my problems.
This interview…… if it’s not live (?) how will we know it hasn’t been edited?

Realistically I only see two options:

1. Joe & Kamala ride this out come hell or high water all the way to November 5.
2. Joe resigns or gets the 25th Amendment, and Kamala gets swore in as the new POTUS.
I really see #2 happening. I've said before KH will become POTUS because of Joe Biden. America, let that sink in...
"Mr.'re own party thinks you should step aside. How do you feel about that?"

Once I had a young man and his mom both working for me. He was running a large band saw. He told me he was seeing double, so for safety reasons, I took him off the job. I wanted to be a nice guy, so instead of laying him off, I assigned him another job. The trouble was that the only other jobs I had available were things like running a machine that is similar to a sewing machine or trimming. Men generally didn't like those jobs, so I had women doing them. He was insulted that i put him on what he called " women's work". Both he and his mom quit and called OSHA on me. Nothing came of his allegations, but while the inspector was there, he decided to justify his pay and got me on some nitpicky things. He suggested he had a friend with a business who could help me correct my problems.

If the Biden admin would stop bringing in illegal aliens to take construction and other blue collar work from Americans while not giving a single shit about OSHA, I’d be more sympathetic to the democrat claims that they want to protect workers.
“Stick to with me” what?

You’ve failed to make an argument for why the federal government should be involving itself in the workplace with a bloated, out of touch regulatory agency if it lacks the Constitutional authority to do so. Plenty of other means by which state governments and the legal system can offer workers avenues for protection if needed.
You don't see an issue with 50 different ways of interrupting how to keep workers safe? That would be a shitshow.
This interview…… if it’s not live (?) how will we know it hasn’t been edited?

Realistically I only see two options:

1. Joe & Kamala ride this out come hell or high water all the way to November 5.
2. Joe resigns or gets the 25th Amendment, and Kamala gets swore in as the new POTUS.
Read somewhere this morning (late last night?) that the interview was supposed to be live and has now been changed to taped. So yeah....crank up the editing machine. Unless ABC is all in now on getting old Joe out of office.

Once I had a young man and his mom both working for me. He was running a large band saw. He told me he was seeing double, so for safety reasons, I took him off the job. I wanted to be a nice guy, so instead of laying him off, I assigned him another job. The trouble was that the only other jobs I had available were things like running a machine that is similar to a sewing machine or trimming. Men generally didn't like those jobs, so I had women doing them. He was insulted that i put him on what he called " women's work". Both he and his mom quit and called OSHA on me. Nothing came of his allegations, but while the inspector was there, he decided to justify his pay and got me on some nitpicky things. He suggested he had a friend with a business who could help me correct my problems.
Back in the day I ran a company with about 500 employees. While we did no manufacturing, we still had plenty of gov't interference (nat'l and state) from inspectors and so forth. Many of the agencies, etc didn't have as much power as they do now...but were still a pain in the butt. Had one guy from the Georgia Labor Dept who made an appointment with me with my secretary....but wouldn't tell her why. He took out all these papers from his briefcase and proceeded to go over all the numbers of our employees. How many, numbers in different locations, and racial breakdowns. Started to harp on that we only had 'x' number of blacks. Told him we hired on who could do the job and nothing else. Then I promptly kicked him out of my office. Do the same thing today and you'll probably wind up getting arrested/fined/sanctioned/etc.
I’m afraid Andy beshear may be a likely Biden replacement. Beshear is attending in person governor meeting at White House today. Many times over past several years, beshear would meet Biden at airport when we was in Kentucky. To the detriment of our children, businesses, and others, beshear followed White House covid directives. I think he is more radical than he claims to be.
No surprise. Dem/libs get their 'FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT' .... and BLACK to boot. Joe gets a promise of a Presidential pardon for him and/or Hunter. Plus (I think) the skeletons in the closet of all the $$$ Joe has taken over the years from China, Ukraine, etc....stays in the closet.

Only question for Dems is November. Can't see beating Trump, but the Dems/media will really pour on the sympathy for Biden and the histrionics for Kamala. Plus stir in a little voter fraud.
Many conservatives believe that agency action that creates law or exceeds the language of any agency-related statute is unconstitutional and anti-democratic. Our elected representatives should not be broadly delegating their lawmaking responsibilities to agency bureaucrats. That could be one way.
I don't disagree with that. Never said that that I don't believe that. But what I read here is questioning the right of Congress to create agencies & make laws for them to enforce. Calling them unconstitutional. I call bs to that.
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I’m afraid Andy beshear may be a likely Biden replacement. Beshear is attending in person governor meeting at White House today. Many times over past several years, beshear would meet Biden at airport when we was in Kentucky. To the detriment of our children, businesses, and others, beshear followed White House covid directives. I think he is more radical than he claims to be.
Sure he is. All Dims are. But he comes across similar to Clinton to unknowing people. Just what Dims want.
This interview…… if it’s not live (?) how will we know it hasn’t been edited?

Realistically I only see two options:

1. Joe & Kamala ride this out come hell or high water all the way to November 5.
2. Joe resigns or gets the 25th Amendment, and Kamala gets swore in as the new POTUS.
3. He drops out of race and sticks it out till Jan. 20 if he can. Maybe he can't & KH gets in for a few months.
I’m afraid Andy beshear may be a likely Biden replacement. Beshear is attending in person governor meeting at White House today. Many times over past several years, beshear would meet Biden at airport when we was in Kentucky. To the detriment of our children, businesses, and others, beshear followed White House covid directives. I think he is more radical than he claims to be.

I honestly dont think he is but he will do whatever it takes to elevate his career. He already showed that by holding the line on lockdown and flying in refugees.
So again you think Trumps peers are only MAGA voting people? Thats stupid. Who you vote for has nothing to do with how you would serve on a jury, otherwise he could only get a fair trial in a red state by your logic. I voted for Biden but I’d have no problem convicting him of something if the evidence is there. But then again I don’t kiss his ass the way you guys do with dear Leader who can do no wrong.
LOL yea sure!!
No surprise. Dem/libs get their 'FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT' .... and BLACK to boot. Joe gets a promise of a Presidential pardon for him and/or Hunter. Plus (I think) the skeletons in the closet of all the $$$ Joe has taken over the years from China, Ukraine, etc....stays in the closet.

Only question for Dems is November. Can't see beating Trump, but the Dems/media will really pour on the sympathy for Biden and the histrionics for Kamala. Plus stir in a little voter fraud.
I thought Kamala was Jamaican?
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If you have 6 minutes to kill… watch as every talking head on mainstream media outlets uses near exact same words while trying to defend how smart and aware Joe Biden is.

You’d think in the memo it would mention something like, “And please don’t all of you use the same terminology over and over. We don’t want to make it too, too obvious.”

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Once I had a young man and his mom both working for me. He was running a large band saw. He told me he was seeing double, so for safety reasons, I took him off the job. I wanted to be a nice guy, so instead of laying him off, I assigned him another job. The trouble was that the only other jobs I had available were things like running a machine that is similar to a sewing machine or trimming. Men generally didn't like those jobs, so I had women doing them. He was insulted that i put him on what he called " women's work". Both he and his mom quit and called OSHA on me. Nothing came of his allegations, but while the inspector was there, he decided to justify his pay and got me on some nitpicky things. He suggested he had a friend with a business who could help me correct my problems.

My buddy had the same problem with a state agency where he lives auditing him. Charged him thousands to do it, even though they never found anything and just sat there eating donuts and talking for days. Didn't even look at anything while they were there... Meanwhile, they didn't bother the people that were giving people products they knew were defective and caused harm, but never disclosed it to anyone and the proof of that was everywhere.

That was 30 years ago and I'd bet it's not gotten better